June Mega Recurring Crew Hint

The STT Twitter account tweeted out a hint. I guess this means we are in the year of the Tribble!

Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
Haha please don't
It makes me smile that you saw it on Twitter and posted about it immediately
What if they do both? That would be pretty sweet. Tieran Possessed Kes alongside a new Rom.
And what if I was close with this thread?
Possessions could mean either of those which is why I voted Sports. Would be good if next survey there was a sentence describing each.
This is exactly what I thought possessions meant and why I voted for it. But then I looked at the bridge mostly everybody was talking about possessed crew. That was when I realized it could be thought of that way.
are DS9 only. 😀
I'm very much okay with that 😁
Zyree(5*) - not survivalist
EV Garak(4*) - survivalist
EV Ticker(4* existing) - survivalist
Kal'Hyah Bashir(5*) - not survivalist
0/2 on the 5* survivalists
2/2 on the 4* survivalists
It's a start, I'm guessing Quark won't be a survivalist either. I still wish more event crew had the event trait, but at least the new garak will be a free 4/4 for the collection.
Ya, makes sense. Saw the event preview.
Three collections. He's also in the EV and Cardassian collections. They all could use a nudge. He'll probably finish my next EV milestone.
Galaxy to start. We only need the event crew we get during the event + the old card
Skirmish to rebuild resources and only need 1 event crew
Faction/Galaxy to start using the new survivalist crew(assuming we get more)
Faction use all the crew we've accumulated including Quark at 4/5 or 5/5.
This post is simply the vest, better than all the rest.
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down!