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Making My Own Characters



  • 245. Ch’Pok

    Character Profile: Ch’Pok
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 50 Command: 37 Security: 24
    Traits: Klingon, Advocate, Investigator, Communicator, Brutal

    (DS9: Rules of Engagement)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 246. Ee’char

    Character Profile: Ee’char
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 52 Security: 40 Engineering: 16
    Traits: Argtathi, Prisoner, Desperate, Survivalist, Artist, Resourceful

    (DS9: Hard Time)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 247. Groom Odo

    Character Profile: Groom Odo
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 74 Command: 57 Medicine: 31
    Traits: Changeling, Shapeshifter, Bajoran, Investigator, Romantic

    (DS9: The Muse)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 238. Lt. Commander Michael Eddington

    Character Profile: Lt. Commander Michael Eddington
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Security: 71 Command: 58 Engineering: 34
    Traits: Human, Starfleet, Federation, Investigator, Tactician, Saboteur, Maquis, Desperate

    (ST: DS9)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 239. Klingon Odo

    Character Profile: Klingon Odo
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Security: 53 Command: 37 Diplomacy: 21
    Traits: Changeling, Bajoran, Desperate, Klingon, Undercover Operative, Investigator

    (DS9: Apocalypse Rising)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 240. Technician Fisher

    Character Profile: Technician Fisher
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Science: 58 Engineering: 57
    Traits: Human, Starfleet, Federation, Geologist

    (TOS: The Enemy Within)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 241. Ambassador Gav

    Character Profile: Ambassador Gav
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 51 Security: 37 Command: 30
    Traits: Tellarite, Federation, Ambassador, Diplomat, Civilian

    (TOS: Journey To Babel)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 242. Amanda of Vulcan

    Character Profile: Amanda of Vulcan
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 63 Command: 57 Medicine: 31
    Traits: Human, Federation, Civilian, Communicator, Romantic, Caregiver

    (TOS: Journey To Babel)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 243. Sarek of Vulcan

    Character Profile: Sarek of Vulcan
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 68 Command: 56 Science: 34
    Traits: Vulcan, Ambassador, Civilian, Federation, Diplomat, Desperate, Telepath, Communicator, Cultural Figure

    (TOS: Journey To Babel)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 244. Thelev

    Character Profile: Thelev
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Security: 73 Command: 56 Diplomacy: 34
    Traits: Orion, Andorian, Undercover Operative, Saboteur, Brutal, Duelist

    (TOS: Journey To Babel)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 245. EV Suit Garak

    Character Profile: EV Suit Garak
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Engineering: 55 Security: 40 Diplomacy: 23
    Traits: Cardassian, Tailor, Resourceful, Civilian, Scoundrel, Undercover Operative

    (DS9: Empok Nor)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 246. Away Team Nog

    Character Profile: Away Team Nog
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Engineering: 73 Security: 57 Diplomacy: 31
    Traits: Ferengi, Starfleet, Federation, Desperate, Resourceful, Marksman

    (DS9: Empok Nor)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 247. Psycho Garak

    Character Profile: Psycho Garak
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Security: 67 Diplomacy: 54 Command: 32
    Traits: Cardassian, Civilian, Brutal, Communicator, Desperate, Survivalist, Undercover Operative, Tailor, Saboteur

    (DS9: Empok Nor)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 248. Sirella

    Character Profile: Sirella
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Command: 63 Diplomacy: 58 Security: 51
    Traits: Klingon, Civilian, Brutal

    (DS9: You Are Cordially Invited)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 249. Mirror Bareil

    Character Profile: Mirror Bareil
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 52 Security: 42
    Traits: Bajoran, Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, Thief, Scoundrel, Mirror Universe, Romantic

    (DS9: Resurrection)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 250. Legate Damar

    Character Profile: Legate Damar
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Command: 73 Security: 57 Diplomacy: 31
    Traits: Cardassian, Dominion, Cultural Figure, Tactician, Desperate, Brutal, Communicator

    (DS9 Statistical Probabilities)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 251. Unstable Dukat

    Character Profile: Unstable Dukat
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 58 Security: 53 Medicine: 31
    Traits: Cardassian, Desperate, Survivalist, Cursed, Tactician, Chef, Communicator, Villain, Brutal

    (DS9: Waltz)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 252. Deputy Director Sloan

    Character Profile: Deputy Director Sloan
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 74 Command: 57 Security: 32
    Traits: Human, Starfleet, Federation, Section 31, Interrogator, Investigator, Undercover Operative, Brutal

    (DS9: Inquisition)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 253. Comfort Woman Kira

    Character Profile: Comfort Woman Kira
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 57 Security: 41 Command: 22
    Traits: Bajoran, Civilian, Desperate, Survivalist, Veteran, Saboteur

    (DS9: Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 254. Pah-wraith Jake

    Character Profile: Pah-wraith Jake
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Security: 68 Command: 52 Diplomacy: 27
    Traits: Human, Federation, Civilian, Writer, Brutal, Duelist

    (DS9: The Reckoning)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 255. Prophet Kira

    Character Profile: Prophet Kira
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Security: 70 Command: 56 Diplomacy: 33
    Traits: Bajoran, Spiritual, Brutal, Duelist, Veteran, Resourceful

    (DS9: The Reckoning)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 256. Lt. Phillipa Georgiou

    Character Profile: Lt. Phillipa Georgiou
    Rarity: 3*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 43 Science: 37 Command: 16
    Traits: Human, Starfleet, Federation, Explorer

    (ST: The Brightest Star)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 257. Weyoun Clone 7

    Character Profile: Weyoun Clone 7
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Command: 57 Diplomacy: 41 Security: 20
    Traits: Vorta, Dominion, Diplomat, Clone, Communicator, Tactician

    (DS9: Penumbra)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 258. Thot Pran

    Character Profile: Thot Pran
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Command: 50 Security: 37 Diplomacy: 35
    Traits: Breen, Dominion, Tactician, Diplomat, Resourceful

    (DS9: Tacking Into the Wind)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 259. Diseased Odo

    Character Profile: Diseased Odo
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 52 Command: 38 Medicine: 21
    Traits: Changeling, Bajoran, Desperate, Shapeshifter, Resourceful

    (DS9: Extreme Measures)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 260. Legate Broca

    Character Profile: Legate Broca
    Rarity: 4*
    Skills: Command: 51 Diplomacy: 38 Security: 17
    Traits: Cardassian, Dominion, Cultural Figure

    (DS9: The Dogs of War)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • 261. Weyoun Clone 8

    Character Profile: Weyoun Clone 8
    Rarity: 5*
    Skills: Diplomacy: 67 Command: 54 Security: 23
    Traits: Vorta, Clone, Dominion, Desperate, Diplomat, Tactician

    (DS9: Strange Bedfellows)
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
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