Which Ship or Ships have the "Raider" Trait?
in The Bridge
Apparently it came up for other players starting a Voyage, as well. And no one can find a Ship with the Trait for the Voyage.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Neither has the Trait.
I was wrong.
I first checked BB which shows the trait on those two ships, but they don't show in-game.
Maybe hidden traits? Similar to what we have on crew?
Well, "hidden" Traits should not show up for a Voyage option if they cannot be used.
CC @STT Community
I'll pass this to the dev team, thank you!
The Serene Squall will have it. But, will probably be some period of time that a lot of people will not have it high enough to nudge out a Level Ten 5 🌟 without the Bonus.