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Are faction centers becoming dilithium oriented?

When I started playing this game, the number of equipment sold for dilithium in the faction center ranged from 0 to 1...Now, i started seeing 4-5 items (not characters or schematics) that require dilithium. Is this the direction DB is going towards, dilithium only faction center?


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    I've noticed the same unfortunate trend. :( I also wish all those inexplicably elusive BASIC items were available regularly to buy, ideally for merits. We shouldn't have to run endless shuttle missions to get a few orchids or ancient films.
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
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    Yep, I'm at the point where I just replicate faction items I can't get in a store for merits (or extremely cheaply for credits, but that's rare). It's only four a day, but they don't drop from shuttles, even when you run extras during faction events. They just don't. Maybe you get one item every round of shuttles, but then they start getting harder, you fail more, etc. At least, that's been my experience.

    And I would never spend dilithium on them, but I completely agree with the creeping dilithium-only sales in the faction centers.
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    The weird thing here is that, normally, as the player base grows...the money-grab stays the same (too few examples for the games where the money-grab dropped), but here, it grows at the same pace. But not the rewards.

    I wonder if we'll start paying dilithium for moving from mission to mission...cause, fuel ain't cheap!
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