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The Vulcan Science Academy are looking for Academicians

The Vulcan Science Academy was founded January 29 2018 with the intent of having a “family friendly” fleet.
With success, we have maintained a casual drama free fleet and in fact several of the original Academicians are still we us.

We offer:

A 50/50 full fleet with low turn over
A low pressure mindful environment without drama.
No requirement to spend
A maxed Star-base with regular daily rewards
Daily Completion of Ultra Boss and the chance to farm Nightmare
A chance to take up to three days away from the game,longer if you let us know
Support with Continuum
An Active chat to suit most time zones (not compulsory)
Advice support and in game anytime
Regular updates on events and STT offers.

We in return ask you
1) Display our fleet tag
2) Be respectful
3) Work on daily task/events
4) Give Admiralty notice if leave of absence will exceed 1 week (just so we know you are still with us)


Please get in touch with me T’fil ideally through Discord or the Timelines forum if this fleet sounds like something you would be interested in becoming part of. I look forward to hearing from you.

Live Long and Prosper

T'fil Vice-Principal - Species Outreach and Xenoarchaeology Vulcan Science Academy

"There is nothing to gain from haste but error." Surak Second Analects
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