Why Faction Events always depress me...
in The Bridge
I finished the shuttle portion of the current event by losing 3 out of my last 12 shuttle missions that had a 96/97/98% success rate
I always burn through merits playing only the 4 best success rate missions and letting the others just expire
And this happens every event. I lost a 4 shuttle mission at 97% yesterday as well. And I never go on a streak where I win 100 shuttles in a row to balance out the failure
It **tsk tsk** every event and it’s extremely frustrating to waste so much time and shuttle boosts just to lose when it should be like MAX once an event. It’s not like I’m running 1000’s of shuttles.
Just something that I have hated for YEARS - which is why I almost never try for the top Gold character level reward with faction events
I always burn through merits playing only the 4 best success rate missions and letting the others just expire
And this happens every event. I lost a 4 shuttle mission at 97% yesterday as well. And I never go on a streak where I win 100 shuttles in a row to balance out the failure
It **tsk tsk** every event and it’s extremely frustrating to waste so much time and shuttle boosts just to lose when it should be like MAX once an event. It’s not like I’m running 1000’s of shuttles.
Just something that I have hated for YEARS - which is why I almost never try for the top Gold character level reward with faction events
98% success here, including extra shuttles. It comes down to crew strength. YMMV
Exactly this. I have said it before, all events are heavily programmed towards all FF/FE Gold Crew to succeed. When I discovered this a couple years ago, I have had 99-100% success rate in Faction events, even with time boosts at the 4K level. Purple crew don't have high enough proficiency to crit well, with the exception of the Event Crew.
Hang in there @Intellectual Fury - it does get better over time with better crew!
To the best of our knowledge, proficiency has no effect on faction or galaxy events. It's just base score. If proficiencies are included with no one knowing, that could explain a lot of the issues people experience.
Faction? Not likely.
Galaxy? More likely
Look at event structure vs. daily missions. Galaxy aligns more with Away Missions, which use proficiencies.. Black box.
If you can’t count on a 99% shuttle succeeding what can you count on in this game?
Again I have not run over 200 shuttle mission this event - just running 4 shuttles every 3ish hours
How long can this bad luck continue? When does this balance out? When is my event when I don’t fail any shuttles and I receive positive luck?
I've run a perfect faction event with no failures. It happens. It's rare, but it does happen.
Let’s see how bad this Faction Event will be...
But I have lost 5 shuttles without sending out that many so for - with success rates from 87% through 96% - an it’s only Saturday
The only saving grace is I don’t care about the Paxton card
But I would really wish they just do away with the frustrating event type all together...