Something needs to be done about the UC and Fleet Chat
Firstly I just want to say that stuff like this should not be allowed to happen in the UC this behavior has chased away many paying customers from this game including the one being ill portrayed in this screen shot...
Secondly Fleet chat is not sufficient enough to communicate with the fleet through out boss battles and coordinate everyone... When it is live its fine... but when you log out and back again the chances are you will come across a completely blank chat. This is no good for managing a fleet. I think you can really do better with the chat, even if just giving admirals or officers the ability to send emails to fleet members that do not have to go through chat that can be verified that they were received and read... Captain Archer often got messages from Admiral Gardner As Picard got from his Admiral and so on so forth... Communication needs to exist at a level that either works or can be monitored for misconduct. The current chat that is used for the game needs to definitely be evaluated and either updated or upgraded, because it has been so long and gone so unattended that behavior like in the screen shot will fester and eventually become what everyone will judge this game upon...
Please Remove these bugs and get this game moving in the right direction as it once was...
Many thanks...
Secondly Fleet chat is not sufficient enough to communicate with the fleet through out boss battles and coordinate everyone... When it is live its fine... but when you log out and back again the chances are you will come across a completely blank chat. This is no good for managing a fleet. I think you can really do better with the chat, even if just giving admirals or officers the ability to send emails to fleet members that do not have to go through chat that can be verified that they were received and read... Captain Archer often got messages from Admiral Gardner As Picard got from his Admiral and so on so forth... Communication needs to exist at a level that either works or can be monitored for misconduct. The current chat that is used for the game needs to definitely be evaluated and either updated or upgraded, because it has been so long and gone so unattended that behavior like in the screen shot will fester and eventually become what everyone will judge this game upon...
Please Remove these bugs and get this game moving in the right direction as it once was...
Many thanks...
I saw that you reported this behavior via ticket, thank you, this allows us to take action.
Fixing chat is unfortunately not as easy and might not be feasible.
Regarding behavior, we do have a filter, it is not perfect of course, and that's why players' reports are a tremendous help
How about chat monitors? Geez, we had those on LYCOS in the 1990s, and Talk City in the early 2000s. Its OLD tech, and not that hard to implement.
Chat is being monitored by a specific software, it does catch a lot of things but it is not perfect.
I can't believe it's not possible to fix the chat, while it was even possible 20 years ago on the crappiest software. Censors don't do anything. They're just annoying cause they censor harmless words while the biggest insults can be posted anyway.
Fix the source of the problem, not the symptoms. Would be nice and thanks in advance.
I meant they had LIVE monitors. I was one of them on both platforms. People were credentialed as room monitors with power to ban people from chat for 24 hrs. They would "sign in" as a room mod. In this case, room mods could do a temporary ban, take screen shots and forward them to the team to review and take additional action.
There are alot of really good people that would be happy to fill that role. UC has gotten worse and worse over the last 5 years, and it doesn't have to be that way.
But please, continue to report via ticket, with screenshots.
As I said earlier, it is helpful and allows us to investigate/take action.
Thank you!
It's all the same person.
Using a combination of source IP address, browser type and reported OS (information available from any internet connection) we created a black list of IPs that were seen as repetitive sources for abuse. If an account or message was marked as abusive, the IP/connection information was added or updated to the database, and update the abuse counter. If that counter exceeded our threshold, that IP was marked as a hard-block.
In the website application in the global page header module, we performed a quick check of the current IP address against the black list, and if it was found, we would redirect the user to an informational page that indicated that their IP was blocked, with contact instructions on how to request an unblock if this was accidental.
Never got an unblock request, and over time, those unsavory users with alt accounts discovered that they could no longer use the site, regardless of the account they tried.
Folks can create many alternate accounts here at STTL, but they will all generally use the same IP. And yes, the public IP for many users may change, but this will slow them down.
Just a thought.
I really don t see much of an issue there?
Topic is about Fleet and UC chat.
And sadly there will never be a chance(to my knowledge) to avoid abusive PMs,
except for if u don t play games that offer such function.
And yes, it’s ur very own choice how to handle such issues, either you can get mad and make a fuss about(wasting ur energy and time), or just mute+block+report the player, restart the game and move on. Ur call!
Won a faction event top 20. Many poach attempts, friend requests, random attempts at contact, and constant pm from numerous unknown players within the same fleet alliance that spans several fleets.
After several “not thank you” “im fine where i am” replies, they started being nasty/mean/attack messages.
When an entire group of fleets starts attacking you because you refuse their poach/recruit attempts there is no way to single out 1 in 400 players who are attacking you. Rotating through members daily, then circle around to start over. You report the entire fleet alliance?
They Change names, change crew, hop out of fleet to be send pm, then run back home a few hours later after pm has gone away….so they think.
This scenario played out for over a year. These people continued to send random hate messages that slowly dwindled from 20 a day to finally none after a year.
They obviously stem from UC and the amount that set up alt accounts to continue the abuse is astounding. If your fleet chat is offensive then that's not really anyones problem but yours.