Galaxy Event Notes : On the Backs of Giants - 2021-07-01 (flashback)
Several science and engineering greats from across Starfleet history have come together to design a new class of starship. The event has attracted personnel from all experience levels - and more than a few uninvited guests! Assist Starfleet with this ambitious endeavor while also maintaining the safety and secrecy of the event.
Event Name: On the Backs of Giants
Event Type: Galaxy Event (supply missions)
Event Start: Thursday, 07/01 at noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, 07/05 at noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: N
Faction Winner Bonus: N
Community Rewards: Y
Event Crew: Honored Owosekun (Existing) 5*, Aleek-Om (Existing) 4*, and Commander Uhura (Existing 4*)
Ranked reward 5* crew: Qowat Milat G. Burnham (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 07/08.
Bonus crew
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Owosekun, Uhura, and crew with the “innovator” trait.
Event Faction
Federation, Augments, Ferengi Traditionalists
Live long and prosper,