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Fix the horrible voyage reward drops



  • In the spirit of offering specific suggestions for replacing rations with something else in the loot table, aside from honor or chrons:

    Merits, currently available as one option in the new dilemmas, but not otherwise dropping from voyages ATM

    Ship Behold, like the ones currently offered on part 2 of some dilemmas

    Magnesite, or a behold with Magnesite, Bilitrium II, and Bilitrium III

    Dilithium (obviously not a lot, but even dropping a tiny amount of dilithium on a voyage would be a fun reward)

    Quantum (again, it doesn't have to be a large amount)
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thus was from the Q and A:

    Some voyage dilemmas have legendary replicator fuel as a possible reward. Would you consider removing replicator fuel as a reward option? We are not considering an additional change for removal at this time

    So I don't think anything will change. I was pleased when they at least asked us, and I hope they might change, but I lack confidence.

    I just got 2 sets of rations in one week. I also got one purple behold. That makes 15 or 16 rations to one behold. I am not doubting or questioning the odds. I'm sure they have it setup to be honest. But I have no confidence. I was really hoping that this thread would make a difference.

    When the game makers want my money, they know how to get it. Apparently they don't want my money. Sad for them. It is actually a bit liberating for me.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Must be the bad rng gods have hit me. 3 voyages in row now with the dreaded 5* rations. Still no Black or Chapel though... :|
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • it is not the voyage rewards, but gauntlet as well.
    I regularly hit top10/20 and mostly get 3* trainers.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    David's comment about making replicator rations a specific choice in certain dilemmas and then removing them from the reward table for the rest, makes sense.

    People that want them, could then select the proper choice when the dilemmas that have them come up.

    A real test would be to include them as one choice in a behold and let's see how many times people pick them.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have had the drops twice in two days. Three times in two weeks. This makes 18 or 19 times this year. (I lost exact count and don't feel like scroll through screenshots.) There is a listed 5% chance of rations. By contrast, I have had one single time of having a 4* behold. There is a losted 5% chance of this. (excluding the old voyage exclusive crew which are a guaranteed 4* behold).

    I understand how statistics work. I am not accusing the game of dishonesty.

    But can you see the perception of hopelessness in this? 18 times of one event and 1 time of another that are supposed to be the same odds. Again, it is perception and not necessarily true for everyone. But that is immaterial since I feel cheated. Not that I am cheated, but it feels that way when this constantly happens to me.

    Please once more let the game makers know that the choice to limit 4* crew rewards by adding in filler (which may have been generally good once and may be good even now for a very few) is a choice that has lost you hundreds of dollars from me in just purchases. It has lost untold amounts in far fewer advertisements watched and in less participation.

    I'm not even mad anymore. I just think you should be aware. After all the things you do and are trying to do to improve participation and encourage spending, it is the little things that cause issues.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I no longer post every time this happens. In fact, I am not mad. I just shake my head in annoyance and wonder why the game makers care more about adding filler than about my money. But it saves me money, I suppose. As of right now, I have received rations 5 times more often than getting a 4* behold which supposedly have the same odds. 20 to 4 could be bad luck for me. I know that nothing will change, though I appreciate that recently I see that dialog is at least open. Hopefully they fix this issue so I can spend money again.
  • Greetings Captain, We had many approaches with the devs regarding the replicator rations or voyages rewards. We will attempt another push since we see quite some of you eager and excited with the voyage feature. We will come back to you if we have more updates regarding this matter. Thank you, LLAP
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