Voyage dilemma intermittent problem

Once in a while on long voyages, on multi-part dilemmas, I'll get a choice that is based on an option that I didn't choose in the previous dilemma part. I know, another hard-to-reproduce bug in voyages, but I'm logging this to see if anyone else has experienced this.
The most recent example for me: In "Blow by Blow" I selected "Protect the Andorian..." (the option I always select). However, when "Friends in Need" came up, I was offered "Ask the Gorn..." instead of "Ask the Andorian...". In this particular case it's an issue for me, because as I understand it, "Ask the Andorian..." results in a ship schematic behold, which is what I wanted. Instead I had to settle for a 3-star crew.
The most recent example for me: In "Blow by Blow" I selected "Protect the Andorian..." (the option I always select). However, when "Friends in Need" came up, I was offered "Ask the Gorn..." instead of "Ask the Andorian...". In this particular case it's an issue for me, because as I understand it, "Ask the Andorian..." results in a ship schematic behold, which is what I wanted. Instead I had to settle for a 3-star crew.
Off the books, i usually chose “refuse demands” but still get part 2.
Retrofit and The tools at hand, prt 2 seems to usually use the deflector when i chose to upgrade torpedoes.
I often get a prt 2 on a fresh voyage that is only 2-6 hours running and I had not gotten the prt 1. Most often it is the friends in need or tools at hand that pop up early.
Ive also noticed as a veteran or legacy player, I seem to have already used my maximum amount of behold and SR dilemma options prior to the upgraded voyages. I never get beholds on any of the original dilemmas. Most often i get 2* & 3* straight drops. Throughout the voyage I do sometimes rcv a 4* straight drop, not on dilemma, Not beholds.
Twice I have rcvd a new dilemma offering a legendary crew behold.
I run voyages 24/7. This has been an issue Since legendary options and beholds were added to voyages. Ive reported it but the nature of voyages makes it very hard to track, screenshot, and send a ticket every time. Playing mobile, it is excruciating to try to go back through a voyage to prove the chosen path vs the outcome.
If the Wiki is correct with paths, and max limits on reward options the voyages are definitely taking the wrong path, and players who had already reached the max amount on better reward options are at a huge disadvantage for upgraded rewards.
I'd wondered if this was a side effect of any tinkering for the new voyage event.
If memory serves: before you select the bad (& wrong) choice, reboot your device then see if the correct choice is there ... in the billions of posts on the forums I seem to remember this "fixing" it ... & I think I had to do at at least once. TrialNeverEnds [STARFLEET!]
“In the billions of posts” do you recall if those recommendations were on freshly booted or stale gameplay?
I recall that with any glitch the recommendation is always, billions upon trillions of times, to reboot. Usually that is bcuz players often leave the gam running in the background.
I do not. I log in to a waiting dilemma. In my case I'm wondering how rebooting helps if Ive just logged in?
A reasonable concern, but I've done it myself. Opened the app from closed, voyage is bugged, closed the app, reopened it, and it worked.
I think the mechanism involved is that the voyage isn't loaded as a state, it's loaded as a log (of everything, not just dilemmas), and some sort of error occurred while either loading or parsing the log.
I closed and opened the game and clicked in the voyage, and then I get the proper choice.
Just be warned recently, I had to do it a second time and then the correct choices came up.