Starbases - Proficiency rooms don't go to front of list
With the update today to add new proficiency rooms I noticed some display issues with them. First, if a room is marked as "Fleet Recommended" it's not going to the very front of the list. For instance we have the Med room tagged but our level 7 rooms are all in front of it. All fleet tagged rooms should go to the very front of the list and ideally all max level rooms should fall to the very end. Once they're maxed we don't need to see them again (except to look at the amazing art).
I have confirmed that it works correctly on our end so it seems that the issue here is more the fact that the "recommended flag" cannot be removed once a room is at max level?
What interest me more is knowing if the flag CAN be removed on a room at max level.
If it cannot that would be a bug that I could report.
I'm not a fleet officer but in talking to one of them, they said they don't have the ribbon to unflag a room that's been maxed out.
Perfect, thank you!
Last time you increased the % for the old rooms all the ones we had already maxed were still flagged as recommended once the update hit so I'd say its a very strong chance the flag is still remaining active once they're maxed.
Edit: Missed that part. You definitely can't unflag a room once it's maxed.
Honestly Shan, are you playing this game? From time to time you should realy take a look into this "game", to see what you serve us.
Dude what is your problem, why so hostile? You are not understanding the problem here. We're saying the room is still flagged even when maxed but there's no visible indicator and no way to unflag it. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there, especially in writing code. Various flags are set all the time but can't be seen.
Oh OK thank you Didn't read it very very carefully. But there must be also some kind of rating for Skillrooms/Profrooms/Transporter room. Because the flaged Profroom is between the maxed Skillrooms and the Transporter room.
Why hostile?
Because we get again untested features. They throw out stuff and let the customers do the QA. In other words i pay DB and work for them as a customer. Sure, a lot of people do the QA for DB with pleasure and pay DB well. I do not. And now we sit on a bunch of bugs to be solved one day or not. I hope you understand my hostility.
Thank you.
some kind of mechanism to either automatically un-recommend a room during the upgrade process or to remove the flag once a room hits max level would be awesome
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