Crew Slots
in The Bridge
Since we are currently in the midst of a Crew Slot sale, this seems like as a relevant a time as any to ask a question that has been on my mind for a while now.
Are free crew slots giveaways a thing of the past now? It used to be that we would get five free crew slots on occasion, often around a slot sale. Unless I am mistaken, this hasn't happened in a while.
Can we get confirmation if this will be happening again, and if not, why?
Five free slots may not seem like much, but in a game which we usually get at least 10 new crew a month, usually more, it does add up.
To be clear, I'm asking more for other players than myself. I wouldn't say no to free slots, but I have more than enough if I start freezing some of my Golds. Others may not have that luxury.
Are free crew slots giveaways a thing of the past now? It used to be that we would get five free crew slots on occasion, often around a slot sale. Unless I am mistaken, this hasn't happened in a while.
Can we get confirmation if this will be happening again, and if not, why?
Five free slots may not seem like much, but in a game which we usually get at least 10 new crew a month, usually more, it does add up.
To be clear, I'm asking more for other players than myself. I wouldn't say no to free slots, but I have more than enough if I start freezing some of my Golds. Others may not have that luxury.
They should make a special deal to buy them for merits or honor. That would be an interesting change.
I’m thinking that it could be along the lines of dropping 20-30 million credits, 10,000 dilithium, 40-50,000 chrons and maybe 200-300 3* shuttle boosts over the course of the month, and you get about 20 crew slots in addition to some other high value items like a premium portal pack, a voyage retrieval token, and maybe a few thousand honor.
This also might be a good opportunity to introduce a new currency type, the “exclusive objective event token” which is pay to play only, and grants exactly one admission to these types of events, which will henceforth require these tokens. Yours for $5.99 or you can buy the annual pass (one per month) for $49.99.
This would rejuvenate interest in the game by finding a new way to make us do the same things, while simultaneously making us pay more than we should for something that is already savagely overpriced and intentionally bottlenecked for exactly zero reasons.
What's? If your idea OE are coming, I don't play it. For 10k dill, I can buy 35 crew slot's. With the credits I get 6 legendary crewmen.
Why? They could still give 5 crew slots to those who haven't maxed out theirs yet.
When they give 5 free crew slots, they add it to the total tier list. Thus another 5 free slots would make it go up to 1205. Note: It's the only thing I can figure out why we didn't get more.
As I said, why does it have to remain that way? Giving out 5 crew slots for free would be easy, even at a 1200 cap, to all who haven't maxed theirs out.
Lots of speculation, not much concrete. And silence from the Devs.
Disappointing, yet honestly, not unexpected.
Ben literally announced on a live stream on Monday that there would be 5 free crew slots given out for convergence day. I don't know how much more concrete you can get.
It would be nice if they made some kind of announcement, for those of us who don't have the time to sit through Ben's rambling on a livestream.
I'm willing to wager that the amount of people who are watching those streams is even less than those who participate in the forums. Is it really that difficult for there to be communication in-game about things like this?
Theoretically, the Devs are monitoring this forum. So why can't they respond here even if they have said something on a stream? Isn't that why we have a community manager?
We are getting 5 free slots on Convergence Day — great. Will that be the only time all year that slots are given out? If so, why the sudden change from the semi-regular free ones we used to get? Especially since there are now even more new crew coming out than ever before.
I'm really not sure why these (and other questions and concerns that have been raised here) can't be asked and answered without an issue.