Extremely lucky Dabo pulls
in The Bridge
I had not had a top tier Dabo win in over 10 months. Yesterday I received a Rihanna Mayweather with my one credit pull. Today’s credit pull was Vic Fontaine put me to 3 stars on him and I might just use some Honor to get number four. I usually hold off for the 5 behold pull but with him being good for next event why not. Wish I was closer to Vegas as that’s the first time that has happened in a row. Still chasing the elusive jackpot but I’ll take those fours any day. Has anyone else noticed the loosening up of the wheel?
Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
I have pulled about 3 jackpot5*s and 4 or 5 of the 4* crew over the time I have played... nothing recently though...
Immortalized: 140 x 5*, 221 x 4*, 74 x 3*, 47 x 2*, 27 x 1*
Got this the other day, final Star....bit of a shock at the time.
But I have middle-row stuff come up every week or two, which is nice enough. Especially when it's a needed item that would have taken some annoying farms to build manually!
Edit: Wow, just checked the date on the image and it was April 16th. Dang, doesn't time just fly by?
I'm pretty much getting middle row stuff every other day and I only spin twice. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago. Still no top row on my main acct, but I've gotten the jackpot once on my alt account, ironically within a couple of weeks of starting it. I don't use the alt much though.
Join the eXo|plosion today!
Quit the game, you'll never get a higher achievement.
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
I always let it run
What do you mean stop the wheel?