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Announcing our next campaign: 30 Years of Deep Space Nine - correction

ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2023 in Starfleet Communications

Greetings, Captains,

Deep Space 9 is the theme of our next campaign, “30 Years of DS9”.

It will feature: Conflicted Sisko High Roller Sisko 5*, Cardassian Kira 4*, and the brand new Tekeny Ghemor 5*!

The last reward of the Ultimate track will be an exclusive DS9 station avatar.

“Conflicted Sisko'' is in 2 collections: ‘Cultural Impact’ (cultural figure trait), and ‘New Life and New Civilizations’ (diplomat trait)

“High Roller Sisko'' is in 4 collections: ‘Costume Party’ (costumed trait), ‘Cultural Impact’ (cultural figure trait), ‘Take A Chance’(gambler trait), and ‘Badda-Bing Badda-Bang’.

“Cardassian Kira” is part of 1 collection: ‘Chain of Command’ (Cardassian trait)

“Tekeny Ghemor” will be part of 4 collections: ‘Cultural Impact’ (cultural figure trait), ‘Great Compassion’ (caregiver trait), ‘Valor in Combat’ (veteran trait), and ‘Chain of Command’ (Cardassian trait).

This campaign will start on Tuesday, January 24 at 12am ET (5:00 UTC), and end on Monday, February 20 at 11:59pm ET (Tuesday, February 21 at 04:59 UTC).

You have one week left to complete the “Something to Celebrate” campaign!

Thank you for playing,

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