T'Kuvma Not Getting Right Bonus
T'Kuvma should be getting 'event character level' bonus but he is definitely NOT. Please advise. Thanks.
503 cmd on Saru, gives 44% chance at rare reward.
No trait bonus on either of them, and both should be using command on a cmd or sec slot.
From my interest as an IT guy, I would be interested in knowing if the bonus crew settings are simple parameter changes or if they are hard-coded into the software for every event.
So I bought the 2nd star and FE'd him for nothing? Gee thanks. As recompense the very least you can do is tell us who WILL work for the remainder of the event(s) in good time. You won't, but you should.
Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals
All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
T'Kuvma will provide a higher bonus for the duration of the Mega-Event.
This was correct for the faction part of this event, but sadly not for the Galaxy part.
That is not what I said at all.
For this event, Streak of Stardust, in the Galaxy phase T'Kuvma is not providing the bigger bonus as he should. A hotfix is not possible for this particular event.
This does not mean it will affect the other 3 events.