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New Permanent Pack! - Legends Pack

edited October 2024 in Starfleet Communications
Greetings Captains! 🚀

Legends Pack is back for good! Legends is live and will be a permanent addition to the Time Portal! Purchasing a Legends pack will guarantee two 4* beholds and one 5* behold with a 10x pull!

Let us know what do you think, LLAP!🖖


  • Little Update STT Captain . The team is currently fixing the Schematics Multiplier + the freezing Screens In-Game.

    In order to Provide the optimal gaming experience, ASAP we're delaying the Legends Pack until tomorrow or we manage to get those issues fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience, we didn't mean to create any hype.

  • Greetings Captains!

    After some fixes here and there, today we're aiming to launch our permanent Legends Pack!

    Let us know what do you think, LLAP!🖖
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