Ceti Alpha V Khan
Sulu's Husband
in The Bridge
Is he valuable enough in the game to have two copies if you have the citations?
Stats for Dip/Cmd he is top when running shuttles. However he still loses head to head against 3 others for Dip only shuttles.(Tech Uhura, Professor Sato, Returning Saru(by 1 point)).
Plus CDS
I will dupe Chances Kirk once I get my two other copies of him but my duping has ended with Elder, Arex & Spock.
If your roster is young and lacks depth, then maybe.
If your roster is young, wouldn't it be better citing/immortalising other crew instead of duping?
It would depend on the alternatives on your roster, I suppose. I’m not sure that anyone truly benefits from immortalizing Shinzon. But cites are valuable and a mega is coming, so I see your point.