Hybrid Faction/Galaxy Event Notes : Looted Boxes - 2021-11-11 - edit 11/11 only 1 faction
As the Temporal Anomaly carries on, sightings of Stasis Boxes have increased dramatically. While Vash is working along DaiMon Solok to sell these mysterious containers and their unknown contents for a tidy profit, Chuft-Captain has teamed up with the Romulans to hunt down these ancient artifacts for a more direct benefit.
Event Name: Looted Boxes
Event Type: Faction/Galaxy Event (shuttle/supply missions)
Event Start: Thursday, 11/11 at noon ET (17:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, 11/15 at noon ET (17:00 UTC)
Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: Y (phase 1 only)
Faction Winner Bonus: N
Community Rewards: Y (phase 2 only)
Event Crew: Daimon Solok (New) 5*, Profiteer Vash (New) 4*, and Chuft-Captain (Existing 5*)
Ranked reward 5* crew: Li Nalas (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 11/18.
Bonus crew/ships
- high bonus: event crew
- small bonus: variants of Vash, and crew with the “merchant” trait
Event Faction
Federation, Ferengi Alliance, Romulan
Live long and prosper,