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Trait Audit Thread

Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2022 in Make It So!
Two sections - Missing traits and Incorrect traits. Every crew will have a link to the reasoning/discussion which must be provided to be added to this list except in the case of inconsistencies. Please provide quotes or screenshots when possible.

Crew which have a reasonable argument and/or evidence from the source material will be added. Crew in bold are definitive and have overwhelming or obvious proof from the source material. Where traits are inconsistently applied (Miranda Jones Vulcan, Burnham variants not), I will err on the side of adding the trait unless it's a likely oversight.


Ambassador - an authorized representative or messenger of their organization, generally sent to facilitate diplomatic interactions. Not typically empowered to negotiate or make concessions on behalf of their organization.
Commodore Robert April
Esteemed Curzon Dax
Tam Elbrun

Artist - a person who practices or performs any of the creative arts, such as a sculptor, film-maker, actor, or dancer.
Data V
Scrooge Data

Astrophysicist - an individual that employs the methods and principles of physics in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena.
Captain Burnham (consistency)
Disguised Tom Paris
Leonardo da Vinci
Resistance Burnham (consistency)
Seven in Blue (consistency)
Seven of Nine (consistency)
Temporal Agent Seven (consistency)

Athlete - a person who engages in sports and other forms of physical exercise.
Anbo-jyutsu Riker
Fisticuffs Sisko (consistency)

Bajoran - an individual of the Bajoran species or one who is a part of Bajoran society/culture.
Kazon Seska
Trader Odo (consistency)

Bartender - a person serving drinks at a bar.

Botanist - an expert in or student of the study of plants.
Beowulf EMH
Tieran Possessed Kes (consistency)

Brutal - a savage or violent person with volatile tendencies.
Pah-wraith Cult Dukat

Caregiver - a person who tends to the needs or concerns of a person with short- or long-term limitations due to illness, injury, disability, or age.
Wonderland Taylor

Casual - someone with a relaxed attitude and/or appearance. Often off-duty with clothes suitable for everyday wear rather than formal or work occasions.
BG Robinson
Captain Thadiun Okona
Fencing Picard

Chef - A skilled cook.

Civilian - a person not in the armed services or a police force/Starfleet.
Dexa (consistency)
Grand Proxy Neelix (consistency)
Kivas Fajo
Quarren of the Kyrian

Communicator - a person who is skilled in the ability to convey or exchange information, news, or ideas.
Away Team Saru
Locutus of Borg
Tam Elbrun

Constable - a police officer.
Wyatt Earp

Costumed - dressed in a particular set of clothes, generally for reenactments or holodeck leisure activity.
Facer Rios (consistency)

Courier - someone who transports packages, messages, or documents.
Alidar Jarok
Captain Thadiun Okona

Crafty - clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods.
Kevin Uxbridge
Mirror Intendant Kira
Pah-wraith Cult Dukat
Tieran Possessed Kes

Criminal - a person who has committed a crime.
Captain Braxton
Carpenter Street Archer
Berlinghoff Rasmussen
Rogue Harry Kim

Cultural Figure - a person that is readily identified by members of a culture as representative or an authentic symbol of that culture.
Data V (consistency)
Detective Data (consistency)
Dr. Soong
Emperor Philippa Georgiou
Esteemed Curzon Dax
Fisticuffs Sisko (consistency)
Kal'Hyah Sisko (consistency)
Li Nalas
Prophet Kira
Quarren of the Kyrian
Queen Guinevere Kira

Desperate - a person in a serious or dangerous situation. Elements of worry or hopelessness.
Carpenter Street Archer
Carpenter Street T'Pol
Evil Kirk
Fencing Picard
Kal-if-fee Kirk
Orion Captain
Pah-wraith Cult Dukat
Richard Castillo (consistency)
Tieran Possessed Kes

Diplomat - one engaged in friendly communications with another faction, typically in an official capacity (empowered to negotiate and make concessions) and to further good relations.
Captain Spock

Displaced - crew who unintentionally arrive in an alternate timeline, in the past, or in the future or do so intentionally with no way back.
Dr. Gillian Taylor
Dr. Tolian Soran
Barry Waddle
Fencing Picard
Fury Kes
Laborer Kirk
Laborer Spock
Nexus Guinan
Resolute Chakotay
Telek R'Mor
Temporal Agent Daniels
Vice Admiral Janeway
Warship Yar

ds9 - having appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine or related media.
Subcommander T'Rul

Duelist - an individual who participates in a one-on-one contest with another. Usually physical, sometimes a battle of wits.
Captain Pike
Frank Hollander
Mark Jameson
Mirror Burnham
Mirror Ellen Landry
Skorr Tchar
Survivalist Kirk (consistency)
Tieran Possessed Kes
Usurper Lorca

Empath - a person with the paranormal ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual.
Goddess of Empathy Troi (consistency)

Engineered - a person whose genetic makeup has been altered by technology.
Roga Danar

Exobiology - a person who studies the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe.
Data variants
Hollow Data

Explorer - a person who investigates, studies, or analyzes new or unfamiliar areas.
Alidar Jarok
Anbo-jyutsu Riker
Ancient Humanoid
Beowulf EMH
Garth of Izar
Kivas Fajo

Federation - an individual of a species/planet within the United Federation of Planets
Assimilated Hawk (consistency)
Assimilated La Forge (consistency)
Assimilated Troi (consistency)
Assimilated Tuvok (consistency)
Commodore Robert April
Control Leland (consistency)
Covert Operative Leland (consistency)
Garth of Izar
Maquis Tuvok (consistency)
Mudd variants
Navigator Stamets (consistency)
Section 31 Philippa Georgiou (consistency)
Sinister Picard (consistency)
Sous-chef Sisko (consistency)
Tactical Stamets (consistency)
The Bashirs (consistency)
Will Scarlett (consistency)

female - relating to the feminine sex.
Mother Horta

Gambler - one who wagers something of value on an event with an uncertain outcome or takes notable risks.
Captain Scott

Gardener - a person who tends and cultivates a garden as a hobby or for a living.
Kevin Uxbridge
Tieran Possessed Kes

Geneticist - a scientist who has special training in the study of genes and heredity.

Hero - a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
Bashir, Julian Bashir (consistency)
Beowulf EMH
Beowulf Kim (consistency)
Carpenter Street Archer
Commodore Robert April
Warship Yar (consistency)

Historian - an expert in or student of history, especially that of a particular period, geographical region, or social phenomenon.
Marla McGivers

Hologram - a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source.
Luau Q

Human - of the human species or outwardly indistinguishable from one.
Beowulf EMH (consistency)
Helmsman Wyatt (consistency)
Little Boy Blue Wesley (consistency)

Hunter - someone who seeks, pursues, or looks for something, usually involving a living prey.
Carpenter Street Archer
Carpenter Street T'Pol
Colonel Karr
Mintakan Troi
Picard and Number One

Ilari - an individual of the Ilari species or one who is a part of Ilari society/culture.
Tieran Possessed Kes

Innovator - a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products.
Garth of Izar

Inspiring - someone who motivates others through their actions. Usually associated with courage.
Ancient Humanoid
Garth of Izar
Quarren of the Kyrian


  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Interrogator - a person who questions someone closely, aggressively, or formally.
    Carpenter Street T'Pol
    Mirror McCoy
    Warship Chakotay

    Investigator - a person who examines a crime, problem, statement, etc. in order to discover the truth.
    Carpenter Street Archer
    Carpenter Street T'Pol
    Duelist Barclay
    Quarren of the Kyrian

    Jury Rigger - someone who improvises a temporary makeshift solution using available items or tools on hand.
    Sheriff Worf

    Linguist - a person skilled in foreign languages.
    Ensign Sato (consistency)
    Mirror Empress Sato (consistency)

    male - relating to the masculine sex.
    Thot Gor

    Marksman - a person skilled in shooting.
    Carpenter Street Archer
    Disguised Tom Paris
    Klingon West

    Maverick - an unorthodox or independent-minded person.
    A.G. Robinson
    Captain Thadiun Okona
    Chef Riker (consistency)
    Commander Shelby
    Desperate Riker (consistency)
    Esteemed Curzon Dax
    First Officer Riker (consistency)
    Little John Riker (consistency)
    Mintakan Riker (consistency)
    Musketeer Picard (consistency)
    Nepenthe Riker (consistency)
    Regency Riker (consistency)

    Merchant - a person involved in trade or commerce.
    Kivas Fajo
    Mintakan Riker

    Musician - a person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession, or is musically talented.
    Age of Sail Picard (consistency)
    Antedian Assassin (consistency)
    Captain Picard Day Picard (consistency)
    Carlos Data (consistency)
    Dealer Data (consistency)
    EV Suit Picard (consistency)
    First Officer Una
    Nemesis Sacrifice Data (consistency)
    Picard and Number One (consistency)
    Resigned Picard (consistency)
    Scrooge Data (consistency)
    Sinister Picard (consistency)
    Vashti Picard (consistency)

    Neurologist - a specialist in the anatomy, functions, and organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system.
    Amanda Rogers

    Physician - a person qualified to practice medicine.
    Century Nurse Crusher (consistency)
    Lady Beverly (consistency)

    Pilot - a person who operates the controls of a vehicle or craft.
    Alidar Jarok
    Bridge Officer Number One
    Captain Thadiun Okona
    Carpenter Street Archer
    Determined Paris (consistency)
    Disguised Tom Paris
    Fenris Ranger Seven
    H.M.S. Pinafore Data
    Luau Paris (consistency)
    Maquis Takeover Paris (consistency)
    Mirror Keyla Detmer (consistency)
    Queen Po
    Roga Danar

    Politician - a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office.
    Esteemed Curzon Dax
    Governor Worf

    Primal - relating to unevolved, instinctual behavior - not necessarily tied to a being's evolutionary development.
    Kal-if-fee Spock

    Prisoner - a person captured and kept confined against their will.
    Captain Pike
    Human Q
    Kivas Fajo
    Platonian Kirk/Spock/Chekov

    Prodigy - a talented person with exceptional qualities or abilities.
    Doctor Paul Stubbs
    Dr. Soong
    Tribble Sato (consistency)

    Quantum Mechanics - an individual learned in the science of the behavior of matter and light on the atomic and subatomic scale.

    Resourceful- having the ability to find quick or clever ways to overcome difficulties.
    Acting Ensign Crusher
    Commander Shelby
    Duelist Barclay
    Mountaineer Spock

    Scrooge Data
    Skorr Tchar

    Romantic - a person with one of the classic Greek romantic beliefs or attitudes; eros, agápe, storge, etc.
    Alidar Jarok
    Beloved Annorax
    Captain Scott
    Commodore Robert April
    Disguised Tom Paris
    Duelist Barclay
    Fencing Picard
    Goddess of Empathy Troi
    Holodeck 3 Dr. Brahms
    Mark Jameson
    Richard Castillo
    Warship Yar

    Royalty - an individual who is of royal heritage by genetics or marriage.
    Tieran Possessed Kes

    Saboteur - someone who deliberately destroys, damages, or obstructs something, especially for political or military advantage.
    Commander Shelby
    Kivas Fajo
    Klingon O'Brien
    Orion Captain
    Roga Danar
    Skorr Tchar

    Scoundrel - a dishonest or unscrupulous person; a rogue.
    Evil Kirk

    Skorr - an individual of the Skorr species or one who is a part of Skorr society/culture.
    Skorr Tchar

    Starfleet - a member of Starfleet.
    Assimilated Hawk (consistency)
    Assimilated La Forge (consistency)
    Assimilated Troi (consistency)
    Assimilated Tuvok (consistency)
    Away Team Michael Burnham (consistency)
    Beowulf Kim (consistency)
    Control Leland (consistency)
    Covert Operative Leland (consistency)
    Interfaced Barclay (consistency)
    Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick (consistency)
    Lt. Commander Icheb (consistency)
    Maquis Tuvok (consistency)
    Mirror Keyla Detmer (consistency)
    Mirror Stamets (consistency)
    Navigator Stamets (consistency)
    Nepenthe Riker
    Section 31 Philippa Georgiou (consistency)
    Subcommander T'Pol (consistency)
    Tactical Stamets (consistency)
    Temporal Prisoner Chakotay (consistency)
    Will Scarlett (consistency)

    Survivalist - a person with skill and/or experience in surviving in harsh or unfavorable conditions.
    Captain Scott
    Captain Thadiun Okona
    Dr. Soong
    Ishara Yar
    Skorr Tchar
    Tieran Possessed Kes

    Syrranite - a member of a splinter group of Vulcans in the 22nd century who interpreted Surak's teachings differently than what was commonly accepted at the time.

    Tactician - a person who uses a carefully planned strategy to achieve a specific end.
    Garth of Izar
    Kevin Uxbridge
    Locutus of Borg
    Musketeer La Forge (consistency)
    Roga Danar
    Saboteur Garak
    Sheriff Worf
    Tieran Possessed Kes

    Telekinetic - the ability to influence a physical system without physical interaction.
    Amanda Rogers
    Grandmother Kes (consistency)
    Temporal Shift Kes (consistency)
    Tieran Possessed Kes

    Telepath - an individual capable of transmitting thoughts to other people and/or reading others' thoughts.
    Captain Lorian (consistency)
    General Oh (consistency)
    Vulcan Executioner (consistency)

    Temporal Agent - an individual who travels through time with the intent to change the timeline.
    Barry Waddle

    Theoretical Engineer - an engineer more involved in the abstract concepts of the field than in practical application.
    Leah Brahms

    Thief - a person who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or threat of violence.
    Berlinghoff Rasmussen
    Carpenter Street Archer
    Disguised Tom Paris
    Rogue Harry Kim

    tng - having appeared in The Next Generation or related media.
    Admiral Janeway
    Alidar Jarok
    Ambassador Spock
    Bridal Keiko
    Captain Scott
    Demora Sulu
    Midwife Worf
    Mirror Data
    Nexus Kirk
    Human Neelix

    tos - having appeared in The Original Series or related media.
    Admiral Cartwright
    Dr. Carol Marcus
    General Chang
    Wyatt Earp

    Undercover Operative - someone engaged in spying or secret investigation.
    Dress Uniform Bashir
    Ishara Yar

    Veteran - a person who has had long experience in Starfleet OR ex-military with combat experience.
    Breen Disguise Kira (consistency)
    Cardassian Kira (consistency)
    Decoy Kira (consistency)
    Defiant Commander Worf
    Disguised Kira (consistency)
    Hippie Kira
    Li Nalas
    Mark Jameson
    Musketeer Picard (consistency)
    Prophet Kira (consistency)
    Raffi variants (consistency
    Tieran Possessed Kes
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Villain - a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.
    Borg Queen

    voy - having appeared on Star Trek: Voyager or related media.
    Belle Q
    Captain La Forge

    Vulcan - an individual of the Vulcan species or one who is a part of Vulcan society/culture.
    Amanda Grayson (consistency)
    Awaiting Amanda Grayson (consistency)
    Burnham variants (consistency)

    Writer - a person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job or hobby.
    Captain Scott
    Leah Brahms

    Xenoanthropology - the study of aliens and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.
    Mintakan Riker
    Mintakan Troi


    bridge_crew - Removed from all crew in game save these four. Likely oversight.
    Admiral Owen Paris
    Demora Sulu
    Lt. Commander Ortegas
    Robin Hood

    Casual - someone with a relaxed attitude and/or appearance. Often off-duty with clothes suitable for everyday wear rather than formal or work occasions.
    Captain Morgan Bateson
    Quarren of the Kyrian

    Civilian - a person not in the armed services or a police force/Starfleet.
    Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick

    Diplomat - one engaged in friendly communications with another faction, typically in an official capacity and to further good relations.
    Krenim Guest Paris

    Displaced - crew who unintentionally arrive in an alternate timeline, in the past, or in the future or do so intentionally with no way back.
    Hippie Kira
    Hippie O'Brien
    Wonderland Taylor

    ds9 - having appeared in Deep Space Nine or related media.
    Alidar Jarok
    Bridal Keiko
    Midwife Worf

    Federation - an individual of a species/planet within the United Federation of Planets.
    Governor Worf
    Hippie Kira
    Little Boy Blue Wesley (consistency)

    Interrogator - a person who questions someone closely, aggressively, or formally.
    Rura Penthe Commandant

    Linguist - a person skilled in foreign languages.
    Quarren of the Kyrian

    Resourceful - having the ability to find quick or clever ways to overcome difficulties.
    Badge-Challenged Linus
    Tawi'Yan Alexander

    Spore Drive - an organic propulsion system the Federation experimented with during the 2240s and 2250s.
    I.S.S. Discovery

    Starfleet - a member of Starfleet.
    Little Boy Blue Wesley (consistency)
    Breen Disguise Kira (consistency)
    Professor Sato
    Temporal Agent Daniels
    Tribble Phlox (consistency)

    Tkon - a member of the Tkon Empire.
    Carl, Guardian of Forever

    tng - having appeared in The Next Generation or related media.
    Admiral Cartwright
    Belle Q
    Captain La Forge
    Chef Riker
    Dr. Carol Marcus
    General Chang
    RAF Miles O'Brien
    Subcommander T'Rul
    Wyatt Earp

    tos - having appeared in The Original Series or related media.
    Ambassador Spock
    Captain Scott
    Demora Sulu
    Nexus Kirk
    Rescue Team Uhura

    voy - having appeared in Star Trek: Voyager or related media.
    Admiral Janeway
  • Hi folks! How is Berlinghoff Rasmussen missing the Criminal trait?!? Traveling through time and stealing stuff was his character's whole thing!
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi folks! How is Berlinghoff Rasmussen missing the Criminal trait?!? Traveling through time and stealing stuff was his character's whole thing!
    PICARD: [...] But once the door was opened, the computer was able to detect and deactivate everything you'd stolen, including this.
    RASMUSSEN: I'd love to hear more, Picard, but I really must get back in that pod.
    RIKER: Take him to a detention cell, Mister Worf, and notify Starfleet that we'll be dropping him off at Starbase two one four.

    Adding context. He is also missing the Thief trait.
    I tend to be of the mindset that the crew in game should be as screen accurate as possible with traits. With that said, I respectfully disagree with your suggestion of adding the musician trait to the Antedian Assassin. I would actually suggest that the trait be removed from Yelgrun instead. While it is true that both characters were played by real life musicians, the characters themselves and what is seen on screen show no evidence of musical ability.
    I do very much like the idea of this thread as a means of auditing crew traits. It's definitely an important topic
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    SILIK wrote: »
    I tend to be of the mindset that the crew in game should be as screen accurate as possible with traits. With that said, I respectfully disagree with your suggestion of adding the musician trait to the Antedian Assassin. I would actually suggest that the trait be removed from Yelgrun instead. While it is true that both characters were played by real life musicians, the characters themselves and what is seen on screen show no evidence of musical ability.

    That's fair and I agree personally, but I did say
    Where traits are inconsistently applied (Miranda Jones Vulcan, Burnham variants not), I will err on the side of adding the trait unless it's a likely oversight.

    I'm trying to be consistent with their inconsistencies (haha) otherwise they'd have to remove a TON of traits like dozens of Starfleet and Federation from mirror and assimilated crew, Vulcan from Miranda Jones, Human and other racial traits from holograms, etc. Looking at hundreds of changes that way.

    All of the inconsistencies will still be listed and up to WRG to decide which ones get added or removed.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apollo should have every trait because he is awesome. :*
    Let’s fly!
  • This one has bugged me since the card came out.

    Annika Hansen Seven: Is an avatar in a simulation connected to her Borg-implanted brain, but she is still Borg, and does not have that trait. Unless WRG is surmising the character in the game is an independent version of Annika, which means she would be candidate for being a Timelines Original.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Giving Mick Fleetwood’s card musician is a must! :smile:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Captain IdolCaptain Idol ✭✭✭✭✭
    Giving Mick Fleetwood’s card musician is a must! :smile:

    The Hansens too!
  • Federation citizens:

    Sinister Picard
    Sous-chef Sisko [should also have Starfleet; he was only on sabbatical, he hadn't resigned]
    The Bashirs

    Also, I'm unaware of any canonical establishment that Garth or Harry Mudd ever forfeit their citizenship. Per Memory Alpha's apocryphal information on them:
    According to Star Trek: Star Charts (pp. 32, 36), in 2183, after the first manned landing by the SS Horizon, an Earth colony was founded on this planet. Within months of being founded, the Izar colony was admitted to the United Federation of Planets.

    "Whom Gods Destroy" takes place in 2268, 85 years after that founding.

    FASA's RPG sourcebook The Federation claims that Mudd was born in St. Louis.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Federation citizens:

    Sinister Picard
    Sous-chef Sisko [should also have Starfleet; he was only on sabbatical, he hadn't resigned]
    The Bashirs

    Also, I'm unaware of any canonical establishment that Garth or Harry Mudd ever forfeit their citizenship. Per Memory Alpha's apocryphal information on them:
    According to Star Trek: Star Charts (pp. 32, 36), in 2183, after the first manned landing by the SS Horizon, an Earth colony was founded on this planet. Within months of being founded, the Izar colony was admitted to the United Federation of Planets.

    "Whom Gods Destroy" takes place in 2268, 85 years after that founding.

    FASA's RPG sourcebook The Federation claims that Mudd was born in St. Louis.

    Adding these - Mudd is a little iffy as there's no canon connection to him having ever been, but I agree it deserves consideration. Also see some other traits in researching Garth. It's difficult to say which apply to the 'insane' version we have in game and which might be reserved for a Captain Garth originals crew, but an argument can be made for all.

    KIRK: That's very flattering. I am primarily an explorer now, Captain Garth.
    GARTH: And so have I been. I have charted more new worlds than any man in history.

    KIRK: I agree there was a time when war was necessary, and you were our greatest warrior. I studied your victory at Axanar when I was a cadet. In fact it's still required reading at the Academy.
    GARTH: As well it should be.

    KIRK: When I was a cadet at the Academy, his exploits were required reading. He was one of my heroes. I'd like to see him.
    KIRK: No, sir. Captain Garth, Starship fleet Captain. That's an honourable title.
    GARTH: And I was the greatest of them all, wasn't I?
    KIRK: Yes, you were. Yes. But you're a sick man now, sir.
    KIRK: No, I, I can remember. You were the finest student at the Academy, the finest Starship Captain. You were the prototype, the model for the rest of us.
    GARTH: Yes, I do remember that. It was a great responsibility, but one I was proud to bear.
    KIRK: And you bore it well.

    GARTH: Well, Captain, even you must admit that I'm a genius. What you see here is my latest invention. This is an explosive, the most powerful one in history. If I were to drop this flask, the resulting explosion would vaporize this planet. Now do you see why it is ridiculous to resist me? Well, perhaps you require the demonstration I've arranged. Watch closely.
    GARTH: But I've arranged a more merciful end for her because after all, Captain, she is my consort. One tiny crystal implanted in her necklace, a portion of this explosive no bigger than a grain of sand. I propose to detonate it from here.
    (Marta is left alone, choking.)
    GARTH: Poor girl. Poor, dear, suffering child. I will help her now.
    (Marta explodes)
    GARTH: Once [this chair] was a part of the rehabilitation process, and as such, quite painless. And I might add useless too. It made men docile and of no use to me. I've added certain refinements to the use of ultrasonic waves. The chair is no longer painless. Put the governor in it. Queen to queen's level three, Captain Kirk? It is, in fact, exquisitely painful, as you will now see.
    (The lights either side of Cory's head, swirl, and he begins to pant and groan.)
    GARTH: Interesting, isn't it? The pain is real and can be prolonged indefinitely, because there is no actual destruction of tissue.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Acting Ensign Crusher missing Resourceful: During The Icarus Factor, Wesley discovers information about the Klingon rite of ascension that no one else but Worf knows about.
    WORF: That is impossible. It is a secret known only to Klingons.
    TROI: And certain resourceful young Ensigns.
    WORF: Wesley Crusher.

    Alidar Jarok missing Courier, Explorer, Pilot, Romantic:

    SETAL (Jarok): I must see your captain immediately.
    RIKER: We'll take you to Sickbay, after that
    SETAL (Jarok): This cannot wait. I have information vital to your survival.

    Captain's log, Stardate 43462.5. We have beamed aboard an apparent Romulan defector, who claims to be a low ranking logistics officer with extraordinary information about a secret offensive.

    Explorer: Though not directly related to the plot of the episode, Jarok is extremely well-traveled.
    SETAL (Jarok): The loss is yours. For I have visited over a hundred different worlds, and none possessed the awesome beauty of Romulus.

    Pilot: Jarok pilots a vessel to make contact with the Enterprise and engages in evasive maneuvers against a Bird of Prey.

    Romantic: Not the eros type of romantic love typically associated with the trait, but Jarok makes an incredible sacrifice for his family so that they can grow up to a better future. This would be storge or familial love and consistent with Rurigan's romantic trait.
    JAROK: Do you have any children, Captain Picard? A family?
    PICARD: No.
    JAROK: Then you have sacrificed too much for your career.
    PICARD: Yes, this is all very interesting.
    JAROK: There comes a time in a man's life that you cannot know. When he looks down at the first smile of his baby girl and realizes he must change the world for her. For all children. It is for her that I am here. Not to destroy the Romulan Empire, but to save it. For months, I tried desperately to persuade the High Command that another war would destroy the Empire. They got tired of my arguments. Finally I was censured, sent off to command some distant sector. This was my only recourse. I will never see my child smile again. She will grow up believing that her father is a traitor. But she will grow up. If you act, Picard. If we stop the war before it begins
    RIKER: A letter to his wife and daughter.
    DATA: Sir, he must have known it would be impossible for us to deliver this.
    PICARD: Today, perhaps. But if there are others with the courage of Admiral Jarok, we may hope to see a day of peace when we can take his letter home.

    Anbo-jyutsu Riker missing Athlete, Explorer:

    KYLE: Will and I have been playing anbo-jyutsu ever since he was eight old, and he knows how to handle himself. And so do I.
    RIKER: True, but I've had fifteen years to practice.
    KYLE: Anbo-jyutsu. The ultimate evolution if the martial arts.

    Explorer: As part of the impetus for his offered promotion in the episode, his skill as an explorer is cited. As his is diplomatic abilities, but I feel that's a narrower skill that's easier to display by action on screen. Obviously a judgement call, either trait, both, or neither could apply. Would be an especially welcome change as Riker has zero diplomat variants and only one explorer variant, despite his proficiency in both areas.
    RIKER: Obviously, Starfleet will want to know more.
    PICARD: That's why they're asking for you. Not for your military proficiency, but for your skill as an explorer and as a diplomat.

    Commander Shelby missing Maverick, Resourceful, Saboteur:

    SHELBY: I'm sorry, but I woke up early and I saw that a weather system was moving in it. It could have affected the soil readings.
    RIKER: So without any regard to the risk of coming down alone
    SHELBY: Really, Commander, if we ran into the Borg here, two extra bodies wouldn't've made a hell of a difference, now would they? We had three hours before the storm front hit, less than two hours now. Data was available. I took him. We came. I don't see your problem.
    RIKER: My problem, Commander, is I expect to be notified before there's a change in my orders.
    RIKER: Well, I think she needs supervision. She takes the initiative a little too easily. Sometimes with risks.
    PICARD: Sounds a little like a young lieutenant commander I once recruited as a first officer.
    RIKER: The Captain says Shelby reminds him of the way I used to be. And he's right. She comes in here full of drive and ambition. Impatient, taking risks. I look at her and I wonder whatever happened to those things in me? I liked those things about me.

    Resourceful: Could quote almost the entire two-parter here. Some of what she does is covered by the tactician trait, but her on the spot quick thinking and unorthodox solutions fit this trait to a tee.
    HANSON: Commander Shelby took over Borg tactical analysis six months ago. I've learned to give her a wide latitude when I want to get things done. That's how I intend to operate here.
    SHELBY: My priority has been to develop some kind, any kind of defense strategy.
    SHELBY: Morning. Early bird gets the worm, eh? We've had some interesting results.
    RIKER: Commander Shelby. Walk with me, Commander.
    SHELBY: I'm sorry, but I woke up early and I saw that a weather system was moving in it. It could have affected the soil readings.
    RIKER: So without any regard to the risk of coming down alone
    SHELBY: Really, Commander, if we ran into the Borg here, two extra bodies wouldn't've made a hell of a difference, now would they? We had three hours before the storm front hit, less than two hours now.
    RIKER: The Captain says Shelby reminds him of the way I used to be. And he's right. She comes in here full of drive and ambition. Impatient, taking risks.
    SHELBY: Data, fluctuate phaser resonance frequencies. Random settings. Keep them changing. Don't give them time to adapt.
    (Shelby's advice works)
    WORF: The tractor beam has been released.
    SHELBY: It could work. In the meantime, we should retune all phasers, including the hand units, to the same frequency.
    RIKER: Proceed. I'll inform the Captain.
    SHELBY: There is one other recommendation I'd like to make, Commander. Separate the saucer section. Assign a skeleton crew to create a diversion
    RIKER: We may need the power from the saucer impulse engines.
    SHELBY: But it would give them more than one target to worry about.

    Saboteur: When the Enterprise is unable to stop the Borg cube with conventional weapons, Shelby leads an away team to the cube to sabotage it and force it to drop out of warp. If you want to fold in a less common definition here, she also undercuts Riker several times and goes past him directly to the captain to get her plan approved over his. Also threatens to take his job.
    CRUSHER: What if we look at this from a mosquito's point of view.
    DATA: Interesting metaphor, Doctor. What is your idea?
    CRUSHER: If we sting them in a tender spot, they might stop for a minute to scratch.
    (Further on, at an intersection with control panels)
    DATA: Distribution nodes.
    SHELBY: If we take out a few of these, it just might make them scratch.
    RIKER: This is our only chance to destroy them. If they get back into warp, our weapon is useless.
    SHELBY: We'll sabotage them again if we have to.

    Data V missing Artist: He's a dedicated performer who's spent significant time on his craft. The trait currently applies to many types or performers, not just those who draw.
    PICARD: Splendid, Data. Splendid. You're getting better and better.
    DATA: Freeze programme. Thank you, sir. I plan to study the performances of Olivier, Branagh, Shapiro, Kullnark.
    DATA: Sir, will I be able to schedule a performance for the crew in the near future?

    Doctor Paul Stubbs missing Prodigy:
    STUBBS: I see a lot of me in you. In my youth, they called me a wunderkind. Do you understand wunderkind?
    WESLEY: It's German, isn't it?
    STUBBS: It means wonder child. It is reserved for those of us who achieve early in life.

    Duelist Barclay missing Investigator, Resourceful, Romantic:

    LAFORGE: We'll have a better idea after Mister Barclay runs a check on the power systems.
    DATA: It was Lieutenant Barclay who first suggested a link between the two incidents.
    BARCLAY: What? No, it wasn't. I mean, not really.
    PICARD: Will your investigation affect our available power during the mission?
    LAFORGE: Hey, Reg. Busy?
    BARCLAY: Well, I was just. No, not really. Why?
    LAFORGE: I've got another mystery for you. Somehow the molecular structure of this cup from Ten Forward has been altered. We need to run through the power systems to see if there's a leak that caused this.
    BARCLAY: I had, I was going to do that.
    LAFORGE: You were?
    BARCLAY: Yes. To, to try to explain the anti-grav unit failure. I still can't. Nothing about it makes sense.
    DATA: Then it is possible these two very disparate incidents could be related.

    Resourceful: Barclay is cited as a "diagnostic engineer" and the entire B story involves him investigating a set of mysteries/failures on the ship. He's also the one to get them on the right track at the end.
    BARCLAY: Oh, it's, er, I still haven't traced down the problem, Commander.
    LAFORGE: That's all right. There's no problem.
    BARCLAY: I've been planning to run diagnostics on the graviton invertor circuits.
    LAFORGE: Smart plan.
    LAFORGE: Lieutenant Barclay has working on the mystery of the anti-grav failure we had yesterday. Your preliminary report had a couple of interesting theories, Reg. Why don't you bring us all up to speed on your findings so far.
    BARCLAY: Yes. It wasn't a maintenance problem. Everything checked out. I, I'm going to check for a surge in the transfer coils.
    LAFORGE: I've got another mystery for you. Somehow the molecular structure of this cup from Ten Forward has been altered. We need to run through the power systems to see if there's a leak that caused this.
    BARCLAY: I had, I was going to do that.
    LAFORGE: You were?
    BARCLAY: Yes. To, to try to explain the anti-grav unit failure. I still can't. Nothing about it makes sense.
    LAFORGE: None of the systems involved interact directly with each other. I don't see anything in common.
    BARCLAY: What if, what if, what if one of us is the connection?
    DUFFY: Us? How?
    BARCLAY: I don't know, but we're looking for a systemic explanation and there isn't one. We work with all the systems that are affected. What if we're transmitting something ourselves by touching it, or something.
    WESLEY: The computer sensors would've picked up anything dangerous.
    BARCLAY: But if it were something, something that we couldn't scan, you might've passed it to the injectors when you were realigning the magnetic capacitors.

    Romantic: Besides the typical romantic connotation ascribed to swashbucklers, Barclay is seen throughout the episode recreating romantic situations on the holodeck. It's seriously like the cover of a romance novel - https://i.imgur.com/plmHalT.png
    TROI: Of course. Let me help you relax.
    (She starts massaging his shoulders)
    BARCLAY: I'd like that.
    TROI: I knew you would.
    (They kiss)
    BARCLAY: That's nice, but I'm in the mood for someplace a little more unusual. Computer. Run Barclay program fifteen.
    (Deanna is in Grecian robes)
    TROI: I am the goddess of Empathy. Cast off your inhibitions and embrace love, truth, joy.
    (Barclay kisses her, passionately)
    TROI: I feel your confidence, your arrogant resolve. It excites me.
    CREWMAN [OC]: Lieutenant Barclay, report to Cargo bay five. Now.
    BARCLAY: It'll have to wait till later, darling.

    Goddess of Empathy Troi missing Romantic: https://i.imgur.com/plmHalT.png
    TROI: I am the goddess of Empathy. Cast off your inhibitions and embrace love, truth, joy.
    (Barclay kisses her passionately)

    Holodeck 3 Dr. Brahms missing Romantic:
    LAFORGE: Yeah. Yes! (working at a console) Leah, you like Italian food?
    LEAH: Like it? Wait till I make you my fungilli.
    LAFORGE: Okay. Fusion reactor uplink to navigation processor.
    (But it's not that straight forward)
    LAFORGE: But then we have to adjust the vector processor and the drive coils. This is impossible.
    (Leah massages his shoulders)
    LAFORGE: Don't do that.
    LEAH: I'm sorry. I thought it would feel good.
    LAFORGE: You know, I've always thought that technology could solve almost any problem. It enhances the quality of our lives. Lets us travel across the galaxy. Even gave me my vision. But sometimes you have to turn it all off. Even the gypsy violins.
    LEAH: Violins?
    LAFORGE: Different programme.
    LEAH: We made a good team.
    LAFORGE: Maybe we can do it again some time.
    LEAH: I'm with you every day, Geordi. Every time you look at this engine, you're looking at me. Every time you touch it, it's me.
    (They kiss)

    Human Q missing Prisoner: both for his imprisonment in human form as punishment by the Q continuum and for being imprisoned in the Enterprise brig during the episode - https://i.imgur.com/vSpFOur.png

    Kevin Uxbridge missing Gardener and Crafty and/or Tactician: Kevin and his wife are content to subsistence farm and are seen tending to the garden - https://i.imgur.com/wEN3ByI.png

    Re: Crafty/Tactician: Booby traps, the guile to bluff with an empty weapon, and the cat and mouse tactics with the alien vessel used several times throughout the episode.

    RIKER: There's a fusion reactor in the house, good for another five years of power. But their water table is tainted. They have nothing to feed themselves except for a small garden.

    LAFORGE: Commander, wait. There's something concealed under the surface!
    (Riker has triggered an booby trap and is now hanging upside down from a pole.)
    WORF: Sir. May I say your attempt to hold the away team at bay with a nonfunctioning weapon was an act of unmitigated gall.
    KEVIN: Didn't fool you, huh?
    WORF: I admire gall.
    PICARD: More than anything else, you wanted the Enterprise away from Rana, because the house, the plot of land, your very existence, were incongruities that you were not prepared to explain. The warship, another recreation, tried to chase us away twice, and failed. But when I came to your house the second time, I provided you with the only condition that would make the Enterprise leave. Your deaths. You did your best to satisfy that condition.

    Kivas Fajo missing Civilian, Explorer, Merchant, Prisoner, Saboteur:

    Civilian: no military affiliation is mentioned. Noted as a member of a trade guild.
    PICARD: Computer, biographical file on trader Kivas Fajo.
    COMPUTER: Accessing file Kivas Fajo. A Zibalian trader of the Stacius trade guild, educated on Iraaten Five.

    FAJO: Can't you see how much better it will be for you right here? The intellectual rewards alone. Our personal exploration of the galaxy. I am at war with no one.

    Captain's log, Stardate 43872.2. In order to neutralize a sudden contamination of the water supply at the Federation colony on Beta Agni Two, we are procuring one hundred and eight kilos of hytritium from the Zibalian trader, Kivas Fajo.
    VARRIA: The Andorians wish to make a bid on the shipment of Tellurian spices you offered.
    PICARD: Computer, biographical file on trader Kivas Fajo.
    COMPUTER: Accessing file Kivas Fajo. A Zibalian trader of the Stacius trade guild, educated on Iraaten Five.
    PICARD: He's a trader. He doesn't attract customers by being hard to find.

    Prisoner: The final scene takes place with Fajo in the Enterprise brig: https://i.imgur.com/2FnZyo7.png
    DATA: Yes, Commander. Please arrange to take Kivas Fajo into custody on charges of murder, kidnapping, theft.
    RIKER: The arrangements have already been made.
    FAJO: Our roles are reversed, aren't they, Data? You're the collector now. Me, I'm in a cage.
    DATA: So it seems.

    RIKER: If it's artificial, then we're talking about sabotage.
    CRUSHER: With tricyanate? That's hard to believe. It's slow to assimilate, difficult to replicate, and hard to transport. There are a lot easier ways to poison a water supply. More effective ways too.
    RIKER: Can you think of any reason a saboteur would choose tricyanate?
    CRUSHER: It might pass for a natural disaster. And since there's only one way to treat it, with hytritium, maybe somebody figured we couldn't locate it. It is hard to find.
    RIKER: Then it really was lucky, wasn't it, that we were able to find hytritium when we did. And just enough hytritium for this crisis?
    RIKER: Fajo was in the right place at the right time just when we needed him most.
    PICARD: You're suggesting he created the problem just to solve it?
    RIKER: Possibly.

    Lal missing Bartender, Civilian, Romantic:

    Bartender: https://i.imgur.com/D1Zlj5F.png
    DATA: And for this opportunity, she is willing to provide services to assist you.
    LAL: Father says I would learn a great deal from working with someone as old as you.
    GUINAN: You're hired.
    HAFTEL: She is capable of running over sixty trillion calculations per second, and you have her working as a cocktail waitress.
    PICARD: Admiral Haftel, Guinan. She runs Ten Forward. How is Lal doing?
    GUINAN: She spills a few drinks every now and then, but she's learning.

    Civilian: She is not affiliated with any military organization and is employed as a bartender/waitress by a fellow civilian.
    DATA: Guinan, Lal needs to observe human behaviour.
    GUINAN: She's in the right place for it.
    DATA: And for this opportunity, she is willing to provide services to assist you.
    LAL: Father says I would learn a great deal from working with someone as old as you.
    GUINAN: You're hired.

    Romantic: The crux of the story is Lal's journey toward and through emotional awareness and that she has exceeded Data's capability in that regard. Ship's counselor Troi also notes that she displays genuine emotion. This would of course be storge or familial love rather than the traditional eros love and has a precedent in Rurigan.
    LAL: You are wise, Father.
    DATA: It is the difference between knowledge and experience.
    LAL: I learned today that humans like to hold hands. It is a symbolic gesture of affection.
    (They hold hands)
    LAL: Troi. Admiral. Admiral. An admiral from Starfleet has come to take me away, Troi. I am scared.
    TROI: You are scared, aren't you?
    LAL: I feel it. How is this possible?
    TROI: I don't know.
    LAL: This is what it means to feel. This is what it means to feel.
    DATA: We must say goodbye now.
    LAL: I feel
    DATA: What do you feel, Lal?
    LAL: I love you, Father.
    DATA: I wish I could feel it with you.
    LAL: I will feel it for both of us. Thank you for my life. (this is where I always cry)

    Locutus of Borg missing Communicator, Tactician:

    Communicator: One half of the reason for the Borg assimilating Picard was to have a human representative to "speak for [them] in all communications". He also manages to communicate with Data despite the Borg implants and suggests the way that they can stop the cube.
    BORG (to Picard): To facilitate our introduction into your societies, it has been decided that a human voice will speak for us in all communications. You have been chosen to be that voice.
    RIKER: Can you communicate with him, Data?
    DATA [OC]: I have been unable to create a neural path around the Borg implants, sir. It is Captain Picard himself who has somehow managed to initiate contact.
    LOCUTUS: There is no need for apprehension. I intend no harm. No harm. I will continue, aboard this ship, to speak for the Borg, while they continue without further diversion to Sector zero zero one, where they will force your unconditional surrender.

    Tactician: The other half of the reason for the Borg assimilating Picard was to have access to his tactical knowledge which helped them defeat forty ships at Wolf 359. Almost every statement he makes throughout part 2 is relating to engagement tactics, including finding the Borg's Achilles' heel in getting them to regenerate and ultimately self-destruct.
    LOCUTUS: The knowledge and experience of the human Picard is part of us now. It has prepared us for all possible courses of action.
    SHELBY: You realize, Admiral, that with the assistance of Captain Picard, the Borg will be prepared for your defenses.
    RIKER: We're no longer just fighting the Borg, we're fighting the life experience they've stolen from Captain Picard. Now how the hell do we defeat an enemy that knows us better than we know ourselves?
    SHELBY: Sir. I must remind you that Captain Picard was briefed on that plan. The Borg will be prepared for it
    RIKER: I'm aware of that, Commander. In fact, I'm counting on it.
    RIKER: We are prepared to meet to discuss your terms.
    LOCUTUS[on viewscreen]: It is unlikely you are prepared to discuss terms. It is more likely that this is an attempt at deception.
    RIKER: We would like time to prepare our people for assimilation.
    LOCUTUS[on viewscreen]: Preparation is irrelevant. Your people will be assimilated as easily as Picard has been. Your attempt at a delay will not be successful, Number One.
    LOCUTUS: A futile maneuver. Incorrect strategy, Number One. To risk your ship and crew to retrieve only one man. Picard would never have approved. You underestimate us if you believe this abduction is any concern.
    PICARD: Sleep, Data.
    CRUSHER: He's exhausted.
    DATA: Yes, Doctor, but if I may make a supposition, I do not believe his message was intended to express fatigue but to suggest a course of action.
    DATA: I successfully planted a command into the Borg collective consciousness, sir. It misdirected them to believe it was time to regenerate. In effect, I put them all to sleep.

    Mintakan Riker missing Merchant, Xenoanthropology:

    Merchant: Troi has the trait and there's no separation in story between their roles. Riker should have it as well.
    TROI: We are visitors. We've come to trade our cloth. May we speak?
    NURIA: Please do. We welcome outsiders. I am Nuria.
    TROI: I am Troi and this is Riker.

    Xenoanthropology: The conceit of the episode is studying the development of the Mintakans and seeing how their species has evolved. Besides Troi and Riker's role in doing this, their discussion as they beam down suggests that they've also studied material on the Mintakans to prep for the mission.
    TROI: Mintakan emotions are quite interesting. Like the Vulcans, they have highly ordered minds. A very sensible people. For example, Mintakan women precede their mates. It's a signal to other women.
    RIKER: This man's taken, get your own?
    TROI: Not precisely. More like, if you want his services, I'm the one you have to negotiate with.
    RIKER: What kind of services?
    TROI: All kinds.
    RIKER: They are a sensible race.
    PICARD: To study you. To understand your ways.
    NURIA: Picard, why should a people so advanced want to learn about us?
    PICARD: We were once as you are now. To study you is to understand ourselves.

    Mintakan Troi missing Hunter, Xenoanthropology:

    Hunter: Consistency with Riker. The nature of their mission is search & rescue of one of the anthropological team, which would be a consistent application with other existing Hunter crew. IF the hunter trait doesn't fit the nature of their mission then it needs to be removed from Mintakan Riker as he wields no weapon and does no additional tracking outside of mission parameters.

    Xenoanthropology: The conceit of the episode is studying the development of the Mintakans and seeing how their species has evolved. Besides Troi and Riker's role in doing this, their discussion as they beam down suggests that they've also studied material on the Mintakans to prep for the mission.
    TROI: Mintakan emotions are quite interesting. Like the Vulcans, they have highly ordered minds. A very sensible people. For example, Mintakan women precede their mates. It's a signal to other women.
    RIKER: This man's taken, get your own?
    TROI: Not precisely. More like, if you want his services, I'm the one you have to negotiate with.
    RIKER: What kind of services?
    TROI: All kinds.
    RIKER: They are a sensible race.
    PICARD: To study you. To understand your ways.
    NURIA: Picard, why should a people so advanced want to learn about us?
    PICARD: We were once as you are now. To study you is to understand ourselves.

    Richard Castillo missing Desperate, Romantic:

    Desperate: Consistent with the other crew aboard the Enterprise-C from that episode (Garrett, Yar).
    CASTILLO: I'm prepared to lead the Enterprise back myself, Captain Picard.
    RIKER: Sir, Lieutenant Castillo is the last surviving senior officer. He will have limited support from Ops, no Tactical, reduced staff in Engineering.
    CASTILLO: I have good people willing to do their best.
    RIKER: Certainly, history never meant for this ship to go into battle without her captain.
    CASTILLO: Sir, it is my intention to return, unless you order me not to.
    TASHA: I'll handle Tactical. Lieutenant Tasha Yar reporting for duty, sir.
    CASTILLO: You're not part of my crew.
    TASHA: I am now. Captain Picard approved my request for transfer.
    CASTILLO: This isn't a joke, Tasha. We're going back in the rift, into battle. We're not coming back.
    TASHA: I know the mission. These are my orders, Lieutenant.
    CASTILLO: But I don't want you here.
    TASHA: You need me here. Show me someone on your crew who can do the job better than I can.

    CASTILLO: One to beam to the Enterprise-C. We keep saying goodbye, don't we?
    TASHA: I wish there was more time.
    CASTILLO: More time. I think we have all the time we can handle as it is.
    (They have a passionate kiss) [image link]
    TASHA: You're going to need it, Lieutenant.
    CASTILLO: Hey, I've known you a whole day now, Lieutenant. I won't salute if you won't. What did she call you? Tasha?
    TASHA: Yeah.
    CASTILLO: Most everybody just calls me Castillo. My mother calls me Richard.
    TASHA: Okay, Castillo.
    CASTILLO: No, I think maybe I'd like it better if you called me Richard.
    TASHA: Richard.
    (Tasha smiles)
    TASHA: I just wanted to say good luck.
    CASTILLO: I'll try to put some of your tactical briefing to good use when we get back.
    TASHA: Your ship has much more maneuverability than the Romulan counterparts of that era. Actually, if you could just isolate... You'll do fine.
    CASTILLO: If you get back to Earth and you see a man, say, in his late fifties taking a hard look across a crowded room. Hey, you never know.

    Salia missing Prisoner: Though not jailed or in the brig, her freedom of choice and movement is restricted and she is expected to behave in ways that are against her wishes in many cases. The recurring theme throughout the episode is her isolation and lack of freedom.
    SALIA: It's not only that. Nobody's even asked me if this is something I want.
    GIRL: It is your duty.
    SALIA: And I have no choice.
    SALIA: When I was on Klavdia Three, all I could think of was leaving that isolation. What makes me sad is having to face it again after seeing what else is possible.
    WESLEY: Is that what awaits you on Daled Four? Isolation?
    SALIA: Yes.
    SALIA: I'm not certain. I only know I will have many responsibilities when I get there. Your language has no word for the position I'll hold. In many ways I'll have even less freedom than I did on Klavdia Three.
    SALIA: Will I ever be able to leave Daled Four?
    ANYA: Probably not.

    Tam Elbrun missing Ambassador, Communicator:

    Ambassador: He's a Federation 'first contact specialist' who has interacted with many species, including being "the only Federation delegate assigned to Chandra Five."
    TROI: So, after that you ran away? The last I heard, you were the only Federation delegate assigned to Chandra Five.
    TROI: Tam is a telepath of extraordinary talent, even for a Betazoid. He's a specialist in first contact with new life forms.
    RIKER: It was a first contact situation. Ghorusdan culture is so complex and different, that the Federation sent a specialist to prevent misunderstanding.
    LAFORGE: So that was Tam Elbrun.
    PICARD: Yes, well, he's evidently done more than hold together. He's the indispensable man. The Federation's finest specialist in communication with unknown life forms.

    Communicator: Communication with a totally alien creature goes beyond mere telepathy. Elbrun and Gomtuu communicate over vast distances. He's specifically cited as the Federation's foremost specialist in communication with alien life.
    PICARD: Yes, well, he's evidently done more than hold together. He's the indispensable man. The Federation's finest specialist in communication with unknown life forms.
    PICARD: Good. Because I want to know exactly what you did. I want to know how closely you are in communication with the alien, and what you've learned about it, and I want to know now.
    TAM: I just warned it, that's all. I've been in contact with it, sensing impressions from it.
    TROI: How can you know that? Tam? You're in contact with it. With Tin Man. Aren't you?
    TAM: No. Well, yes, a little. But not quite on a conscious level.
    TROI: We're light years away. That's impossible, even for you.
    TAM: Impossible for me. Maybe not impossible for Tin Man.
    TROI: Tam is a telepath of extraordinary talent, even for a Betazoid. He's a specialist in first contact with new life forms.

    Tieran Possessed Kes missing Botanist, Gardener, Crafty, Desperate, Duelist, Ilari, Royalty, Survivalist, Tactician, Telekinetic, Veteran:

    Botanist and Gardener: She's tending to plants at the beginning of the episode - https://i.imgur.com/LdywGxT.png - and while possessed discusses her love of gardening and even makes policy based on it. Botanist is also consistent with her other variants.
    TIERAN-KES: I want my people to know I have their welfare at heart. Tomorrow we'll send out an edict. Every citizen must have a garden.
    NORI: A garden?
    TIERAN-KES: I love plants, flowers, anything that grows. Some of the times I felt most content were those spent watching the seedlings grow in the airponics.

    EMH: I've identified the transfer mechanism. This cortical implant was automatically activated at the moment of death. It enhanced Tieran's neural pattern and sent it out along the peripheral nerves. The actual transfer took place through these bio-electric microfibres. When they came into direct contact with Kes they transmitted Tieran's pattern up through her nervous system and into her brain.
    DEMMAS: I assume Tieran would implant a device like this in his new body as quickly as possible.
    TIERAN-KES: Doesn't have to be. It can change. Demmas is off hiding on some alien ship and you're here, with me. I'm sure it's an opportunity you've always dreamed of, to prove that you're really the natural leader and not just a weak copy of your father. Now you can have that chance, if you're willing to take it.
    AMERON: You mean if I join you.
    TIERAN-KES: We have so much to offer each other. Your heritage would help solidify my claim and in return I could give you power. Real power to control the lives of millions of people. To reward your friends, punish your enemies. Everything you want can be yours for the asking. Everything.
    TIERAN-KES: (to Nori) Don't be upset, it's only a political alliance. Ameron will help bring the support of Demmas's troops.
    KES: No, he isn't. He's still here. He moved onto someone else before you used this. He wanted you to think he'd been destroyed, but he's hiding in a new host. I know you too well, Tieran.

    ADIN: You need to get some sleep.
    TIERAN-KES: No, she's there when I sleep.
    ADIN: She?
    TIERAN-KES: Kes! Who else.
    ADIN: You can't stay awake for the rest of your life.
    TIERAN: Brave words. You've been an annoyance to me, nothing more.
    KES: I've been more to you than that, and you know it. I'm fighting you with every bit of strength I have, and it's wearing you down. You're becoming more unstable every day. The headaches alone are almost more than you can stand.
    KES: You're already deteriorating and it's only going to get worse. I'll find every little crack in your defences. You'll feel yourself crumbling from within, your sanity slipping away. I won't stop until you're broken and helpless. There's nowhere you can go to get away from me. I'll be relentless and merciless, just like you.
    ADIN: You were in such a deep sleep I had to use a stimulant to bring you out of it. Your neural stress levels are extremely erratic. This has gone too far. You must transfer out of this body before it destroys you.
    (Tieran makes blood flow from Adin's eyes.)
    KES: No, he isn't. He's still here. He moved onto someone else before you used this. He wanted you to think he'd been destroyed, but he's hiding in a new host. I know you too well, Tieran.
    TIERAN-AMERON: No! You can't do this!

    TIERAN-KES: Do you really think you can keep me away from your innermost thoughts? Your fears and insecurities? Your feelings? I sense an embarrassment at being captured, worry about how strong I really am, and of course there's anger. That's the emotion that really threatens your control. So you try even harder to hide from me. I feel those mental barriers going up. Do you notice that it doesn't seem to be working? As if someone were disrupting your ability to concentrate. [telepathically] It's a helpless feeling, isn't it.
    TUVOK: You will not break my control.
    TIERAN-KES: [telepathically] Not break you, free you from all that repression. All you have to do is let go. I can help you release your own strength, and give you what you've always secretly desired.
    TUVOK: I have never desired Kes.
    TIERAN-KES: [telepathically] All those hours you spent alone together, all those intimate moments touching each other's minds, you've never even wondered what it might be like?
    (Tieran kisses Kes, and Tuvok initiates a mind-meld.)
    TUVOK: Kes!
    KES: I'm here. I'm fighting him.
    KES: You're losing, Tieran. Why won't you admit it?
    TIERAN: I will admit that you surprised me. Who would have imagined that such fierce determination existed within that deceptively frail body.
    KES: Don't continue to underestimate me. Release me, or I'll force you out.
    TIERAN: My dear, why should we be enemies? Why waste the energy in conflict when we could achieve so much more by cooperating.
    KES: You're contemptible, Tieran. I won't be any part of your plans.
    TIERAN: You're already a part of them. You and I have killed together, remember? And you will continue to serve my will. You really have no choice. Wouldn't it be wiser to join me? To take advantage of all I have to offer. You may find that you enjoy having power. I assure you, it is the finest aphrodisiac there is.
    KES: That may work with others, but it won't with me.
    TIERAN: So, you insist on making this a battle. How foolish.
    KES: It's a battle I intend to win.
    KES: You may have my body but you'll never have my mind. I won't surrender it.
    TIERAN: You may resist and try to fight me, but eventually I will defeat you. I haven't existed for two centuries to be brought down by a child!
    KES: You're already deteriorating and it's only going to get worse. I'll find every little crack in your defences. You'll feel yourself crumbling from within, your sanity slipping away. I won't stop until you're broken and helpless. There's nowhere you can go to get away from me. I'll be relentless and merciless, just like you.
    NORI: Don't give in. Stay with me. Tieran!
    TIERAN-KES: Still here.
    NORI: Fight it. You must fight it, Tieran. Please, keep fighting.

    DEMMAS (Tieran's brother): This coup attempt is turning my people against each other. They're splitting into factions, mine and Tieran's.
    TUVOK: Whom does the law recognise as Autarch?
    DEMMAS: Officially, I inherited my father's title upon his death.

    EMH: I've identified the transfer mechanism. This cortical implant was automatically activated at the moment of death. It enhanced Tieran's neural pattern and sent it out along the peripheral nerves. The actual transfer took place through these bio-electric microfibres. When they came into direct contact with Kes they transmitted Tieran's pattern up through her nervous system and into her brain.
    DEMMAS: I assume Tieran would implant a device like this in his new body as quickly as possible.
    TIERAN-KES: Do you really think a child like this poses any threat to me? I've been fighting worse battles since the day I was born. When the doctor said I wouldn't live past my first year I proved them wrong. Even when my parents thought I was too sickly to be worth caring for, I survived on the streets. Even when my own ungrateful subjects forced me into exile I refused to accept defeat. I certainly won't surrender to this little girl!

    ADIN: There are reports that his fleet are massing behind the fifth moon. We should make a pre-emptive strike.
    TIERAN-KES: Not on the basis of an unsubstantiated rumour. Let him come to us. We'll be ready.
    RESH: This is insane. We've spent years planning this, every move, every detail, and now suddenly our leader's been reduced to a little girl?
    TIERAN-KES: What will Janeway do when you don't come back? Send someone else? Join Demmas in an assault?
    TUVOK: I have no knowledge of the Captain's plans.
    TIERAN-KES: She must have discussed alternate strategies with you before you came on this mission.
    TIERAN-KES [on monitor]: My guess is that you've discovered the convenient weakness in the detection grid. If you attempt to take advantage of it, I'll have twice as many soldiers waiting for you.
    TIERAN-KES: (to Nori) Don't be upset, it's only a political alliance. Ameron will help bring the support of Demmas's troops.

    TIERAN-KES: I've been exploring the mind of this little girl and I've discovered some rather interesting abilities.
    (Resh starts to choke.)
    TIERAN-KES: She had barely begun to tap into them. It's a good thing I came along, so all that wasted potential could be turned to a greater purpose. Now, should I continue the demonstration, or do I have your loyalty?
    TIERAN-KES: No! I like this [host]. Particularly the unique mental abilities that come with it.
    TUVOK: Tap into his strengths, and make them your own.
    KES: I'm losing hold.
    TUVOK: I am with you. Don't let go.
    (Tieran pushes Tuvok against the rock wall with her mind, knocking him out.)

    DEMMAS: Tieran ruled Ilari over two centuries ago. He was a war hero, a brilliant military leader.

    Warship Yar missing Hero, Romantic:

    Hero: Of the three crew in game from that episode (Garrett, Castillo), Yar is the only one without it. She takes a suicide mission she doesn't have to in order to restore the entire timeline.
    TASHA: But Captain, at least with someone at Tactical, they will have a chance to defend themselves well. It may be a matter of seconds or minutes, but those could be the minutes that change history. Guinan says I died a senseless death in the other time line. I didn't like the sound of that, Captain. I've always known the risks that come with a Starfleet uniform. If I'm to die in one, I'd like my death to count for something.

    CASTILLO: One to beam to the Enterprise-C. We keep saying goodbye, don't we?
    TASHA: I wish there was more time.
    CASTILLO: More time. I think we have all the time we can handle as it is.
    (They have a passionate kiss) [image link]
    TASHA: You're going to need it, Lieutenant.
    CASTILLO: Hey, I've known you a whole day now, Lieutenant. I won't salute if you won't. What did she call you? Tasha?
    TASHA: Yeah.
    CASTILLO: Most everybody just calls me Castillo. My mother calls me Richard.
    TASHA: Okay, Castillo.
    CASTILLO: No, I think maybe I'd like it better if you called me Richard.
    TASHA: Richard.
    (Tasha smiles)
    DATA: If I interpret your facial expressions correctly, you are preoccupied with something unpleasant.
    TASHA: No, I was just thinking about a lot of things. I've been working with one of the officers on the Enterprise-C. He's nice. I like him. I'm worried about what's going to happen to him.
    TASHA: I just wanted to say good luck.
    CASTILLO: I'll try to put some of your tactical briefing to good use when we get back.
    TASHA: Your ship has much more maneuverability than the Romulan counterparts of that era. Actually, if you could just isolate... You'll do fine.
    CASTILLO: If you get back to Earth and you see a man, say, in his late fifties taking a hard look across a crowded room. Hey, you never know.

  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Amanda Rogers missing Neurologist, Telekenetic.
    CRUSHER: Your transcript is very impressive. She's done honors work in neurobiology, plasma dynamics, and eco-regeneration.

    Telekenetic: She alters the movement of a barrel that was falling on Riker and throws Q across the room with the power of her mind. While that can fall under the umbrella of the power of Q, she displays the textbook definition of telekinesis multiple times in the episode.

    Ardra missing Criminal, Duelist, Scoundrel:

    Criminal: Though the arbitration she lost was concerning the contract between Ardra and the Ventaxian people, Acost Jared summons guards to detail her at the end and the Enterprise seizes her vessel.
    PICARD: Her crew has admitted that she is known by twenty three aliases in this sector alone.
    ARDRA: You had no right
    PICARD: Deceiving innocent people with her petty schemes for years.

    Duelist: The idea of a 1-on-1 conflict as the basis of this trait has plenty of precedent. Ardra vs. Picard is a thread running through the episode, culminating in the classic defense vs. prosecution court scene.
    ARDRA: My, you are forceful, aren't you? Good. I like my men to be forceful. At least at the start.
    PICARD: If your intent is to intimidate, you are not succeeding.
    ARDRA: That's all right. I like a challenge.
    PICARD: Picard to Bridge. Intruder alert. Picard to Bridge.
    ARDRA: Oh, I've arranged for a bit of privacy.
    (Picard gets up and walks to the door, but it doesn't open)
    ARDRA: Just the two of us.
    PICARD: This is becoming very tiresome.
    ARDRA: Oh, come now, Picard. You know you find me tantalising. Give in to your desires.
    PICARD: You know, there's nothing about you I find tantalising. On the contrary, I find you obvious and vulgar.
    ARDRA: I could give you a night that would light fire in your dreams until you die and you would reject me?
    PICARD: Oh, yes.
    ARDRA: You shall regret that.
    PICARD: I think not.
    ARDRA: Oh, but you will.
    PICARD: I do not recognise your claim on the Enterprise. Nor on this world, for that matter. In accordance with Ventaxian legal precedent, I call for an arbitration.
    ARDRA: An arbitration? There's nothing here to arbitrate.
    PICARD: Oh, but there is. You're a fraud, madame, and I intend to prove that you could not have affected the changes that took place on this planet.
    ARDRA: Oh, you are too clever. But I have enough jewels. If you wish this foolish arbitration, I will choose my own prize.
    PICARD: And what would that be?
    ARDRA: You. By all rights, your body is already mine, but I want more. I want your heart, your mind, your soul, and I want you to give them to me without resistance, of your own free will. So, do you still wish to pursue this most dangerous game?
    PICARD: I agree to your terms.
    ARDRA: Oh, Picard, I will enjoy you morning, noon and night.

    PICARD: I noticed that too, Counsellor. I had the distinct impression of in the presence of a flim-flam artist.
    WORF: But her powers?
    PICARD: Her powers are, at the best, unclear. Think about it, Mister Worf. Transporter technology can make things appear and disappear. The illusion that she can transform herself into a Klingon creature could be created by holographic projection.
    CLARK: And creating a minor tremor could be the result of a low frequency tractor beam projected against the tectonic plates.
    PICARD: We are capable of recreating all of these events. It's just that she dresses them up and she delivers them with more dramatic flair.
    CRUSHER: Like a magician.
    PICARD: I've been examining the dynamics of what used to be called the con game. Quite fascinating. Worthy of your study, Data.
    DATA: Sir, do you believe Ardra is, to use the vernacular, a con artist?
    PICARD: Yes, I do, Data. And I believe it is our job to out-con the con artist.
    PICARD: And in the hands of a con artist, fear can be used to motivate obedience, capitulation, the exploitation of innocent people. And that is what I believe has happened here. I intend to prove that. I need to find a loophole, some way of challenging the validity of this contract.
    PICARD: This is becoming very tiresome.
    ARDRA: Oh, come now, Picard. You know you find me tantalising. Give in to your desires.
    PICARD: You know, there's nothing about you I find tantalising. On the contrary, I find you obvious and vulgar.
    PICARD: Oh, but there is. You're a fraud, madam, and I intend to prove that you could not have affected the changes that took place on this planet.
    ARDRA: Do you not believe what you see with your own eyes? Your ship is gone, Captain.
    PICARD: An illusion. Magicians have been making things of all sorts disappear for ages.
    PICARD: Ardra once told us that she is known by many names. Well, at least in that she was being honest. Her crew has admitted that she is known by twenty three aliases in this sector alone.
    ARDRA: You had no right
    PICARD: Deceiving innocent people with her petty schemes for years.

    Captain Scott missing Gambler, Romantic, Survivalist, Writer.

    SCOTT: I'll bet you two bottles of Scotch that they're inside the sphere and that they went in right through that hatch.
    LAFORGE: Scotty, it's crazy.
    SCOTT: Geordi. I have spent my whole life trying to figure out crazy ways of doing things. I'm telling you, as one engineer to another, I can do this.

    Romantic: Scotty's a charmer. He's certainly the romantic type, if not for a specific relationship, then for his nostalgic, wistful, outlook on life in this episode and flirtatious behavior.
    SCOTT: Thank you. Well, I'll say this about your Enterprise. The doctors are a fair sight prettier.
    SCOTT: It's like the first time you fall in love. You don't ever love a woman quite like that again. Well, to the Enterprise and the Stargazer. Old girlfriends we'll never meet again.
    SCOTT: Laddie, every woman has her own charm. You just have to know where to look for it.

    Survivalist: Although some of Scott's survival instinct/techniques are covered by the Jury Rigger trait, he is the longest surviving crew (in universe) from the original series, counting his transporter shenanigans. It would be a nice value add for one of the worst legendary crew in the game.
    RIKER: Could someone survive inside a transporter buffer for seventy five years?
    LAFORGE: I know a way to find out.
    SCOTT: Well, we began a standard survey of the surface, and we were just completing the initial orbital scan when our aft power coils suddenly exploded. The ship got caught in the sphere's gravity well and down we went. Franklin and I were the only ones to survive the crash.
    LAFORGE: Can I ask you a question? What in the world made you think of using the transporter pattern buffer to survive?
    SCOTT: Well, we didn't have enough supplies to wait for a rescue, so we had to think of something.
    LAFORGE: Scotty, it's crazy.
    SCOTT: Geordi. I have spent my whole life trying to figure out crazy ways of doing things.

    LAFORGE: What do you mean, where did I get that idea? It's in the impulse engine specifications.
    SCOTT: Regulation forty two slash fifteen, pressure variances on IRC tank storage?
    LAFORGE: Yeah.
    SCOTT: Forget it. I wrote it. A good engineer is always a wee bit conservative, at least on paper.

    Defiant Commander Worf missing Veteran:
    Commander of the U.S.S. Defiant, a warship that saw action against the Dominion and Borg.

    Dr. Soong missing Cultural Figure, Prodigy, Survivalist:

    Cultural Figure: Soong was one of the most well-known scientists in Trek lore. The namesake "Soong-type androids" were a central plot point in the Picard series, showing that his work not only endured for decades in some fashion, but inspired others to continue it.
    RIKER: Who? You don't mean Doctor Noonien Soong?
    DATA: He was called that here, but his memories indicate he travelled here under a different name.
    LAFORGE: Doctor Noonien Soong, my friend, happens to have been Earth's foremost robotics scientist.

    Prodigy: He was a brilliant man and one of the most well-known scientists in Trek lore. At the time of Data's creation, Soong was decades ahead of any other cyberneticist.
    LORE: What information are you requesting?
    DATA: Everything available on a Doctor Noonien Soong.
    LORE: Good old Often Wrong Soong. A joke, brother. Actually, he was a genius by human standards.
    LAFORGE: Doctor Noonien Soong, my friend, happens to have been Earth's foremost robotics scientist.

    Survivalist: Both for what he says in the episode Brothers about surviving the Crystalline Entity and for the conceit of creating androids in his own image, which is similar to the application of the Survivalist trait to Ancient Humanoid. Soong more or less admits on more than one occasional that he created androids as a way of making himself immortal.
    SOONG: There we are. It's your lucky day, Data. You've found your long lost father, and he's alive. What do you think of that?
    DATA: But the colony was destroyed. There were no survivors.
    SOONG: I've never felt too comfortable living anywhere without a prearranged route of escape.
    SOONG: She was injured when the Crystalline Entity attacked. We made it as far as Terlina Three but, she slipped into a coma. When I realised nothing could be done for her, I built an android. I tried to perfect my synaptic scanning technique so that I could transfer Juliana's memories into a positronic matrix. I didn't know if it would work, but I had to try. I couldn't stand the thought of losing the only woman I ever loved.
    DATA: Humans are mortal. They seem to need a sense of continuity.
    SOONG: Ah hah!! Why?
    DATA: To give their lives meaning. A sense of purpose.
    SOONG: And this continuity, does it only run one way, backwards, to the past?
    DATA: I suppose it is a factor in the human desire to procreate.
    SOONG: So you believe that having children gives humans a sense of immortality, do you?
    DATA: It is a reasonable explanation to your query, sir.
    SOONG: And to yours as well, Data.

    Facer Rios missing Costumed: Sinister Picard from the same scene has the trait. Look at his art and tell me that's not a costume :D
    PICARD: Raffi, are you serious, sending us down there looking like this?
    RAFFI: Well, 'facers tend to dress very flamboyant, JL. It's protective coloration. [...] Rios, you seriously, really need to sell this. You can't do your broody, existentialist spaceman routine. Your personality needs to match your clothes. You need to show a little panache. You need a feather in your hat.

    Martia missing Saboteur:
    A Chameloid prisoner of Rura Penthe, Martia attempted to sabotage Kirk and McCoy's escape in exchange for a pardon.
    KIRK: She didn't need our help getting anywhere. Where did she get these convenient clothes? And don't tell me that flare is standard prison issue. It's to let them know where we are. Ask her what she's getting in return.
    MARTIA: A full pardon, which doesn't cover this.
    KIRK: An accident wasn't good enough. Come on Spock.
    MARTIA: Good enough for one. Two would have looked suspicious...
    (Martia morphs into a Kirk duplicate and the fight continues)
    MARTIA: ...killed while attempting escape. Now that's convincing for both.

    Mirror McCoy missing Interrogator:
    A doctor from the Mirror Universe, McCoy possesses all sorts of devices for torture and interrogation.

    Nepenthe Riker missing Starfleet:
    RIKER: Well, I am still on active reserve.

    Platonian Kirk/Spock/Chekov and Dancing Uhura missing Prisoner:

    Platonian Chapel has the trait and Kirk and Spock were kept captive on the planet for almost the entire episode. Prisoner is a very sensical addition for these two.
    KIRK: Guests? You don't know the meaning of the word. Guests aren't treated like common prisoners.

    Chekov is an Originals crew, but his flavor text does allude to the fact that he was brought to the planet against his will; "Transported down for the Platonians' entertainment..." and would be consistent with the other Platonian variants we see in the episode (just as he had his Costumed trait removed for consistency).

    Dancing Uhura is also an Originals and while I do not believe WRG intended to make this crew the same as the Uhura from the episode Plato's Stepchildren, this is nevertheless the outfit that Nichelle Nichols wears in that episode. I would not necessarily argue for Dancing Uhura to have the prisoner trait, but it would make sense if she were intended to be related to the episode. I will refrain from including her name in the OP, but if you're a WRG employee reading this, you're doing God's work.

    Professor Sato having Starfleet:
    ARCHER: I could order you.
    HOSHI: I'm on leave from Starfleet, remember? You would have to forcibly recall me, which would require a reprimand which would disqualify me from serving on an active vessel.

    Rogue Harry Kim missing Criminal, Thief:
    KIM: Behold. Salvage component three six six nine eight. A Borg temporal transmitter.
    CHAKOTAY: Starfleet Intelligence found it in the wreckage of a Borg cube in the Beta Quadrant.
    KIM: We stole it.
    (Tessa enters.)
    TESSA: Trouble. Long range sensors are picking up a Federation vessel.
    CHAKOTAY: How much time do we have?
    TESSA: I entered a low orbit and remodulated our shields, but it won't be long before they find us. Six hours if we're lucky.
    EMH: Let me get this straight. You're fugitives?
    KIM: The Galaxy's most wanted. We stole the Delta Flyer too, right out of a Federation shipyard. We're wanted on two counts of high treason and conspiracy to violate the Temporal Prime Directive.

    Scrooge Data missing Artist, Resourceful:

    Artist: He's a method actor who's "studied the philosophies of virtually every known acting master" and puts on a performance - a recurring theme throughout the series.
    PICARD: Freeze program. Very well done, Data. Your performance skills really are improving.
    DATA: Your courtesy is appreciated, sir. But I am aware that I do not effectively convey the fear called for in this scene.
    PICARD: Well, you've never known fear, Data. But as an acute observer of behavior, you should be able to approximate it.
    DATA: Sir, that is not an appropriate basis for an effective performance. Not by the standards set by my mentors.
    PICARD: Your mentors?
    DATA: Yes, sir. I have studied the philosophies of virtually every known acting master. I find myself attracted to Stanislavsky, Adler, Garnav. Proponents of an acting technique known as the Method.
    PICARD: Method acting? I'm vaguely familiar with it, but why would you choose such an old-fashioned approach?
    DATA: Perhaps because the technique requires an actor to seek his own emotional awareness to understand the character he plays.
    PICARD: But surely that's an impossible task for you, Data.
    DATA: Sir, I have modified the Method for my own uses. Since I have no emotional awareness to create a performance, I am attempting to use performance to create emotional awareness. I believe if I can learn to duplicate the fear of Ebenezer Scrooge, I will be one step closer to truly understanding humanity.

    Resourceful: Always tough applying this somewhat nebulous trait, but I think the lengths that Data goes to in his quest for humanity - leaving no stone unturned and investing an incredible amount of time - qualifies him as resourceful in this context.
    DATA: Yes, sir. I have studied the philosophies of virtually every known acting master. I find myself attracted to Stanislavsky, Adler, Garnav. Proponents of an acting technique known as the Method.
    PICARD: Method acting? I'm vaguely familiar with it, but why would you choose such an old-fashioned approach?
    DATA: Perhaps because the technique requires an actor to seek his own emotional awareness to understand the character he plays.
    PICARD: But surely that's an impossible task for you, Data.
    DATA: Sir, I have modified the Method for my own uses. Since I have no emotional awareness to create a performance, I am attempting to use performance to create emotional awareness. I believe if I can learn to duplicate the fear of Ebenezer Scrooge, I will be one step closer to truly understanding humanity.

    Zarabeth missing Chef, Engineered, Hunter, Prisoner.
    Chef: She must cook all her meals and cooks for Spock, and McCoy while they're there.
    MCCOY: Zarabeth, you are a beautiful cook. Have you ever been told that?

    JUDGE: We can never go back. We must live out our lives here in the past. The atavachron has prepared our cell structure and our brain patterns to make life natural here. To return to the future would mean instant death.
    ZARABETH: None of us can go back. When we come through the portal, we are changed by the atavachron. That is its function. Our basic cell structure is adjusted to the time we enter. You can't go back.

    Hunter: The only food available on the planet is animals.
    ZARABETH: I believe you do. Have something to eat, please.
    SPOCK: If it pleases you. This is animal flesh?
    ZARABETH: There's not much else to eat around here, I'm afraid.
    SPOCK: Naturally, because of the climate. [...] Meanwhile, this will have to do as the only source of nourishment.

    ZARABETH: Even your name is strange. Forgive me. I've never seen anyone who looks like you. Why are you here? Are you prisoners too?
    SPOCK: Prisoners?
    ZARABETH: This is one of the places Zor Kahn sends people when he wants them to disappear.
    SPOCK: Zarabeth, you said that you were brought here as a prisoner.
  • I've noticed that a bunch of the Doctor variants have the "Human" trait, which... He's human-LOOKING, but he's definitely not human.

    Also, the ISS Discovery has the "Spore Drive" trait, when the ISS Discovery did not have a spore drive.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've noticed that a bunch of the Doctor variants have the "Human" trait, which... He's human-LOOKING, but he's definitely not human.

    Also, the ISS Discovery has the "Spore Drive" trait, when the ISS Discovery did not have a spore drive.

    Adding racial traits to holograms was a focus of the last trait audit: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/17478/upcoming-traits-changes#latest as well as "adding value where possible". At the moment almost every hologram has an accompanying racial trait to identify their appearance.

    Some context for the ISS Discovery lacking a spore drive:
    GEORGIOU: Warp engines do not breach the barriers between universes. Tell me what powers your ship.
    BURNHAM: Our ship jumped here with its displacement-activated spore hub drive.
    GEORGIOU: I would like to see this technology. Let's make an exchange.
  • Trek1966Trek1966 ✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Will the crews listed on the front page get their missing traits @Shan?
  • I could argue that Professor Scott deserves ‘Innovator’ :wink:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tactical Stamets is missing Federation too for some reason.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    He is an android in the game, but think about it...
    In the alternate timeline, the events of PIC season 1 never happened. Therefore, Picard is not an android in the alternate timeline. When he travelled back to 2024, he should therefore still not be an android.

    Am I making any sense...?
    This is an interesting point.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    He is an android in the game, but think about it...
    In the alternate timeline, the events of PIC season 1 never happened. Therefore, Picard is not an android in the alternate timeline. When he travelled back to 2024, he should therefore still not be an android.

    Am I making any sense...?
    This is an interesting point.

    2024 Picard is the prime timeline's Picard in an alternate universe, not the alternate universe's Picard. It's why he has the Displaced trait.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A.G. Robinson missing Maverick: Routinely ignored orders, stole a spaceship, boasts about not doing things 'by the book'.
    ROBINSON: You know why you didn't get this assignment?
    ARCHER: I bet you're going to tell me.
    ROBINSON: You tried too hard. You did everything by the book.
    ARCHER: You where ordered to abort.
    ROBINSON: The abort call was premature.
    ROBINSON: We're not going to get anywhere without taking some risks.
    ROBINSON: We only lost one ship. Still have one left.
    ARCHER: They'll never give us clearance.
    ROBINSON: Can you think of a better way to prove it'll fly? You want to talk about taking risks? You're a great pilot, maybe as good as me, but you're never going to get out into deep space by playing it safe.
    FORREST: Not only was it in violation of a direct order, it was utterly reckless, irresponsible and maybe even criminal.
    ROBINSON: If we follow all [the Vulcans'] recommendations, we'll never make it into deep space.

    Antedian Assassin missing Musician: Yelgrun has the Musician trait because his actor was Iggy Pop. The Antedian dignitary was played by musician Mick Fleetwood in a cameo role.

    B.G. Robinson missing Casual: https://i.imgur.com/x5dKWxk.png - This particular variant is off-duty and in everyday wear with a relaxed attitude.

    Beloved Annorax missing Romantic:
    CHAKOTAY: [...]one component is always missing. Kyana Prime. Who was on that colony? Who did you lose?
    ANNORAX: My wife. And with her, my future. My children, grandchildren, all erased because of me. This is all I have left of her.
    ANNORAX'S WIFE: Join me for breakfast?
    ANNORAX: In a little while. I still have a few more calculations.
    ANNORAX'S WIFE: There are always a few more calculations. It's a beautiful day. Spend it with me.
    ANNORAX: [takes her hand, smiling] I suppose I can make the time.

    Beowulf Kim missing Hero: "Beowulf is considered an epic poem in that the main character is a hero who travels great distances to prove his strength at impossible odds against supernatural demons and beasts." Other characters playing heroes in the holodeck (Buster Kincaid Kim, the RAF crew) have the hero trait.

    Bridge Officer Number One missing Pilot: She mans the Conn in s2ep14 - https://i.imgur.com/MioAJIY.png
    PIKE: Number One, bring us around and place us between those drones and Discovery.

    Captain Braxton missing Criminal:
    DUCANE: And there's a third [Captain Braxton] in our brig. I arrested him earlier today. But, don't worry. They'll all be reintegrated in time for the trial.
    DUCANE: I'm sorry, sir. I'm taking command of this vessel, and I'm relieving you of duty for crimes you're going to commit.
    DUCANE: In exchange for leniency, Captain Braxton informed us of the precise moment he boarded Voyager to plant the weapon.

    Captain Morgan Bateson having Casual: This may have been to avoid a legendary crew with only Human, Federation, and Starfleet, but does not apply to an on-duty officer. Could replace with Tactician, Resourceful, or something similarly nebulous if that was the intent. If drawing from non-canon sources as was done with Graduation Amanda Grayson's Linguist trait, Bateson would qualify for the Veteran trait due to his conflicts with the Klingons.

    Captain Thadiun Okona missing Casual, Courier, Maverick, Pilot, Survivalist:

    Casual: His demeanor throughout the episode is completely unconcerned and unflappable, even in the face of criminal accusation. Will spare you from quoting nearly the whole episode.
    OKONA [on viewscreen]: (bending over, bottom towards us) And this is the cargo carrier Erstwhile. Captain Okona at your service, sir. There's no need for your phasers, Captain. I'm harmless and not quite yet ready for mercy killing.
    PICARD: You were never considered a danger to us, Captain.
    OKONA [on viewscreen]: Oh, that's a shame. I can remember when I was at least considered a risk. I'm the owner and operator of this craft and since we both know that you've already scanned it, you know I'm alone and empty, which is truly a rare occasion for a man of my charm and talent.
    OKONA: You don't know what a joke is?
    DATA: Of course I do. It is a witticism, a gag, a bon mot, a fluctuation of words concluding with a trick ending.
    OKONA: That's the dictionary meaning. I'm talking about humour, fun. Do you know what funny is?
    WORF: You will come with me to the main Bridge.
    OKONA: I'm sure it can wait a few minutes.
    WORF: Now!
    (Okona invades his personal space)
    WORF: I'd like that. But I have my orders.
    OKONA: Some other time. (to the woman) Remember what it took to drag me from your arms.

    OKONA: I've carried your messages back and forth for almost six months. I've smuggled each of you into the other's homeland.

    TROI: His emotions suggest that he's mischievous, irreverent and somewhat brazen. The word that seems to best describe him is rogue.
    DATA: Rogue? Ah. Cad, knave, rake, rascal, villain, wild element.
    RIKER: He's a man who lives his life by his own rules. He does what he does by choice. By his choice. Someday you'll make yours.
    LAFORGE: Don't worry, you won't. Your ship will never outlast this part.
    OKONA: Because of the part or the way I fly my ship?
    LAFORGE: Well, this part, but the stress test did show that you tend to push your ship a little beyond its design capabilities.
    OKONA: Blame the pattern of my life, Lieutenant La Forge. Because it relegates me to cargo carrying rather than the grand explorations you enjoy, I'm forced to add a measure of flamboyancy and a zest to the doldrum of my existence.

    DATA: Its cargo holds are empty. The readout shows its guidance system is malfunctioning. The pilot is attempting to hold course manually.
    OKONA [on viewscreen]: I'm the owner and operator of this craft and since we both know that you've already scanned it, you know I'm alone and empty[...]

    Survivalist: Besides the following quotes, WRG also chose this quote for his arena ability; "I Can Take Care Of Myself" :)
    OKONA: How about this? Do what you said. Fix my guidance system and let me leave.
    PICARD: According to Starfleet regulations, that would be my only course of action. But their ships are faster than yours. I'm not doing you a favour.
    OKONA: Captain, with all due respect, that's not your concern. Besides, I can take care of myself.
    KUSHELL: So you let me chase Okona when you knew he was innocent.
    BENZAN: Yes, because I didn't believe for one moment that you could catch him.
    OKONA: Well, said. He never would have.

    Carl, Guardian of Forever having Tkon:

    The only link between the character and trait is Carl holding a newspaper. I am aware of no evidence in canon that Carl is Tkon or created by the Tkon Empire.

    Commodore Robert April missing Ambassador, Federation, Hero, Romantic:

    Ambassador & Federation:
    Captain's log, stardate 6770.3. The Enterprise is on course for the planet Babel, where ambassadors from all Federation planets are waiting to honor the Enterprise's distinguished passenger, Commodore Robert April, first captain of the USS Enterprise, and for the past twenty years, Federation Ambassador at large. Now seventy five years old, Commodore April has reached mandatory retirement age.

    KIRK: We've received a message from the Federation that might bring you some cheer. Lieutenant Uhura, would you relay it to Commodore April and his wife?
    UHURA: In view of Commodore April's heroic actions aboard the USS Enterprise this stardate, we are reviewing his mandatory retirement, and will consider his appeal to remain Federation Ambassador at large.

    Romantic: https://i.imgur.com/EOqj9CJ.png
    APRIL: What a blessing to be able to live one's life over again, if the life you've led has left you unfulfilled. No Sarah, I don't want to live it all over again. I couldn't improve one bit on what we've had together.
    SARAH: Oh, Robert.
    (They embrace and kiss)

    Data V missing Cultural Figure: Scrooge Data has it. Other planet rulers such as Queen Po or Kahless have it. Henry V is a massively influential character in history, including being the subject of the Shakespearean play that Data is reenacting.

    Colonel Karr missing Hunter: (a few of the many direct hunting quotes from Karr)
    KARR: It need not concern you. To the hunt.
    JANEWAY: The hunt?
    KARR: For the Resistance. I shall take great pleasure in tracking them down and making the kill.
    KARR: Trophies of the hunt. But was the hunt fair?
    KARR: And if you were alone without an army supporting you, would you continue the hunt? If your prey were armed instead of defenceless, what then?
    KARR: You are superior to no one! Never underestimate your prey or disrespect its abilities. If you do, you will become the hunted.

    Dereth missing Geneticist:
    DERETH: I have already bio-chemically altered the air-breathing organs and grafted them into Motura's body. [...] Your surgical knowledge is inferior. We will simply adapt his immunogenicity. It won't be a problem.

    Dress Uniform Bashir missing Undercover Operative: Both for working against his will for Section 31 throughout the episode and for working for Sisko/"Starfleet" to undermine Section 31.
    BASHIR: So you want me to play along, pretend that I've decided to work for Sloan after all?
    SISKO: Exactly. When he contacts you to find out what you learned at the conference, make it seem like you've reluctantly come around to his way of thinking. Let him believe that he has seduced you into helping him.
    BASHIR: That shouldn't be too difficult. Sloan thinks I'm already so tempted that I can barely can see straight. Well, listen, I'd better packed. The Bellerophon leaves in three hours.
    SISKO: One more thing, Doctor. Remember this isn't a game. Section Thirty one is very dangerous. If Sloan suspects that you are really working for us.

    Emperor Philippa Georgiou missing Cultural Figure: She holds the most power/influence out of all Royalty crew who do not have Cultural Figure in game aside from Data V.
    MADDOX: Lords of the Empire, privileged guests, all hail her most Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo'nos, Regina Andor. All hail the Emperor, Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius.

    Fisticuffs Sisko missing Athlete: Pugilist Q has it. They have the same attire as bareknuckle brawlers and Sisko 'wins' the fight.

    Governor Worf having Federation: The Klingons are not part of the Federation in All Good Things and in fact have closed their borders to Federation ships.

    Ishara Yar missing Survivalist, Undercover Operative:

    ISHARA: It started falling apart almost thirty years ago. There were dozens of factions. They fought until the city above ground was in ruins.
    ISHARA: I don't run away when things get tough, like some people. Like my sister did.
    ISHARA: On the colony, nobody does anything for anyone else unless they have something to gain from it.
    ISHARA: I did what I had to do. I'm sorry if I hurt you in the process.

    Undercover Operative:
    ISHARA: The Coalition's been all I've had for fifteen years. They've given me a life. I don't mind dying for them. But you won't have to if you just get out of here now.
    DATA: Was this your intention from the beginning?
    ISHARA: We never could have gotten this deep into Alliance territory without your help.
    DATA: Our help was not deliberate. You deceived us.

    Jodmos missing Saboteur: He (and others) were on a mission to smuggle in technology to disrupt another faction for political gain.
    SISKO: The plan is to smuggle these into Ty'Gokor. Once they're set up, they can cover about twelve thousand cubic metres.
    O'BRIEN: So let me get this straight. All we have to do is get past an enemy fleet, avoid a tachyon detection grid, beam into the middle of Klingon headquarters and avoid the Brotherhood of the Sword long enough to set these things up and activate them in front of Gowron.

    Kelis missing Costumed: https://i.imgur.com/z7yHIWV.png - Wearing clothes outside of his normal attire for the purpose of a play.

    Kes variants missing Telekinetic: Please note that Tieran Possessed Kes demonstrates Telekinetic ability and is not covered in this section. Kes has telekinetic abilities in Cold Fire (2.10), Warlord (3.10), and Fury (6.23). Grandmother Kes and Temporal Shift Kes are from an episode in between and should also have it like Vulcans have Telepath or Betazoids have Empath. Nurse Kes is not definitive and may be from before Cold Fire and therefore I wouldn't argue for its inclusion. The only quote that supports it missing from other variants also supports it being included in the sentence directly following:
    KES: I looked at the tea and I tried to make it boil, but nothing happened. Without Tanis's help, I just can't do it.
    TUVOK: Nevertheless, your psychokinetic abilities are still a part of you. They might resurface one day.

    Klingon O'Brien missing Saboteur: He (and others) were on a mission to smuggle in technology to disrupt another faction for political gain.
    SISKO: The plan is to smuggle these into Ty'Gokor. Once they're set up, they can cover about twelve thousand cubic metres.
    O'BRIEN: So let me get this straight. All we have to do is get past an enemy fleet, avoid a tachyon detection grid, beam into the middle of Klingon headquarters and avoid the Brotherhood of the Sword long enough to set these things up and activate them in front of Gowron.

    Krenim Guest Paris having Diplomat: Incites mutiny aboard the Krenim ship. Extremely inhospitable to their captors.
    PARIS: And how many civilizations will you have to erase to send us merrily on our way? No thanks. We don't want that kind of blood on our hands. [...] I'd rather spend a year in solitary confinement than listen to any of this. [...] Chakotay, we can't trust him. [...] Have you seen enough yet, Chakotay? If you don't do something about this maniac, I will.

    Layna missing Costumed: https://i.imgur.com/SG1KBHE.png - Wearing clothes outside of her normal attire for the purpose of a play.

    Leonardo da Vinci missing Astrophysicist: Astronomy was one of his many interests and he even made some discoveries: https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2005/04oct_leonardo From the Jan 2021 trait audit thread:
    - “Astronomer” has been removed and replaced with “Astrophysics”.
    While we understand there is a difference between these two fields of study we felt there was enough overlap to combine the two.

    Little Boy Blue Wesley missing Human and having Starfleet, Federation:

    Human was added to many holograms in the last large trait audit. All of the other holograms from that scene (Lady Beverly and Musketeers Data, La Forge, Picard) have their racial traits (human/android) for their appearance, but not Federation or Starfleet as they're non-sentient holograms. In additional, LBBW is currently the only Hologram of a Human who currently doesn't have the Human trait.

    Maquis Tuvok missing Federation, Starfleet: His flavor text literally says "On a mission from Starfleet to infiltrate the Maquis, Tuvok joined Chakotay's ship and cell." Dozens of other crew have Federation, Starfleet, and Undercover Operative.

    Mirror Burnham, Mirror Ellen Landry, and Usurper Lorca missing Duelist: In Discovery 1.13 at 31 minutes, these three have an extended one-on-one fight scene with bladed weapons. Emperor Georgiou is also involved, but not in an outfit of a variant we have represented in game.

    Mountaineer Spock missing Resourceful:
    SPOCK: The designers tested it using the most intelligent and resourceful person they could find. He failed to escape.
    KIRK: This person? He didn't by any chance have pointed ears and an unerring capacity for getting his shipmates into trouble, did he?
    SPOCK: He did have pointed ears.

    Musketeer La Forge missing Tactician: The three musketeer crew share almost all the same traits. There's not enough differentiation to claim that he shouldn't have it, plus he has the only vaguely tactical line in the whole scene: "How do expect to fight without your sword, sir?"

    Musketeer Picard missing Maverick, Veteran: The three musketeer crew share almost all the same traits. There's not enough differentiation to claim that he shouldn't have it, plus as holographic representations of the famous swashbucklers, these traits fit.

    Pah-wraith Cult Dukat missing Brutal, Crafty, Desperate:

    Brutal: Airlocking the mother of his child. Geez...
    DUKAT: Don't worry. Everything is going to be all right. Wait here until I'm gone, then go back to you quarters and pray for strength.
    (Dukat shuts the airlock and opens the space door. Mika hangs on as the air rushes out, then reaches to Dukat before passing out.)

    Crafty: He pulls the cyanide pill trick, has his transporter escape planned ahead of time, dupes a group of Bajorans into believing the Pah-wraiths are the true Gods, goes for the immaculate conception dupe.
    This infant, born of the love between Benyan and Mika, was transformed in her womb into a living symbol of the covenant I made with you.

    KIRA: It always comes back to that, doesn't it, Dukat? Your desperate need to win the love of the Bajoran people. You just never understood why we didn't appreciate you.
    KIRA: I know you're desperate to keep your followers from turning against you. I'm not surprised you'd kill them. But I can't believe you'd be willing to die yourself.

    Quinn missing Cultural Figure, Inspiring:

    Cultural Figure:
    TUVOK: In fact, until this issue arose, he was known in the Continuum as one of your great philosophers. Is that not true?
    QUINN: I was the greatest threat the Continuum had ever known. They feared me so much they had to lock me away for eternity.
    JANEWAY: I've also had to consider that a decision to grant asylum, and the subsequent suicide of a Q, might have a significant impact on the Continuum. That such a decision could change the nature of an entire society, whether it be a favourable or unfavourable change, disturbs me greatly.
    QUINN: When I was a respected philosopher...
    Q: Do you remember our friend, Quinn?
    JANEWAY: The Q who committed suicide aboard Voyager?
    Q: Do you recall what I said might happen if he were allowed to take his own life?
    JANEWAY: You said it would represent an interruption to the Continuum. That it could have dire consequences.
    Q: I'd say a civil war is pretty dire, wouldn't you?
    JANEWAY: His death caused this conflict?
    Q: It caused chaos and upheaval. Because even though he was gone, his calls for freedom and individualism continued to echo in the ears of those who believed in his teachings, myself among them. I sounded the trumpet and carried the banner. Naturally, others followed. The forces of the status quo tried to crush us once and for all, but we fought back. And now there's a cosmic struggle for supremacy, and the battle is spreading, causing hazardous repercussions throughout the galaxy.

    Q: Quite a day, wasn't it? As a matter of fact, this man jostled the tree when he got up to leave.
    NEWTON: Just before the apple fell, yes.
    Q: And a new era in human science was born.
    Q: As a matter of fact, he carried your wounded ancestor back from the front line. Didn't you? My point is, Captain, that Q has had a profound influence on these three lives. Without Q, Isaac Newton would have died forgotten in a Liverpool debtor's prison, a suspect in several prostitute murders. Without Q, there would have been no concert at, er.
    Q: Yes. Without Q there would have been no William T. Riker at all, and I would have lost at least a dozen really good opportunities to insult him over the years. Oh, and lest I forget, without Q, the Borg would have assimilated the Federation. Thank you. Thank you.
    TUVOK: You assisted his suicide?
    Q: Illogical, Tuvok? 1 don't think so. By demanding to end his life, he taught me a little something about my own. He was right when he said the Continuum scared me back in line. I didn't have his courage or his convictions. He called me irrepressible. This was a man who was truly irrepressible. I only hope I make a worthy student.

    Riva missing Communicator, Romantic:

    Communicator: Communication is the crux of the entire episode. The centuries spent developing the chorus, Riva communicating with the Enterprise crew after his chorus dies, and then communicating with the factions in the planet.
    PICARD: There are aspects to Riva of which we have not been informed.
    WOMAN: Precisely. Our way of communicating has developed over the centuries and its one that I find quite harmonious.
    SCHOLAR: My Chorus is so attuned, they can hear my thoughts and translate to you. It is a relationship which goes back for centuries. Their ancestors provided the same service to my ancestors.
    TROI: Your method of communication is most elegant and quite beautiful.
    DATA: Yes, it is turning a disadvantage into an advantage. Learning sign will be a part of their process of learning how to live together in peace.
    TROI: While they are learning how to communicate with Riva, they'll be learning how to communicate with each other.

    ADONIS: Artists, they tend to ramble, neglect the moment. I am passion, the libido. I am the anarchy of lust, the romantic and the lover.
    ADONIS: Perhaps, if it is not inconvenient, Counsellor Troi could escort me. With your permission.
    TROI: This way.
    (Troi leaves with Riva and the Adonis)
    RIKER: What about you?
    WOMAN: At times like this, we become an encumbrance.
    ADONIS: Much of what we do is similar.
    TROI: Yes, I suppose in a way it is.
    ADONIS: We have both learned how to allow people to examine feelings hidden deep within their psyche. In fact, with you here now is provoking an emotional revelation.
    TROI: You mean some emotion buried in your psyche?
    ADONIS: Well, not that deep.
    TROI: Exactly what are you feeling?
    ADONIS: Can't you tell?
    TROI: Some of it.
    ADONIS: Well I feel that soon, perhaps after the briefing by your Captain, that you will be hungry, and that perhaps we could dine together and compare experiences.
    TROI: I'd like that.
    ADONIS: As will I.
    TROI: Will he be with us?
    ADONIS: Well, until we find our own method of communication.
    TROI: I look forward to that time.
    ADONIS: As do I.
    TROI: Why can't you do that? Why can't you turn your disadvantage into an advantage?
    (Riva kisses Troi on the cheek, and thanks Data)

    Roga Danar missing Engineered, Pilot, Saboteur, Tactician:

    DATA: Yes, sir. There is nothing wrong with the ship's sensors. The reason we did not sense life signs aboard the escape vessel is because the prisoner has no life signs.
    RIKER: Computer, identify the occupant of the detention cell.
    COMPUTER: The detention cell is vacant at this time.
    RIKER: He's in there.
    PICARD: Could he be some kind of android?
    DATA: Our sensors can identify artificial lifeforms, sir. Apparently, he is capable of deceiving the sensors.
    CRUSHER: At Troi's request I examined him. His cell structure has been significantly altered. They used a combination of cryptobiolin, triclenidil, macrospentol and a few things I can't even recognize.
    RIKER: Was he a prisoner of war? Who did this to him?
    TROI: His own government. He's been programmed to be the perfect soldier. He can be absolutely normal, but when a danger is perceived, the programming clicks in and takes over. Memory, strength, intelligence, reflexes, all become enhanced. He's conditioned to survive at any cost.
    CRUSHER: One of the new substances in his cellular structure even shields electrical impulses.
    DATA: Counsellor, did no one try to adjust their programming?
    DATA: I am an android. I believe you and I have something in common.
    ROGA: We do?
    DATA: Yes. We have both been programmed.
    ROGA: Ah, yes, yes. You've been talking to Counsellor Troi. It is not at all the same, android.
    DATA: I do not mean to belittle your condition. I understand your dilemma. But I am curious. My programme can be altered. Yours cannot?
    ROGA: The man I was is still inside me, but this conditioning has been imposed. Woven together with my thoughts and my feelings and my responses. How do you separate the programme from the man?
    ROGA: My improved reflexes have allowed me to kill eighty four times. And my improved memory lets me remember each of those eighty four faces.
    PICARD: And my understanding is these men are programmed to survive. Is that correct?
    TROI: Yes, Captain.
    PICARD: And that they will not kill unless their survival is at stake?
    DATA: It is against their nature to do so, Captain.
    PICARD: Yes, and you are not programmed to murder cowards. So if they will not fight back, what will you do?
    ROGA: We will not go back.
    NAYROK: You are programmed to survive.

    NAYROK: A prisoner has escaped from the penal colony on Lunar Five. Two guards are dead. The prisoner has taken a transport vessel. [...] We have ordered ships from the surface to follow him, but to be honest, our civilian pilots are not trained for this.
    RIKER: Detain the vessel and quarantine the pilot.
    WESLEY: Data, the drive section. Where'd it go? There's no sign of it on its previous heading. Someone must be at the helm.
    RIKER [OC]: Status report, Mister Data?
    DATA: I am afraid the prisoner has eluded us, sir.
    DATA: We followed procedures precisely, Captain. Scanners indicated no life forms present in the drive section. I cannot explain how he escaped.

    NAYROK: The tracking station was sabotaged. The entire base is in chaos.
    NAYROK [on viewscreen]: We'll need a few hours to get the containment field on Lunar Five operational before we pick him up. The damage he did during his escape was considerable.
    DATA: Sir, containment field down on deck thirty six.
    RIKER: How the hell did he manage that?
    WORF [OC]: He used a phaser to power the cargo transporter. Coordinates indicate he beamed aboard the Angosian transport ship.
    PICARD: Data, can you verify that?
    DATA: Negative, sir. All external sensors still nonfunctioning.
    PICARD: Then we have no way to track him.

    DATA: We followed procedures precisely, Captain. Scanners indicated no life forms present in the drive section. I cannot explain how he escaped.
    DATA: There he is, Commander. You were correct.
    RIKER: This guy knows all the tricks, doesn't he.
    WESLEY: He bounced off the shields.
    RIKER: That's an interesting twist.
    PICARD: Mister Crusher, fix coordinates onto that vessel. We'll just beam the whole thing to a shuttlebay if we have to.
    DATA: I do not believe that will be necessary, Captain. He is no longer in the drive section.
    PICARD: What?
    DATA: I anticipated that diversionary tactic based on his pattern to date.
    WESLEY: An escape pod.
    LAFORGE: This guy's incredible.
    DATA: Yet there are still no life form readings.
    ROGA: Were you built for combat, android?
    DATA: No. But my program does include military strategy. That is how I was able to anticipate your final tactic and capture you.
    DATA: Danar is extremely adept, sir. I am not certain which security measure he is attempting to circumvent. Sir, Danar has succeeded in restoring power to shuttlebay two.
    DATA: In our previous encounter, Danar employed a strategy of misdirection in an attempt to gain his objective.
    PICARD: And you believe he's using the same tactic now.
    WORF [OC]: He used a phaser to power the cargo transporter. Coordinates indicate he beamed aboard the Angosian transport ship.
    PICARD: Data, can you verify that?
    DATA: Negative, sir. All external sensors still nonfunctioning.
    PICARD: Then we have no way to track him.
    RIKER: That was his plan all along.

    Sheriff Worf missing Tactician, Jury Rigger:
    WORF: I will be positioned here, at the eastern end of the street. Frank Hollander says he will approach from this end. When he reaches this point, he will be within range.
    TROI: Understood. What about Alexander?
    WORF: There's a rain barrel in front of the saloon. It should be enough to stop the bullets.
    WORF: I have connected the communicator's energy cell to serve as the power source.
    TROI: How long will the field last?
    WORF: No more than fifteen seconds. It is highly unstable.

    Shinzon missing Survivalist, Politician, Veteran, Crafty, Brutal:

    JANEWAY (on viewscreen): It seems there's been some kind of internal political shake-up. The new Praetor, someone called Shinzon.
    PICARD: Coup d'état?
    RIKER: The Praetor's power's always been the Romulan fleet. They must be behind Shinzon for him to have overthrown the Senate.

    SHINZON: ...the dilithium mines? [...] In those terrible depths lived only the damned. Together with the Reman slaves I was condemned to an existence of unceasing labor and starvation under the brutal heel of the Romulan guards. Only the very strongest had any hope of survival. I was only a child when they took me. [...] But one man took pity on me. The man that became my Viceroy. He protected me from the cruelty of the guards. He taught me how to survive.
    PICARD: How did you end up on Remus?
    SHINZON: They sent me there to die. How could a mere human survive...

    DATA: Starfleet intelligence was only able to provide a partial account of his military record. We can infer he is relatively young and a capable commander. He fought twelve major engagements in the war. All successful. Beyond that, we know nothing.
    RIKER: But they also have the reputation of being formidable warriors. In the Dominion War, Reman troops were used as assault forces in the most violent encounters.


    Overthrowing the government. Laying the B-4 Android trap to collection information on the Enterprise.
    SHINZON: Don't be so vain. After we found it, we had to make a few modifications. An extra memory port. A hidden transponder. I've now gained access to Starfleet's communications protocols. I now know the exact location of your entire fleet.
    SHINZON: Drop cloak on the aft port quadrant. Prepare for full emergency stop.
    VICEROY: What?
    SHINZON: You heard me!
    VICEROY: She's almost on us.
    SHINZON: ...Not yet.
    VICEROY: Praetor!
    SHINZON: Full Stop! Fire!
    DONATRA: We're dead in the water.

    SHINZON: We...are a race bred for war. And conquest.
    [Scimitar brig]
    (Shinzon sees the stunned guard)
    SHINZON: Kill him.
    SHINZON: I'll show you my true nature. Our nature. And as Earth dies, remember that I will always, forever, be Shinzon of Remus! And my voice shall echo through time long after yours has faded to the dim memory.
    RIKER: But they also have the reputation of being formidable warriors. In the Dominion War, Reman troops were used as assault forces in the most violent encounters.
    PICARD: Cannon fodder.
    LAFORGE: Yeah, but how did a Reman get to be Praetor? I don't get it.
    RIKER: We have to assume Romulan collaborators.
    PICARD: Coup d'état?
    (Shinzon draws a knife, cuts his hand and hands the knife, with the blood, to Data)
    SHINZON: I think you'll be wanting this. 'Til tomorrow then, Captain. We have much to discuss.
    SHINZON: Silence, Romulan! You really must learn patience, Commander. Spend eighteen
    hours every day under the lash of a Romulan guard and you'll soon understand patience.
    SHINZON: You are not a woman. You are a Romulan! Serve me faithfully and you will be rewarded. Keep those lovely eyes on Commander Suran. And at the first sign of treachery...
    DONATRA: Dispose of him.
    SHINZON: Then you will have proven yourself.
    (Shinzon releases her)
    SHINZON: Now go. And Commander! If you ever touch me again I'll kill you.

    Survivalist Kirk missing Duelist: Gorn Captain has it - one cannot duel on his own.
    METRON:The place we have prepared for you contains sufficient elements for either of you to construct weapons lethal enough to destroy the other, which seems to be your intention. The winner of the contest will be permitted to go his way unharmed. The loser, along with his ship, shall be destroyed in the interests of peace. The contest will be one of ingenuity against ingenuity, brute strength against brute strength. The results will be final.

    Suspiria missing Caregiver:
    TANIS: When Suspiria brought us here three hundred years ago, she began to teach us how we could become stronger than we ever could have on the homeworld. [...] Suspiria taught us to develop our psychokinetic skills that had lain dormant for so long. [...] Suspiria helped us develop a technology to extend the Ocampa life span three generations ago. [...]She only assumes physical form when we need to communicate with her. [...] All I know is, when we need her, she comes.

    Temporal Agent Daniels having Starfleet:
    DANIELS: That's because I'm not a member of Starfleet. Not that I wouldn't be honored to be one, sir [...]
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022
    Admiral Janeway having voy and missing tng : Toss-up here. The uniform is from the TNG movie Nemesis, while the arena quote is from Admiral Janeway (in a different uniform) in the VOY episode Endgame. Flavor text could apply to either appearance. I assume crew art would take priority here, so perhaps these traits should be swapped.

    Badge-Challenged Linus having Resourceful: It's generally not worth quibbling over vague traits, especially a collection trait like Resourceful, but this is a pretty egregious application. His only appearances in this episode show him failing to properly utilize a resource - a new personal transporter. Judging by this crew's flavor text copy/pasted from Memory Alpha, it's possible that whomever designed this card was unaware of how unfitting this trait is to this variant.

    Demora Sulu having tos and missing tng: As with Nexus Kirk, this could go either way. Since most of the crew in Generations have the TNG tag including Captain John Harriman from the earlier time period, I would advocate to see these switched.

    First Officer Una missing Musician: Although Relaxed Number One is the variant from the turbolift scene, Una is a singer and it's referenced in this variant's flavor text.
    Una is a talented helmsman (and singer) serving as First Officer under Captain Pike on the USS Enterprise.

    Hippie O'Brien having Displaced - As with Hippie Kira, they transport back and forth at will several times. Neither definition of Displaced given by Shan in the trait's introductory announcement fits here. If these two are Displaced crew, then there several dozen others would who need to have the trait added.

    Leah Brahms missing Theoretical Engineer, Writer:

    Theoretical Engineer:
    PICARD: The Senior Design Engineer of the Theoretical Propulsion Group. Doctor Leah Brahms.
    LAFORGE: Right. Again, I adjusted the flow. Sometimes things happen a little differently here is space than they do on the drawing board.
    LEAH: Is that a criticism, Commander?
    LAFORGE: No, of course not. It's just a well known fact. There's theory and there's application.

    Writer: A dozen different tech manuals authored by her are shown on screen and her writing is mentioned in the script.
    LAFORGE: Uh-uh, Doctor, no. Writing is not one of my strong suits.
    LEAH: But this kind of refinement should be shared, and you deserve the credit for it.
    LAFORGE: Well, maybe we could collaborate. Writing is one of your strong points.
    LAFORGE: Junior member, huh? Looks like she wrote the book on propulsion.
    LEAH [OC]: Theoretical propulsion logs, Federation Starship Enterprise, Galaxy class. Heading, Subspace. Author, Leah Brahms.

    Nexus Kirk having tos and missing tng - There's a case to be made that he has the correct trait as he's the only TOS character from Generations to have a card in game and it's something of a hybrid movie, but the majority of crew in the movie have the TNG tag, including Harriman from the earlier time period. I would advocate to see these switched.

    Tawi'Yan Alexander having Resourceful - It's generally not worth quibbling over vague traits, especially a collection trait like Resourceful, but this is a pretty egregious application. His role in the episode is one of a total dunce and he is repeatedly ineffectual, useless, and a deterrent to others.
    ALEXANDER: I flooded the entire deck with superheated hydraulic fluid. It took me three days to clean it up, but I swear it still smells like burnt dog hair in there.
    DAX: Remind me to keep you away from the Defiant. You're a menace.
    ALEXANDER: The Rotarran's crew actually thinks of me as a good luck charm. You know, the more mistakes I make, the safer they feel.
    WORF: Our wedding plans have changed. We are getting married here on Deep Space Nine. And I want you to be my Tawi'Yan.
    DAX: Sword-bearer. It's sort of like a best man.
    ALEXANDER: Me? Really? Oh, that's great!
    (He throws out his arms and hits a waiter's tray which crashes onto a table.)
    QUARK: I'll put that on your tab.
    ALEXANDER: You're asking me? I can barely say my name in Klingon.
    (Alexander has passed out.)
    BASHIR: Alexander?
    ALEXANDER: Grandma?
    BASHIR: Guess again.

    Wyatt Earp missing Constable - An old west police sheriff, even has the shiny little badge on his art.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain Morgan Bateson having Casual: This may have been to avoid a legendary crew with only Human, Federation, and Starfleet, but does not apply to an on-duty officer. Could replace with Tactician, Resourceful, or something similarly nebulous if that was the intent. If drawing from non-canon sources as was done with Graduation Amanda Grayson's Linguist trait, Bateson would qualify for the Veteran trait due to his conflicts with the Klingons.

    I just always assumed his Casual trait was a wink and a nod to Cheers, along with using his full name to get that "Captain Morgan" out there instead of just calling him Captain Bateson. I appreciate it as an Easter egg, as I appreciate Yelgrun having the Musician trait. Communicator would seem a more suitable Easter egg trait than Casual, though.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That could very well be. I'm sure we won't get any feedback from the devs on this list or further trait definitions, so it'll be up to the brain trust on that one. It's a shame there's no Psychiatrist trait.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2022
    Upon consideration, I'd argue Surata IV La Forge and Hollow Data ought to be Investigators. They spent their respective episodes they were, er, investigating.
  • MicrohopperMicrohopper ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2022
    Hollow Data is clearly said to be Exobiology in Tin Man.

    "Data, you are our resident honour student in exobiology.
    You will head up the Life Sciences on this mission.
    - Aye, sir.

    Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=star-trek-the-next-generation&episode=s03e20"

    And of course, since Data mentions Exobiology in Encounter at Farpoint, I would say that all his variants would aualify. Here is his response to Riker on the holodeck,

    "Then your rank of lieutenant commander is honorary?
    No, sir. Starfleet class of '78, honors in probability and mechanics and exobiology.

    Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=star-trek-the-next-generation&episode=s01e01"
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    It occurred to me that it might be easier to navigate if we collaborated on a spreadsheet. Voila! One Google spreadsheet that can be edited by anyone with the link. I've locked the Definitions sheet. I transferred all the definitions in @Automaton_2000 's OP's (and gave credit in the Note) but there are, of course, additional traits out there. I've added a few mostly just as examples to get it started.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had intended to switch to a sheet after the next audit, but I don't have the bandwidth to maintain this so I'd recommend starting a new thread after the next audit and Shan can pin that one.
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