48 Hour Voyage Loot
in The Bridge
17 Super Rare Crew
6500 Honor (Dismissed All Crew Obtained)
346 Super Rare Replicator Rations
205500 Credits
5019 Chronitons
6500 Honor (Dismissed All Crew Obtained)
346 Super Rare Replicator Rations
205500 Credits
5019 Chronitons
The big unknown is for how long the voyage was left stalled at a Dilemma or awaiting an AM refill, but IF OP was totally obsessive and refilled every tank/played every Dilemma when they occurred, then over the course of the 48 hours, that'd be potentially 24 refills at an AVERAGE cost of 288 DIL...so, that'd approach roughy 6,900 DIL.
Voyage Time = 48 hours
Return Time = ~16 hours
Dilithium spent = 6,480
Chrons received: 5019
Chrons per dil spent = 0.77
Chrons per min: 1.74 (1.30 if you include return time)
If he had more AM it would knock off 1 revive as the extra 5 min over 20 revives adds up, so may be take off 552 dilithium spent.
He could have got 6000 chrons for $50 (4000 dilithium in the dil shop) with the 5x 1250 chron offer. But he also got all the additional crew, honor, creds, components, rations and trainers. To me it's not worth that much dilithium unless you were able to get both Fierce Guinan and Colonel Worf from the trip. It's nice to see samples like his to know what the outcome is, but there is such a diminished rate of return on dilithium with each passing hour.
I only do 2 revives which gets me to the 11½ - 12 hour time with a 4-4½ hour return. This nets me 750-1000 chrons and usually 1-3 4* crew, plus the rest of the items for about 180-200 dil, which is better than the M/W/F 2 cadet tickets I used to buy for 300 dil and only get an extra 300 chrons.
You don't take the first 6 hours into account as you don't revive them (maybe 8 in his case if he has that much dilithium he should have strong crew to get him to 8 hours), plus any additional time for higher AM between refills that will creep into a "free 2 hours" over that length. So it would be 19-20 refills.
Yep, you're right...a bit of an over-estimate on my part, but somewhat in the ballpark.
Either way, I agree with your assessment that 6,000+ DIL is a big price to pay for all that loot. Unless many of those purples were keepers (and sounds like they weren't) or it included Fierce Guinan and Colonel Worf like you said, it isn't worth the ~$60 in DIL that'd cost.
From those I have meet in game that run 24+ hour voyages I would also say he had already purchase the 5 1250 for $10 each as well as the 2 $25 Black Friday offer. I personally think anything over 16 hours is wasting Dilithium and don’t go over that unless it is by accident due to me not paying attention to my antimatter.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
For a newer player it would be worth it as I received 17 Super Rare Crew members. I airlocked them all but when I just started out in the game I certainly could have used them.
Yeah, but here's the thing — I just got 6 super rares on a 16-hour mission (and have gotten that many on 12-hour missions before), so it's not really a better bang for the buck, I think. In fact, with the escalating cost of AM refills on such a long Voyage, I would suggest it's far worse value for the amount of Dilithium spent.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
You need to look at what you would have gotten for multiple free voyages in that time frame and subtract that from what was received.
That delta taking into account the opportunity cost of not running free voyages is the true value received for the dil.
No, I totally get that. I was just chiming in with an observation/opinion about long voyages. In any case, congrats on the huge haul of pirate booty! Arr.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Ha! Thanks man. I wasn’t trying to come down on anyone. I just wanted to clarify that it was all for the voyage of it. And the rations. I’m hooked on replicator rations. With no crew to level and no interest in this weekends event I needed something to do in the Star Trek galaxy.
Curious who was there and how many if any are the new 4s..
Thanks and enjoy loot.
I don’t. I do remember some. None were Fierce Guinan or Colonel Worf. These I do remember:
2 Arik Soong’s
Mirror Archer
Civil War Worf
GI Chikotay
That Karr dude
Mirror Garak
Mirror Tucker
Mirror Uhura
That Jem Hadar dude
Young Khan
No new 4s.. interesting DB... Interesting.
No kidding? I thought for sure I’d land a Fierce Guinan. That was the hope
The odds of Fierce Guinan or Colonel Worf are extremely low. I'm sure you've seen the posts on how to get them in either Part 3 Dilemma. If you did get Part 1 & 2 of either, you also have to make the right choices to get Part 3 to even possibly appear... by that time the odds are 1 in 30 that Part 3 will be picked. Yes, RNGesus smiles upon some where they get all 3 at the 2h 4h and 6h mark. Some have said they had Part 1&2 in the first 8h and kept throwing dil to revive 6 or 7 times (or more) and part 3 never showed up. It's the same BS when you're trying to crit a node and you need that 90%+ proficiency roll, and 12 rolls in a row you get from 0%-20% which, statistically is probable but in reality just doesn't happen... but the way the game is programmed it seems to be the norm.
There was a post on the old forum keeping track of the 4*'s that dropped from Voyages. There was nothing new about them. Don't expect a Tactical Michael Burnham or Buster Kincaid from Voyages any time soon. I have regained many 4*'s that I had to airlock due to space before Cryo came about. When Voyages started, I was missing probably 50 4*'s that I didn't have, now I'm down to 12, a few of which are newer crew that I'll just have to wait until the event is rerun. I have a spreadsheet containing detailed information on each of my Voyages. I have had 129 4* crew drops over 84 Voyages. Here is a list of the 77 unique 4* crew (and what I personally did with them) that have dropped for me (currently there are 175 4* crew):
1701 Jadzia Dax (Airlock 2)
Agent Harris (Airlock)
Apollo (Add *)
Ardra (1 New and 1 Add *)
Augment Riker (Airlock 3)
Automated Unit 3947 (Airlock)
Berlinghoff Rasmussen (Add *)
Bestselling Author Jake Sisko (Add *)
Bridge Officer Troi (Airlock)
Captain Janeway (Airlock)
Captain Proton Paris (Airlock 3)
Changeling Bashir (Airlock)
Chief O'Brien (1 Add * and Airlock 3)
Civil War Worf (Airlock 2)
Command Hologram (3 Add * to FF)
Commander Kelby (1 New and 1 Add *)
Commander Sela (New)
Commander Uhura (Airlock)
Danara Pel (Add *)
Defiant Commander Worf (Airlock 3)
Detective Dixon Hill (Airlock)
Disguised Tuvok (Add *)
Doctor Chapel (New)
Dr Crusher (New)
Dr. David Marcus (Add *)
Dr. Toby Russell (New)
Dr. Tolian Soran (Airlock)
Drafted McCoy (New)
Drone Seven of Nine (Airlock)
Edith Keeler (2 Add *)
EV Suit Tucker (New)
Fencing Sulu (Airlock 2)
Fesek (Add *)
First Goran'Agar (2 Add *)
Forra Gegen (3 Add * to FF, Airlock 1)
Galen (New)
GI Chakotay (Airlock)
Gorn Captain (1 New and 1 Add *)
Gralik Durr (New)
Grand Proxy Nelix (1 Add * to FF)
Hologram Barclay (Add *)
Human Q (Fuse 2, Airlock 1)
Kal-if-fee-Spock (Airlock)
KDF Gowron (New)
Klingon Quark (1 New and 2 Add *)
Kurak (1 Add * to FF, 3 Airlock)
Liaison Torres (3 Airlock)
Lily Sloan (1 Add * to FF and Airlock 1)
Lon Suder (FF)
Maquis Eddington (1 New and 2 Fuse)
Mirror Empress Sato (2Airlock)
Mirror Ezri Tigan (Add *)
Mirror Jennifer Sisko (2 Add * to FF, Airlock 1)
Mirror K'Ehleyr (Airlock)
Mirror Phlox (Airlock)
Mirror Sisko (Add *)
Mirror Tucker (1 New and 2 Add *)
Nexus Kirk (Add *)
Niners Kirs Nerys (1 New and 1 Add *)
Orion Slaver (1 Add * to FF, Airlock 1)
Pel (2 Add * to FF)
Platonian Kirk (Airlock 2)
Professor Scott (1 New and 3 Add * to FF)
Rakal Troi (New)
Resistance Shakkar (Airlock)
Rianna Mayweather (1 New and 1 Add *)
Romulan Kirk (Airlock)
Rura Penthe Reed (Airlock)
Subcommander T'Rul (Add *)
Tash (New)
Temporal Agent Seven (1 New and 1 Add *)
Tommy Gun Dizon (Add *)
Tuskegee Mayweather (Airlock)
Vic Fontaine (New)
Waitress Ezri (Airlock 3)
Warship Yar (1 New and 2 Add *)
Young Khan (Add *)