Home Starfleet Communications

Theme Pack bug fix

edited December 2023 in Starfleet Communications
After fixing the the theme pack bug on Tuesday, yesterday we ran a script to reward those Captains that spent some resources on them. We rewarded players with the new theme pack character and some dilithium depending on the amount of times the pack was pulled while the issue was occurring.

Players who pulled:
  • 1x - 72 dilithium was granted for each 1x purchased.
  • 10x - 1-3 pulls granted 1 Devor
  • 4-5 pulls granted 2 Devor
  • 6-7 pulls granted 3 Devor
  • 8-10 pulls granted 4 Devor
  • 11 pulls or more granted 4 Devor plus 650 dilithium for each 10x pull purchased over 10.

Premium 10x
  • 1 -3 pulls granted 2 Devor plus 6500 Dilithium for each purchase
  • 4+ pulls granted 4 Devor plus 6500 Dilithium for each purchase

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding. LLAP
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