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DB, your name is Mudd.

Please note that I’m putting this in Engineering because I’m not sure where else it would go. I know that everyone’s sense of aesthetics is different but sometimes there are things done to various crew member portraits that make no sense whatsoever. Some may be accidents I’m sure while others are just bad decisions. First off, Orion Vina has a fuzzy portrait and some other characters have a tendency to sometimes have a fuzzy image and sometimes not, namely Marla McGivers and the Borg Queen. Finally, there’s the fact that DB can’t seem to make up their mind about how close we should view the pictures of the crew members, especially when in user pic form. I’m sure some of you noticed how close the closeups of Leonardo and Chapel were, for instance. Sometimes the closeups are better than the really far away versions though. Gaia Odo and Author Doctor are good examples, but the most recent cake taker is Harry Mudd. His user pic form was a closeup to be sure, but it was a good one. You could clearly see his face and it just plain looked good. For some reason they changed it though, and now he has a really tiny head in his smaller format. Commander Chapel was updated to look quite nice, not too far and no longer too close, but Harry just looks tiny. Again, I know this is a matter of, ahem, perspective, but I think it’s also a valid observation that this seems to happen too often and repeatedly with no discernible criteria of standard portraiture. This is probably more of a complaint than actual problem but I think there’s a problem underneath it all, so that should suffice enough for its placement in Engineering.
Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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