Home Fleet Central


 Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
edited August 2022 in Fleet Central
SSR TOO has become ]§[ SPARTACUS

We are looking for captains who are active and enjoy competing. We are already a top 5 fleet and finished 2nd in the faction event that just finished. We have a great group of welcoming players with zero drama, so you’ll have no regrets about joining.

Our starbase is maxed out.

In Boss Battles, we are typically destroying 2x nightmare bosses per day. We do ultra nightmare each weekend. We can help you to strategize crew setups and ships. We work together completing the combo chains brilliantly. We even have a resident genius who helps us zero in on the nodes when he is online.

We have a discord server that has everything you could ever need and more. (Optional, but recommended… we have a couple of players who don’t want discord, but that’s fine as long as I have some means of contacting you away from the notorious in game chat).

General requirements:
- play daily and try to compete in events when you can. There is no mandatory event requirement here, but of course, competing with like-minded fleetmates makes things more fun.
- join our discord (not mandatory, but recommended)
- have fun!

Send me a message if this sounds like it’s up your street!
In game: ]§[Bri]§[
Discord: -Bri-#9924
Or inbox me here on whichever platform you are seeing this.
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