[Advice] Analyzing who to level and immortalize first

Hey, all! I’ve been a player since 2016, but I’ve only recently started playing more seriously. I have a major issue at the moment that I am certain all of you have faced at one time or another, so I am seeking advice. The gist is that I want to understand what I should be looking at in order to determine which crew to level and immortalize first in order to make way for new crew I acquire. At the moment, I am 5 over my allotment, and I cannot pay dilithium to increase it.
Initially my strategy was to level and immortalize the 1* crew first — by chron cost, faction items, and build cost required to level. But by doing this, I have greatly undermined my ability to send out good voyages (I was at 4+ hours regularly for each without an extension before I started doing this; now my crew are so much lower level, they don’t bring as much antimatter to the ship), which also results in more dilithium to extend. So that’s an issue. I have also vastly restricted my ability to use trainers to continue leveling the crew that are usable in story missions, cadet challenges, shuttles, or arena battles — and you can forget gauntlets altogether. So that’s another huge issue because those are the places to acquire trainers. Thus, I have created a circular situation with no remediation.
My question, then, becomes how do you all actually figure out who to work on immortalize first? My first tact at this point would be to take the Datacore info and sort out my crew in the following way:
Does this look right to anyone? If not, please make suggestions. (I would like to limit airlocking crew, if at all possible. I prefer to immortalize.)
FYI: I haven’t found a tool that can help me do this, yet, but if there is one, please bring it to my attention and explain how to use it. I currently have my data loaded in CIDAS and DNA, but I’m not seeing where either is equipped for this type of analysis. If at all possible, I would like to use a tool that can take into account my actual crew.
Any and all advice offering critical thought on my question would be extremely helpful. Thank you, Captains!!
Initially my strategy was to level and immortalize the 1* crew first — by chron cost, faction items, and build cost required to level. But by doing this, I have greatly undermined my ability to send out good voyages (I was at 4+ hours regularly for each without an extension before I started doing this; now my crew are so much lower level, they don’t bring as much antimatter to the ship), which also results in more dilithium to extend. So that’s an issue. I have also vastly restricted my ability to use trainers to continue leveling the crew that are usable in story missions, cadet challenges, shuttles, or arena battles — and you can forget gauntlets altogether. So that’s another huge issue because those are the places to acquire trainers. Thus, I have created a circular situation with no remediation.
My question, then, becomes how do you all actually figure out who to work on immortalize first? My first tact at this point would be to take the Datacore info and sort out my crew in the following way:
- cost to level (chron cost + build cost + # of faction items)
- proficiency power
- gauntlet power
- # of stars required to fuse
- # of stars already fused
- # of collections
Does this look right to anyone? If not, please make suggestions. (I would like to limit airlocking crew, if at all possible. I prefer to immortalize.)
FYI: I haven’t found a tool that can help me do this, yet, but if there is one, please bring it to my attention and explain how to use it. I currently have my data loaded in CIDAS and DNA, but I’m not seeing where either is equipped for this type of analysis. If at all possible, I would like to use a tool that can take into account my actual crew.
Any and all advice offering critical thought on my question would be extremely helpful. Thank you, Captains!!
Focus on 2* and 3* crew right now. Particularly the ones that will help you clear the daily cadet missions; those missions will be key for you to get a steady stream of equipment, credits (Sat), trainers (Tues), shuttle boosts (Thurs), and chronos (M,W,F). There are several vital resources in the pinned "Guides And Tips: Resources and Help for Players" thread here in the Ready Room.
Once you start getting the 2* and 3* crew done, you can then start focusing on your 4* and 5* crew. Keep in mind that equipping the higher value crew is significantly more expensive, both in credits and gear. But those crew are significantly more powerful as well. In the early to middle of the game, it can take several days to level a SR or Legendary crew, so be patient and use your daily replicators.
Other than that, you should be focusing on maxing out your faction shuttles ASAP. That will give you a steady stream of purple and gold trainers. Voyage time length will come naturally as you slowly round out your crew. And be ready to freeze the 2* and 3* crew as you start getting better 4* and 5* options to replace them.
I disagree with this, almost completely. Common crew are, in my experience, harder to come by than Rare crew. You get voyage drops, but those take a long time. I remember waiting a long, long time to get Ensign Kim.
Common crew provide the foundation for so many things. I think players make a mistake rushing for the powerful Purples, and missing all the benefits commons give you. For starters, immortalizing them jump starts your Immortalized counter. Second - most belong to at least couple of collections, which provide bonuses.
They also can help fill gaps while you later pursue better Rares, and are easy choices to freeze when you need the space.
Speaking of Space - when you are actively leveling Blue and Purples, do you really want to be having to sacrifice precious crew space so you can level those Common crew you will definitely no longer use when space is really, really tight?
There really is no one right way to go about it, but I always took skipping the Commons as a bit too impatient. They have value for sure! But - skip them if you want, how you want to play trumps how everyone else says you should. I know for sure many on this site would be appalled at some of the choices I've made, and would make again. Wait until you start asking if you should use honor to buy gold trainers (yes) ... that's a controversial one for sure.
Ov (Overall) | Vo (Voyage) | Fa (Faction) | Ga (Gauntlet)
Sb (Ship Battle) | Bt (Boss Battle Traits) | Co (Collection) | (Cd (Cadet)
But at some point you will have enough to accomplish your basic tasks. At that point, the difference between one crew and another becomes insignificant and you can focus on who you like.
My best advice is to save all dilithium for crew slot sales. I've used some once upon a time for packs, but you never get what you want. Enough crew slots, and you never have to worry about freezing and thawing or airlocking crew.
For me I use Datacore Citation Optimizer to know who to cite and Do Not Airlock Checklist to know who to freeze or airlock.
My Dilithium is NOT for slots but to get 50 ISM each day so I can get 5* citations 2 times faster.
My target is constant 12h long voyages. Not reached so far but almost 100% 10h long. Best way to get free 1*,2*,3*,4* crew and ressources.
To free some slots I just use DNA too and airlock less useful crew.
As honor is limited you have to spare it for useful crew and not easy crew.
So, unless a crew finish a collection, you always have to spend it on crew who will give the best return on investment. IE, help you progress in voyage and/or events.
Another tip is to reserve super rare honorable citations for crew not in the portal. You have to get citations for those because you wont get any free copy in voyage. Another time, unless it finish a collection and gives you bonuses.
I do want to learn how to use the DNA better. It always just tells me to keep everyone, so I suppose I’m not sure how to use it properly. How can I get it to tell me who to let go?
As for citations, I don’t have any of those or know how to obtain them, though I see them for purchase in the Honor Hall. Is that where people are getting them?
Thanks so much, you guys. I’ve actually started using the BBBA to help me, but I know it’s still; mostly opinion. Any way that I can start better understanding who to keep and who to let go will help. I honestly feel like a baby with it all — like how can get to the bottom of this?
One method I’ve been pursuing recently is to create my own Google Sheets doc where I import the CSV from the STT Power Ratings site and my own data, the idea being that I can then start to really see is of value and who isn’t based on what I mentioned above. But, a) it’s not particularly painless, and b) DNA supposedly helps so many people, and yet, I am apparently brainless and can’t get it to work. It imports all of my crew, and it correctly identifies who I own, but then it just tells me every crew I have is sacred, to KEEP them all. I tried adjusting things on the settings page, and yet, I didn’t see how/why to change any of the defaults.
I feel so frustrated and sad because the overdraft of crew just keeps getting bigger and I have no idea how to fix the problem. All my 1* are immortalized and frozen, and yeah, I can start on the 2* and so in, but I also want to be able to actively play. I want to be able to run decent Voyages, Shuttles, Missions, Arena skirmishes, and play in the Gauntlet. I found when I was concentrating on the 1* I lost any resources to level anyone of importance that really let me enjoy the game. There has to be a way around this all. I just can’t seem to find . . . Which is why I am coming to you all. I feel like I’m just not grasping something that everyone else understands — some sort of sekrit message that everyone understands but me.
Sorry, all, not trying to whine. I want to help myself, here, — *desperately* I do. But I suppose I need a bit of help figuring out how to do that, as ironic as that sounds.
After that, my approach was to freeze lower-rarity crew only when I had a higher-rarity with the same skillset leveled up to 100 & fully equipped (FE), so that I was not losing power on the base (core) & proficiency stats. I wound up still using the 3* cards for a while longer, but that's OK.
As far as keeping EVERY card ... I was pretty ruthless about dismissing 1* & 4* cards along the way if I didn't have enough crew slots. I also didn't worry about how I ranked in the gauntlet or events unless it was a card for someone I really liked, no matter their utility (e.g., 5* Îlia Probe).
TL;DR: There is no "wrong" way to play this game, as long as you're having fun. As @Frank? used to say, it's a marathon, not a sprint. 🖖
@Roche I can help with the DNA. Can you send me a PM with your sheet link. Generally there are settings to adjust for newer players that can help with who to keep etc. I admit most of my focus on the sheet has been for players with deeper crew so that is how the defaults are set.
Before you send the sheet link, please be sure to hit the share button so I can view it.
@cmdrworf Thank you, I will.
Everyone else, please continue giving advice. I'm learning a *ton*.
I definitely like to keep my favorite cast members over everything else, too! I know it's cheesy, but seeing my favorite characters staring back at me in my crew makes me really happy! 😆
Thanks, you guys, for helping me feel that it is possible to regain control, so this this game can go back to being fun. It means a lot! 🙌🏻
You need extra slots otherwise the game will become less fun. Airlocking crew all the time is no fun.
Also keep your free premium rewards until you have a open slot. Otherwise you'll just burn it for honor you can't use.
Also don't to the 70 ISM each day with dil until you have done all the 1* 2* 3* since you don't have the room anyway. Also you probably won't have enough credits anyway.
This game is a marathon, not a sprint.