Web Store
Sulu's Husband
@STT Community Why are there no offers in the store including the current campaign?
But they disappear as soon as I login with my DBID:
And I can say with complete certainty, I have not bought the campaign yet (but want to!).
Support told me after they had the same issue to contact Xsolla. Can’t reach a human via there. @STT Community You’re losing sales.
Ugh, great. Thanks for the info though.
EDIT: I will say @STT Community I'm trying to use the webstore as much as possible to better support the game. But I have limits and, here, I'm just going to buy this through Apple. Why go to all this effort to save a small amount of money? But WRG's cut is going to be much smaller.
@WRG Ben Ben, please help with this.
Same here. Only the LTOs are unavailable. Too bad it's not much of a priority even thought they are losing sales.
@WRG Ben It would be great to get this resolved, because I'm probably not the only one trying to spend $50 or more in the web store
I made some changes and am working with the team to get this resolved. Hoping to have an update by end of week. Will keep you posted and thank you for the support.
Thats not right. Were you already signed in to your dbid? did you receive the contents in game?
I received the contents but every prior purchase from the Web Store required me to enter the DBID each time.
@WRG Ben Back to normal now on my end, thank you so much!
@Sulu's Husband Sometimes my browsers keep me logged in. I rarely have to re-enter my ID if I'm in the store on my phone. Maybe that was it?
Most likely yes. With what we have implemented it is impossible to make a purchase without an authorized dbid.
Glad to hear this has been resolved. and again thank you all for letting me know and supporting our webshop. It makes a difference.