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Ship schematics in the Honor Hall

Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
Would it be possible (not sure why it wouldn't) to add generic ship schematics into the Honor Hall, purchasable with honor? Patterned after the Citations offered there?

For example, something like 20,000 Honor for 1,000 Legendary Ship Schematics, 10,000 Honor for 500 Legendary Ship Schematics, etc, etc.

These paltry 150 ship schematics gifted on random ships that we get here and there don't really help much.

For example, I'd like to raise my Artifact ship to level 10 so I can be more competitive in the FBB, but it's been stuck at level 6 for years with no hope in sight (except getting a random lucky 150 once a year, maybe) of being able to reach that goal.

There's no real mechanism for us to voluntarily increase our ship levels. We can choose to level & equip our crew in multiple ways, but are limited to random special events (mainly) to have hope of sort-of leveling our ships. Why put the effort into making all these ships & giving us access to them, having events around them, but then making it next to impossible to level them on own efforts?
Hurry up before those things eat Guy!


  • {PTC} Kenny{PTC} Kenny ✭✭✭
    I like this idea
  • That sounds like a reasonable idea to implement! We will inform the team and let's see what they think! LLAP
  • SlickSlick ✭✭✭
    What really needs to change is the schematics on the dabo wheel. They should switch it up like all the other items. Its been the same few ships since the game started years ago.
    Fleet Admiral - Dazed & Confused 🤸🤸🙃 We are still waiting for Enterprise B, the Delta Flyer, and a Runabout! We should also have a TNG season 1 red shirt LT JG Worf, and a "Far Beyond The Stars" DS9 episode crew collection!
  • Slick wrote: »
    What really needs to change is the schematics on the dabo wheel. They should switch it up like all the other items. Its been the same few ships since the game started years ago.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Please change the ships in the dabo-game!!!
  • Sven LundgrenSven Lundgren ✭✭✭✭✭
    Make it a behold instead of specific ship schematics.
  • edited July 16
    Slick wrote: »
    What really needs to change is the schematics on the dabo wheel. They should switch it up like all the other items. Its been the same few ships since the game started years ago.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Please change the ships in the dabo-game!!!

    They did it. New ship's in the dabo-game :)

  • I would like to have the ability to obtain specific ships, crew, etc. The randomness element is too vague and discouraging?
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