New in Vault-Mark Jameson.
Is today not Tuesday?
Missing a Tuesday Pack here.
Still no Pack as of 1328 my time. {Eastern}
Missing a Tuesday Pack here.
Still no Pack as of 1328 my time. {Eastern}
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
He's been in the vault for a while. He's also missing a few traits.
Romantic: While his ego and lust to recapture his youth was briefly an afront to his wife, their relationship features heavily in the episode, including her accompanying him on the mission in the first place, Jameson chasing after her like a horndog , them kissing , etc.
Veteran: Jameson spent almost fifty years in Starfleet and has experience with missions in combat zones.
Duelist: Jameson risks his life with an experimental drug in order to face off with Karnas mano a mano (which is even referenced in his flavor text). He never really has the chance to do so due to his condition so I can see this trait not being a lock, but it is both Jameson's and Karnas' motivation throughout the episode.
Just saying.
Just my opinion.
Since people felt compelled to waste Honour in order to be unpaid interns, probably be one in a few days.
Of course romantic applies. The images and first quote are from the first third of the episode. Not to mention they were married fifty years, his wife accompanies him on the mission, four of Anne's five scenes reference their romance, he dies with her name on his lips... I could find 50 crew who have the trait who weren't engaged in romantic activity during the exact point in time of their art if the definition were to be that narrow.
Veteran is applied to more than wartime veterans and would be consistent with some of Picard's older Admiral variants having the trait. There's no canon basis for Herbert Rossoff to have it...Colonel Q is merely a Q in a costume with no "real" combat experience...Lonzak escaped a "Den of Crocodiles"...
In the same way that Cyberneticist is the Star Trek definition and not the modern definition, Veteran has not solely been applied to combat veterans. Starfleet is a defense force and almost fifty years in the service qualifies.
Duelist, under the definition of a one-on-one faceoff (not only with weapons/physical fight) as detailed in other crew below, can be applied here and given its importance to the plot of the episode (Karnas demanding to see him face to face to kill him, Jameson taking the drug so that he has the strength to face him) I think it fits. But like I said, this one I can see them not adding since by the time they do face off, he's near death.
Racquetball O'Brien (DIP)
Dreamwalker Chakotay (DIP)
Portal 63 (DIP)
Duchamps (DIP)
Vulcan Executioner (DIP)
Locutus of Borg (DIP)
The Professor (DIP)
Warship Yar
If a version of Riker that was being violated in a way we cannot use the correct legal term for on this Forum has "Romantic", I don't even dispute it any more.