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OE & FBB Issues

Greetings Captains,

we are aware that some of you have been experiencing some problems with or latest OE & FBB features. While we believe the issue is almost 100% solved we're still working on some remaining problems. With that said, today we will send out compensation for the troubles /inconveniences of these events. Thank you for your support, feedback, and reporting.

LLAP, Team at Star Trek Timelines


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    Greetings Captains,
    We're aware that some of our players are experiencing some issues with Features such as Fleet Boss Battles and Objective Events. To solve this issue, the team is preparing a new Android client 10.1.1 .

    This client will also include more log tracking for objective events so we can detect similar issues like these. The current plan is to release 10.1.1 on Google Play Tomorrow Afternoon.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and Thank you Captains for your reports and Patience.

    Team at Star Trek Timelines
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