Event Issues (Again)
*Nomad* {PoF}
Well this is certainly fun.....
Coupled with the lag time up to 10 seconds between actions, this has been great
Coupled with the lag time up to 10 seconds between actions, this has been great
Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
I'm jealous, I got the other two repeatedly but this one evaded me!
Yes, unpopular opinion, but maybe there should be a function that forces collection upon reaching 15. If you don't collect, your total does not advance. I have never saved; I collect as I go and my top finish in a galaxy event is 4th (had the chronos, didn't have the time). Don't get the sandbagging thing but I don't see it changing either, so tap on!
There shouldn't be that much to study - the structure of galaxy events combined with the "cleverness" of the user base has led to a model where the activity in the last hour or so of the event spikes to a point that users are using the game in a way that isn't supported, anticipated or (likely) intended.
You can enhance resources to support peak activity, or develop changes that discourage activity levels that probably rival a DDOS attack except it's valid users completing valid actions.
This is merely my opinion - but it seems ridiculous for final positioning in a 96 hour event to rely so heavily on the availability of a person for the last hour of it. Those of us that work or sleep during those crucial final hour(s) just have to post a number and pray.
I saw the "we're sorry" reward for the system issue. A bit weak. I was fortunate that I was able to get back in the game in time to convert the bonus to VP before the end of the event. However, others could not - these are the ones that got potentially hurt as they could have lost out on the Hoshi.....
Personally, I agree with @Schnetz and @*Nomad* that something should be changed in galaxy events so that the bonus conversion to VP is done immediately/automatically, like in skirmish or faction events.