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ARGENTINA UNIDA seeks active captains - 6 open spaces!!!

edited June 27 in Fleet Central
Active fleet doing an Ultranightmare boss every 18 hours or so. Anyone can join our Spanish or English Whatsapp group for help and coordination, but that is not a requirement. We are organized with more than half of the fleet Level 99 players; starbase is complete a long time ago.
On higher Bridge levels Magnesite is a limitant so we still manage to take down an ultranightmare boss while at the time also dealing enough damage to the Nightmare boss to maximize Magnesite income.


  • At higher bridgle levels the rest of the resources are not so important, as a matter of fact they just growing while waiting for Magnesite.

  • We used to have more open spaces but several players have joined in lately, we've also kicked 2 inactive players for the number of our members not to go down, but there could be a few more extra places.
  • Hola. Estoy interesado en entrar en vuestra flota.
  • javinubia wrote: »
    Hola. Estoy interesado en entrar en vuestra flota.

    Hay un lugar disponible!
  • Hemos sacados algunos capitanes con mucho tiempo sin jugar y por eso hay algunos lugares extra, fuera de eso la flota sigue activa, tirando jefes y jugando eventos.

    Te estamos esperando

    We have kicked off some inactive players and that's why we have a few more open spaces, even though, the fleet is still active, taking down bosses and playing events.

    We are waiting for you
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