Finally, a Tellarite!
![Sulu's Husband](
Hard to believe it has taken over 1100 characters before the game's first Tellarite appears. All hail Tevrin Krit. He wouldn't have been my first guess for the first STT Tellarite.
And a fun Short Trek as well!
No collections yet. We've gotten one a month more or less this year. Pilot, Hunter, or Merchant could all be collections by this time next year.
Then he'll have three collections, nice.
EV Seven is a Hunter, Tribble Quark a Merchant, and both Owen Paris and Captain Sulu are Pilots just off the top of my head. If they continue with collections at the current rate, he'll be in one soon.
Plus, if they decided on a vanity collection of "Short Treks" crew (which proportionally has a lot of crew for the number of eps when you stop and think about it), he'd be in that too.
Short Treks crew
Runaway Po
Stranded Craft
Returning Craft
The Brightest Star
Lt. Georgiou
Kaminar Saru
The Escape Artist
Android Mudd
Bounty Hunter Muddy
Tevrin Krit
Relaxed Number One
The Trouble with Edward
Edward Larkin
Underwear Larkin
Captain Lucero
Cabot Janitor
Ephraim and Dot
Ephraim and Dot
"Ask Not", "The Girl Who Made the Stars", and " Children of Mars" haven't furnished any yet, but give them time. Sixteen crew and just ten episodes, plus a mega storyline... I'd keep an eye out for something to do with the series. It just makes sense.
Sidhu and Pike both seem like solid options for "Ask Not."
The other two, with their focus on children, are certainly harder to work with.
I really enjoyed Gral and Archer's initial meeting.
What we need is an event with Gral and Gral. Heck, they'd probably both be DIP/CMD/SEC even!
Frankly, the fact that Arenberg hasn't been invited back to play a third character named Gral is a disappointment.