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Galaxy Event Notes Missing Pieces - [2024/06/06]

edited July 2024 in Starfleet Communications

Those of the present have had to deal with the implications of the “dead” coming back time and time again. But some of those long-lost friends want to catch up on the things they missed. But can we ever go back again?

Event Name: Missing Pieces
Event Type: Galaxy
Event Start: Thursday, [06/06] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)
Event Finish: Monday, [06/10] at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Squadrons: Y
Crew Sharing: N
Faction Winner Bonus: N

Event Crew: Niners Jadzia (STT Original) (New) 5* , Human Neelix (Existing) 4*, and LD Rom (New) 5*

Mega Crew Threshold: Displaced Boimler (New) 5*

Ranked reward 5* crew: Warship Torres (STT Original). - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on [06/13].

Bonus crew
- high bonus: event crew
- small bonus: variants of Boimler, Jadzia, Neelix, Rom, and crew with the ‘STT Original’ trait.

Event Faction
Dominion, Ferengi Traditionalists, and Romulan Star Empire

New crew: Displaced Boimler 5*

FE 1/5, Level 100, DIP 654 (154 - 307), ENG 328 (99 - 207), SCI 943 (222 - 420)
FE 5/5, Level 100, DIP 1102 (154 - 307), ENG 553 (99 - 207), SCI 1333 (222 - 420)

"You Guys Look... Very Realistic"
- Boosts Accuracy by 4
- Initialize: 6s, Cooldown: 10s, Duration: 8s
- Bonus Ability: Increases Accuracy boost to +6 | Trigger: Cloak
- Equipment Bonus: Accuracy +325, Crit Bonus +200, Crit Rating +70, Evasion +150

Traits: Human, Federation, Starfleet, Communicator, Explorer, Caregiver, Displaced, Desperate

Live long and prosper,
The Star Trek Timelines Team
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