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Second Star to the Right is looking for you!

This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited March 2024 in Fleet Central
Second Star to the Right (SSR) is a family of fleets that has multiple opportunities and openings:

SSR (main) offers a more competitive atmosphere for Captains.  Every week, we mix up squads and offer those that want competitive teammates the chance to be on top of the leaderboard!  This also features the options for squads that might want to be casual and take the occasional event off each week.

The Delta Flyers (DF) and The Collective (TC) offers older and younger Captains that chance to play daily while either learning tips and tricks of the trade or enjoying a more casual environment in regards to game play.

Unimatrix One (U1) offers new players a chance to learn the tricks of the trade while intermingling with older players who enjoy a relaxed environment.  Whether you are in your first months of play or want to avoid the stress of playing hours and hours during events, this fleet offers it all.

Interested in joining or want more information? Message me and we can get a feel for what is right for you.  All players enjoy a single universal chat on Discord to share tips and well wishes!

Also, did I mention the added bonus of our joke of the day!


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