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Skirmish Event Notes Common Ground - 2024-03-07


The constant arrival of infected Vidiians from other time periods has caused new outbreaks of the Phage, leading the Vidiians to create strict procedures for all Vidiians arriving from other time periods. However, some new arrivals are less than patient. When a warship being used to escort new arrivals goes missing, you are asked to track it down.

Event Name: Common Ground
Event Type: Skirmish
Event Start: Thursday, 03/07 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Phase 1 End Time: Saturday, 03/09 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, 03/11 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: N
Faction Winner Bonus: N

Event Crew: Motura (new) 5*, Dereth (existing) 5*, Acting Chief Engineer Joe Carey (new) 4*

Event Ship: USS Prometheus (existing) 5*, Vidiian Warship (new) 4*, and Val Jean (existing) 2*

Mega Crew Threshold: Concerning Flight Janeway (existing) 5*

Ranked reward 5* crew: Twin Mistresses of Evil (new) 5*. - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 03/14.

Bonus crew
- high bonus: event crew
- small bonus: variants of Motura, Dereth, Carey, and crew with the ‘VOY & Villain’ trait.

Live long and prosper,
The Star Trek Timelines Team

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