Passing Tuesday Cadet Missions
Which 2* crew are capable of passing the last two missions of the Tuesday Cadet Missions on EPIC.
I've passed all the others, except these, and need one more * (ENG) on the seconds to last, and two on the last (can't remember exactly which, but ENG is probably one of them!). Seska just doesn't seem to cut it!
I've passed all the others, except these, and need one more * (ENG) on the seconds to last, and two on the last (can't remember exactly which, but ENG is probably one of them!). Seska just doesn't seem to cut it!
Node #4: I used Data, but any high roller will work, so Naomi, and Rom ... with starbase bonuses Rom is probably best(?) ... this node requires a good roll, I had to run it 4 times before I finally was able to crit it ... this was a while ago, our starbase bonuses are a lot higher so it might be a lot easier now.
Node #5: Naomi all the way, with Resourceful bonus.
Of Two Evils
Which nodes can you not hit with a critical roll? The ENG node has no reward so ... just try to find crew who's traits and skills match those at the node.
Tip: check the wiki to pass the nodes you need to pass, also tells you who's best to do so (e.g. Odo for the DIP node).
I have been told Gaia Odo is best for Of Two Evils but typically I haven't seen him since I airlocked him ages ago.
Thanks all for your responses. Data and Naomi aren't currently in my active roster, since trying to minimize the number of 2*. I may have to do a bit of juggling at some point!
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It's also worth noting that Terran emblems are a reward on elite, but in my experience at least those drop more regularly from faction missions than the poisoned drinks do. So normal might still be the best way to go, depending on what's already on hand.
I have ran about 8 successful shuttles since the event ended, but 0 poisoned drinks...ugh.
If they would just drop, that is.
Oops, meant that as a reply to Matt.
All in the RNG... the cadet missions gave me 3 today...
It is a team effort.
Flesh and Blood
Crit. Attempt Last ENG node:
You want someone high enough to guarentee success on 1st and 3rd SEC nodes
Say Kira because you will need her for next crit attempt.
You will need Seska for 2nd SEC node and 1st ENG node. The last ENG. node is Wildman. Seska has small chance of failing SEC node.
Wildman gives you best chance to Crit.
Crit. Attempt 1st ENG. node:
Again for 1st and 3rd SEC. nodes you need some one to guarentee success let’s pick Worf (Alexander, Haron and Damar)
For 2nd SEC and CMD you need Kira.
For 1st ENG node need Wildman. ( Wildman has much better proficiency than Data)
Again Wildman gives best chance to Crit.
It does you no good to Crit if you fail mission. Keep in mind you want you best three crew to have success and Crit. Also failure on one particular node will make it harder to Crit the last node.
Use the wiki to help make crew choices. Make sure to know all trait bonuses for all nodes in mission when making selection. Tap the skills to see all crew listed in order for that skill make sure that it is highest to lowest, may need to tap skill again. Again each attempt to Crit a particular node will most likely not have the same three crew.
Odo fo DIP, Seven for ENG and SCI, if critting MED Kes, else CMD worf. Note Odo crits DIP.
For SCI node Crit.
Dax for SCI someone other than Odo fails Eng node, Odo does Dip. Kes or Worf, MED or CMD.
Watch out with Worf. Easy to make mistake and use him on the SEC node. If that happens Worf has about a third of a chance for failure when tired.
5 crew to Crit all nodes. Once Crit only need Seven, Persis and Kes. (Notice all woman for Thursday challenge )
I've been farming these today as I leveled Mirror Empress Sato up to 100 and fully equipped her. Bought an additional round of cadet missions and ran shuttles to get them. Just got her a couple days ago from a long voyage. Worked out well. Now I'm hoping she is the Threshold reward so I can FF her.
If you were hoping she was threshold, why did you fully equip when equipment items drop in threshold.
As it happens she is threshold and has several items that are only Sato not generic Terran or Enterprise, there are a few that are generic.
I do the same thing if I can, esp on faction missions - gives you the opportunity to get some of the bonuses early on you wouldn’t normally get