Final installation of our LEVEL 2 Industrial Replicator has begun been COMPLETED! Come experience the joys of post-scarcity civilization! Join STEELER NATION today! +2 Replicator Uses!
Want an Engineering Room you'd be proud to show your parents who don't understand you? Join Steeler Nation today and enjoy our newly upgraded Main Engineering! +3 to Core Engineering Skill!
Don't let the burdens of command mess up that subspace Age Challenge! Make things easier with our newly upgraded Ops Center! +3% to Core Command Skill!
Space is big. REALLY big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space. Stay on course with our newly upgraded Astrometrics Lab! +3% to Core Science Skill!
Looking for a bowl of fresh gagh? Some souvenir flame gems for the kids back home? Or just a bespoke tailored suit from an ex-pat spymaster? All this and more can be found on our newly expanded Promenade! +3% to Core Science Skill! +3% Diplomacy Skill Proficiency!
Is your current Starbase already at maximum level?
Are you looking for a new challenge and to "Pay it Forward?"
Join our new Officer Exchange Program! Become a part of Steeler Nation for a time to share your expertise and construction materials with a grateful fleet!
We need more members to help with the continued expansion of the Starbase! We're a great starter or transitional fleet, or good for the advanced player seeking a relaxed, quiet fleet experience! Join today!
* Intersteller Interference event
* Peldor Joi event.
From Hell's Heart...!!!
Join Steeler Nation today!
Join Steeler Nation today!
Are you looking for a new challenge and to "Pay it Forward?"
Join our new Officer Exchange Program! Become a part of Steeler Nation for a time to share your expertise and construction materials with a grateful fleet!
Easter Egg Hunt:
As always, we are still recruiting! If you need a good starter fleet, or want a relaxed, commitment-free fleet experience, feel free to join!
Who else is level (age) 65 right now?
Captain Janeway/Kate Mulgrew
Deanna Troi/Marina Sirtis
Captain Archer/Scott Bakula
Everyone Else/Jeffrey Combs
We need more members to help with the continued expansion of the Starbase! We're a great starter or transitional fleet, or good for the advanced player seeking a relaxed, quiet fleet experience! Join today!
Thanks! Yes, I'm Pittsburgh born and bred, myself
Our Base may be growing slowly, but the Devil is in the details...!
Come join us for a helluva good time!
(Yes, I've been binging Lucifer on Netflix...)
Gather round, Fleet, for our annual holiday tale
Of the Botany Bay, her crew... and BETRAYAL!!