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Could the Faction store icons just be moved onto the Shuttle cards?


I threw this together in MS Paint. It's less cluttered, the faction shuttle cards look much better with full color icons instead of those meh silhouettes, and it frees up a lot of space that can be used to make the faction shuttle cards taller, hold more info and just look better overall. The faction store bar is a UI relic from the early days of the game that's years past due to go away fora cleaner UI.

The only thing it accomplishes is putting all the icons in reach without swiping, but since its backwards from the cards for no reason (seriously, why is the Federation on the left in one area and the right on the other? What purpose does that serve?), even after all these years I find myself trying to find the correct faction icon each time I need access to one of their faction stores.


  • A great idea. I love it.

    And one request: Please always move the faction winners group to the very left. It's annoying to constantly scroll.
  • SlickSlick ✭✭✭
    My faction shuttles cards are in the correct order when I have zero transmissions. The order changes when you have transmissions available.
    Fleet Admiral - Dazed & Confused 🤸🤸🙃 We are still waiting for Enterprise B, the Delta Flyer, and a Runabout! We should also have a TNG season 1 red shirt LT JG Worf, and a "Far Beyond The Stars" DS9 episode crew collection!
  • Captain, just a thought, wouldn't that suggestion restrict the way you view ALL the factions? I see with your design is limited to watch only 4 instead of all of them. Let me know if I got the idea right. LLAP
  • DimeDrlDimeDrl ✭✭✭
    edited June 2024
    It doesn't restrict it, it just means we have to swipe to see them all. But we do that anyways to access shuttles, and even after eight years, I still click the wrong faction stores a lot.

    Plus, much of the time we use the faction stores, it's to buy transmissions, so seeing how many transmissions we have for each faction requires swiping as well.

    In my edited graphic, I didn't stretch the cards up to show how much extra verticle screen space is added. I just pulled the top bar down over the faction store bar to clear it from view. With that bar gone, those cards could become taller and if the UI designers wanted, they could make them a little skinner by moving some elements around. That might be enough to fit five cards on the screen at once.

    Or they could just add more info to each card. It might be a good idea to let the UI team play around with what they could do with the extra screen space they'd gain from moving the store icons onto the faction cards. They might come up with some good uses for the freed up space.

    Edit: The scroll bar at the bottom could also be made thicker so it's more obvious that the faction page is scrollable.
  • Captain, just a thought, wouldn't that suggestion restrict the way you view ALL the factions? I see with your design is limited to watch only 4 instead of all of them. Let me know if I got the idea right. LLAP

    I'm a smartphone user and I don't need see all faction symbols at the same time. I'm everytime searching which is the faction where I want go. It's uncomfortable. So I like this idea :smile:
  • DimeDrlDimeDrl ✭✭✭
    edited July 2024

    Here's a new MS Paint edit. I think it demonstrates the value of the change better by showing how much space is made available.

    It's enough room on each card to add faction notes, clearer rewards graphics, or even the option to move the "buy transmissions" option directly to the cards. If the transmission purchase were moved to that space, it would free up a spot in the faction store for something else to buy, like a second crew offering, another item or maybe even randomized daily, faction-appropriate, ship schematics.
  • Sven LundgrenSven Lundgren ✭✭✭✭✭
    DimeDrl wrote: »

    Here's a new MS Paint edit. I think it demonstrates the value of the change better by showing how much space is made available.

    It's enough room on each card to add faction notes, clearer rewards graphics, or even the option to move the "buy transmissions" option directly to the cards. If the transmission purchase were moved to that space, it would free up a spot in the faction store for something else to buy, like a second crew offering, another item or maybe even randomized daily, faction-appropriate, ship schematics.

    What about ships that don't belong to a faction or a faction that doesn't have any ships?
  • DimeDrlDimeDrl ✭✭✭
    edited July 2024
    DimeDrl wrote: »

    Here's a new MS Paint edit. I think it demonstrates the value of the change better by showing how much space is made available.

    It's enough room on each card to add faction notes, clearer rewards graphics, or even the option to move the "buy transmissions" option directly to the cards. If the transmission purchase were moved to that space, it would free up a spot in the faction store for something else to buy, like a second crew offering, another item or maybe even randomized daily, faction-appropriate, ship schematics.

    What about ships that don't belong to a faction or a faction that doesn't have any ships?

    The years-long problem of limited sources of ship schematics continues. But at least this is a possible way to open up access to more sources for schematics in the long term.
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