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New collection and Objective Event beta!

Greetings, Captains,

Today we’ve added a new collection to the game, “Cultural Impact’, for crew with the “cultural figure” trait. Enjoy!

As previously announced tomorrow Tuesday, November 16, we will run our first Objective Event. This will be a beta for Objective Events and as such, this first event will be fairly simple and not representative of future Objective Events.

Known issue:
There is currently a display issue regarding locked objectives and their prerequisite.

When an objective availability depends on the completion of another objective, the info text will incorrectly display only one milestone of the prerequisite objective, the milestone currently active for that objective. All milestones of a prerequisite objective will need to be completed for the next objective to unlock. This is being worked on and will be fixed with a future client update.

Objective Event Beta start: Tuesday, 11/16 at 10am ET (15:00 UTC)
Objective Event Beta end: Wednesday, 11/17 at 4pm ET (21:00 UTC)

Please note that Objective Events will consist of some activities that will overlap with Daily Missions activities. Currently there is no plan to schedule those events at daily reset, they will however be announced in advance allowing you to plan your gameplay accordingly.

We are looking forward to your participation, and feedback!

Thank you for playing!

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