If Carl is Tkon, can Trelane be Q Continuum?
Prime Lorca
in The Bridge
I've heard it mentioned here and there that maybe Trelane was Q. Poor Trelane has been stat-creeped so hard. Maybe it wouldn't be unreasonable to give him an extra collection.
Which is the one crew who you most want to see have a trait that might be a little questionable, but might also be reasonable?
Which is the one crew who you most want to see have a trait that might be a little questionable, but might also be reasonable?
Farewell 🖖
I’d like to see General Chang given saboteur. Cartwright and Valeris have it. Even Klingon West has it.
Yep, that's the one. It's still my favourite Trek novel.
Indeed he did. That made me think, which historical figures are missing traits?
I know Lincoln served with the militia during the Black Hawk War, but I don't think he saw combat.
Amelia Earhart wrote books. Shouldn't she have "Writer"? She was also a "nurse" during WWI and the Spanish Flu.
I'm sure something was overlooked on DaVinci. He should have a ridiculous number of them.
Q Squared was also my favorite!
One of the best ST novels and definitely one of my faves. I still have it in my library. Peter David's writing is wonderful for this genre.
I'd like to see Col. West, Admiral Cartwright and Valeris get Section 31. It was a conceit used in the Decipher CCG, and it really grew on me.