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Sven Lundgren
Countess Regina Barthalomew
Thanx. Totally had no memory of who she is.
Neither did I.
That vowel is the source of much debate. It's o in the Anglacized Greek and o in Aramaic, but a in the root Hebrew, so you can spell it either way and that one letter difference might be for copyright issues with the estate.
This will no doubt cause people to complain, curse WRG, and threaten to quit the game due to bad quality control.
Unlike Holmes, Watson, and Moriarty, Regina Barthalomew was an original creation by the TNG writers for the episode. There should be no more copyright issue with her name than with any other TNG guest characters names. It's not a huge deal, but this is likely just a mistake made when creating the character in the game.
Copy and paste errors happen often. We have both kinds of apostrophes in the inventory that make searching so frustrating.
"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosAAA!"