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Server Release Notes 2022-04-26 - Badgey Edition

Greetings, Captains,

With today’s server release we’ve making the following changes to the game:

- We tried to stop it (not really) … but Badgey is on the loose..
They’re a new 3* crew now available in the Time Portal and Voyages. Sorry, not sorry!

- Quantum Pass Change
We’ve revised the amount of daily Quantum provided when a Quantum Pass is purchased, it is now 70 instead of 50.

- ‘Animated’ collection: Dr. T’Ana is now part of it, and so will future Star Trek:Lower Decks crew. The collection’s description will be changed to reflect that, at a later time.

- The announcement for next week's event will be delayed until Monday.

Thank you for playing, LLAP!

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