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the mystery of the avatar selection screen

I'm sure this has been asked somewhen in the mists of time, so just consider this a flashback question...

Has anyone figured out the rules that determine how the avatar images are arranged in the selection screen?

Like many players, I periodically switch up my avatar, especially in the wake of an event. So I went to search through the roughly 700 avatars that I have, and found Lt. Commander Mitchell mid-way down my collection sandwiched between Aviator Yar and Mara. Other players' collections will vary, of course, but I'm curious if he is in roughly the same place* for everyone. Assuming he is similarly located for all of us (and it's not just a purely random placement for each account)... why is this the place where he landed?

Not alphabetical
Not chronological by event, date of game entry, or date of acquisition
Not series-based
Not gender or other obvious in-game trait order
Not rarity-related

*A more expansive list of my avatar sequence: Chekov group, Yar group, Mitchell, Mara, Saavik, Tom Paris group.


  • I don’t have the Commander Mitchell card so he’s around in the middle of my greyed out avatars. Not at the end where you’d figure a new one would be.

    Yes, I’ve noticed the random order of avatars seem to only be grouped by characters as you illustrated. It’s a bit frustrating trying to find the one you want especially when this set is constantly growing.
  • I have been thinking the exact same thing for some time now, there is no rhyme or reason to the placements. As Spock would say "It is simply not logical" .... (raises an eyebrow) 😂
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    Something strange is if you pick an animal like Grudge the voyage shows 2* Worf.
  • Probably not going to help any, but the default avatars hold their spot up front. Anniversary avatars show up here, too. Then, it's by crew short name (earned and then unearned in same name order). How that order is set, I have no real insight. I thought it might be something with the number of letters in the crew's short name b/c Odo is first, but then you have five and four letter crew immediately afterwards in no apparent order, so that doesn't hold water.
  • *A more expansive list of my avatar sequence: Chekov group, Yar group, Mitchell, Mara, Saavik, Tom Paris group.

  • OttoOtto ✭✭✭
    Same goes for selecting crew for ship battles or bridge crew.
  • tyllanthortyllanthor ✭✭✭
    edited September 2021
    Otto wrote: »
    Same goes for selecting crew for ship battles or bridge crew.

    Well, I see some pattern when selecting crew for Arena.

    The first displayed crew is crew that match the skill of ship battlestation. This crew enhances the ship with its passice stats (accuracy, crit bonus, crit rating, evasion).
    And it seems that some sorting is applied, from best candidates to less useful crew using some built-in algorithm. Probably, crew with bonus action (instant damage, repair hull etc.) is displayed before crew without it.

    But it's only my feeling. BTW, it's great that you can use the search function when assigning crew during skirmish events.
  • Well ... special avatars do not always stay at the top ...
    Just as there is no rhyme about the row of 2/3 star cards followed by the Odo group ..
  • 98wqqbfdbja3.png
    Or the following batch ... where Keyla Detmer is preceded by Guinans group and floowed by Rikers group .. While Admiral Riker is at the top of the list instead of with the group ..

    PS.. my Avatar is Captain Tribble, not Adm Riker.
  • I have been thinking the exact same thing for some time now, there is no rhyme or reason to the placements. As Spock would say "It is simply not logical" .... (raises an eyebrow) 😂
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