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Boss Battles

Each level of the Boss battles should have it's own separate type of valor and unique rewards that way we can use all the different ship levels.

Or another option is make them all the same rewards but like the Cadet missions that you have to do a certain one each day of the week.


  • I'm not sure how that would work to players' advantage. We'd either be juggling a lot of currencies that would make the boss battles less of a team effort or severely hampered in our ability to clear high-magnesite/honor/bilitrium boss battles. Unlike the cadet challenges, boss battles' rewards simply scale up as a function of the boss's difficulty.

    The scarcity of the valor currency incentivizes good fleet play to clear Ultra-Nightmare bosses, which have the best rewards of any bosses by far. Barring that, fleets should clear the highest level bosses they can. I recommend calling out open nodes in your fleet chat, using datacore.app and your player data to highlight which trait combinations are plausible for each node.
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