Faction/Galaxy Event Notes Meant to be Broken - [2024 / 05 / 02]
STT Community
There are some who find the rules in organizations like Starfleet to be more guidelines than hardlines. But the consequences for crossing those lines can be dire.
Event Name: Meant to be Broken
Event Type: Faction/Galaxy
Event Start: Thursday, [05/02] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Phase 1 End Time: Saturday, [05/04] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, [05/06] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: Y
Faction Winner Bonus: N
Event Crew: Orion Hurricane Ortegas (new) 5*, Ensign Mesk (new) 4*, and Ron Docent (existing) 4*
Mega Crew Threshold: Projector Spock (existing) 5*
Ranked reward 5* crew: Vinyard Boimler (new) 5*. - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on [05/09].
Bonus crew
- high bonus: event crew
- small bonus: variants of Ortegas, Mesk, Docent, and crew with the ‘Animated’ trait.
Event Faction
Dominion, Klingon Empire, and Terran Empire
New crew: Orion Hurricane Ortegas 5*
FE 1/5, Level 100, DIP 1007 (207 - 400), SEC 627 (146 - 304), SCI 308 (73 - 176)
FE 5/5, Level 100, DIP 1397 (207 - 400), SEC 1075 (146 - 304), SCI 533 (73 - 176)
"Caras Gave Us a Bottle of Real Orion Delaq"
- Boosts Accuracy by 6
- Initialize: 6s, Cooldown: 10s, Duration: 6s
- Bonus Ability: Increases Accuracy boost to +5 | Trigger: Position
- Equipment Bonus: Accuracy +550, Crit Bonus +515, Crit Rating +132, Evasion +300
Traits: Human, Federation, Starfleet, Casual, Desperate, Communicator, Resourceful, Bartender
Live long and prosper,
The Star Trek Timelines Team