Join Top Ranked CFOH today!

The Colonial Fleet Ohio is looking for a good captain to fill out our ranks. We are a worldwide fleet that focuses on having fun. Through fun we have risen to be one of the top fleets in the game. We have no VIP level or spending requirements. What we do require is that you be active, communicate with squad leaders and officers, and be courteous to other fleet members. We participate weekly in inter-fleet activities with several other active fleets. Some of our achievements include:
Consistently being in the top 35 for all fleets in events.
#1 fleet and #1 squad in Orion's Belt event

#2 fleet and #3 squad in Fast as Light event

Consistently being ranked in the top 35 of all fleets.
A level 42 Starbase.
Many captains with wins in all divisions of the arena including Kelvor Dax finishing first in all three.

Many captains with #1 gauntlet finishes.
We use in-game chat as well as LINE where we have our own fleet page set up for discussions and file sharing.
If you are interested in joining us please message me with some information about yourself.
Recruitment Officer
Colonial Fleet Ohio
Consistently being in the top 35 for all fleets in events.
#1 fleet and #1 squad in Orion's Belt event

#2 fleet and #3 squad in Fast as Light event

Consistently being ranked in the top 35 of all fleets.
A level 42 Starbase.
Many captains with wins in all divisions of the arena including Kelvor Dax finishing first in all three.

Many captains with #1 gauntlet finishes.
We use in-game chat as well as LINE where we have our own fleet page set up for discussions and file sharing.
If you are interested in joining us please message me with some information about yourself.
Recruitment Officer
Colonial Fleet Ohio
I would be interested in joining. I am an EST player, and play everyday. I am no whale by any means but my details are below if you'll have me.
Captain Havenlight
Nexus Kirk avatar
Lvl 56
4 shuttles, 145 crew slots, 40 - 5 stars
Play every day, every event, not hardcore, but can pull off gauntlet #1 if I really push
Colonial Fleet Ohio is all of the above, and more. I'm proud to call it home. Looking for captains who are active daily, who communicate regularly, and particularly those who want to shoot for the moon.
We are made up of people from all over the world, though most of us are in the US. One-third of the captains are above level 60, most of the rest are in the 50s. We enjoy occasionally going all-in on events, but it's never mandatory. All we ask of the captains is to give their best.
PM me or @CFOHSilverknight for more details!
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Current fleet rank in "Reflections" event: 11th place.
Sample of current squadron ranks in CFOH: #166; #158; #82; and #19.
Many of our new recruits came from other fleets with either too many rules or too much seriousness. While we enjoy being the best we can be, the great group of guys and gals in Colonial Fleet Ohio are also really easygoing & playful, and we always support each other & have each others' backs. So contact us today if you want to join a top-ranked fleet that still knows that enjoying the game (and the people you play with) is the most important thing!
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I‘m looking for a new fleet which meets the daily targets, enjoys „daily“ playing and have fun.
I‘m currently lvl 50 / VIP 13 / 180 crew spaces / 4 shuttles / my last event ranks were 103 / 4738 / 43 / 2963 / 1905
Just let me know.
Great. Sent you a PM.
I hope I'm not too late...
**Edit (2)
Looking more closely at this thread, I see that you were offering a position to someone already. Please consider me for future openings.
Insert Captains Name here
Proton Paris
Lvl 44
3 shuttles, daily player. I finished 7499 in the last event