Argentina Unida busca jugadores activos (Looking for active player)
Somos la flota de habla hispana más establecida y con mayor cantidad de miembros activos. Recientemente hicimos algo que nos parecía imposible, llegar al Nivel 8 de Puente, derribando 10 Jefes Brutales, uno día por medio. Esta Flota habla Castellano e Inglés.
We are the main Spanish stablished fleet and with the highest active players too. Today we've achieved something we thought impossible at first, getting to Bridge Level 8, taking down 10 Brutal Bosses, one every other day. This fleet speaks Spanish and English.

We are the main Spanish stablished fleet and with the highest active players too. Today we've achieved something we thought impossible at first, getting to Bridge Level 8, taking down 10 Brutal Bosses, one every other day. This fleet speaks Spanish and English.