How did Independent Rebels fleet get taken over by player who was recently added?
Gandozer {SoS}
in The Bridge
Independent Rebels, Admiral G’s fleet now has this captain as it’s Admiral and G says he doesn’t know how it happened. How is this possible , did it happen through CS involvement? I am very interested in how.
as he does with every member.
Only the nxt day the new member was Admiral somehow, so it wasn t a lag or glitch, when he promoted him to Officer, since right afterwards, the new member was Officer as supposed to and not Admiral.
I wonder how it happened though. From what ZombieSquirrel wrote it seems the former admiral is sure that he didn't accidentally promote him to admiral instead of officer.
Can he communicate with this player and get the admiral role back from him?
If any of my old fleet mates in 'Ingress: Enlightened' read this, please get in touch by PM. I have found a great new home now after the incident.
So there is no way to promote someone to an officer without making them an admiral?
But we will look into it.
Could please provide me with a screenshot?
I've tried it on my end, and for a member there is the option to Promote, as in promoting to officer.
For Officers, I still see a button to Promote to Admiral.
It sounds like this could have been a double tap/slow ui bug. If there is now only one button that is either promote to officer or promote to admiral, then if an admiral clicks once, doesn't see anything happen, and clicks again, the admiral could be promoting someone to admiral while thinking they're promoting to officer.
I think this could be it! Either way they should make it a clear distinction between promote to officer or admiral the current way can lead to what happened to me this needs to be redone!!!
I know this guy, if it would be helpful I can try to promote myself to officer and see how it goes.
That is how it should be and how it was prior to 8.0.1.
A regular member cannot be promoted directly to admiral. I also tried double clicking very quickly and did not manage to accidentally promote to admiral.
So I would say that this might have been a combination of unfortunate things and not something that has changed.
The current flow and buttons are also different depending on the rank of the member.
Regular Member: Promote - Kick
Officer: Promote to Admiral - Demote - Kick