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Space junkies is looking for 1-2 new captains

=j= space junkies is looking for 1-2 new captains.

We are a top ranking international, main fleet in a family of 5 dynamic fleets.

Our fleet family is full of energy, we embrace friendships, fun, strategy, and growth.

If you are tired of being in a fleet that just isn’t active enough, then you need to join us!

We finish all daily targets with at least 6 hours left each day.

We focus on working together, communication, growth, and success.

We are looking for a player who is competitive, active daily, and who loves the game the same way we do.

General criteria:

- Consistent top 1500 finishes, and being able to do so without struggling, in events of your choice.

- Level 60+.
- 4 shuttles.
- Joining our Discord server.

If interested, please send me a message.

59 fleet wins (rank #1 fleet)
8 squad wins
4 event wins
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