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Time Portal Scrolling Frustration in V11.0.1

edited August 2024 in Engineering Room
Since the update, I'm annoyed that every time I open the Time Portal that the window has rescrolled to the far left each time. Previous to the update, the Portal would remember your scroll position, such as when going to Dabo and back again, exiting the Portal and then going back in, etc. Now Scrolling to the right, entering Dabo and returning to the Portal, or exiting and reentering the Portal will put you are the far left again, so you have to scroll all the way to the right again, very annoying, please correct this!


  • annoying indeed, another example of proper "playtest"
  • Agreed, totally annoying
  • DAEDAE ✭✭✭✭
    Not just portal. Cadets as well. It seems most horizontal scrollable screens are auto entry at the far right, everything scrolled to left position now. In addition to the smaller boxes. Its very annoying
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