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Event points? What am I doing wrong?

WellMadWellMad ✭✭
edited September 14 in Ready Room
My bonus event ships are not the best and from what I have read it only adds 'HULL'. So, I using a 10/10 U.S.S ShenZhou, on Elite, with 4 crew with the bonus over them(I guessing that means I get bonus.)

I can easily clear it 99% of the time with zero hull damage, but no matter how much I try I only get about 4k-5k total event points per clear.

What is going wrong. I see people at the top of the ranks with 7 million(I understand they have full mega crew and usiong dilyium(bad spelling)spam) but still, my ship costs per try go from zero to 1200 then never any higher. I guessing thats the highest. If you could point out whats wrong I would be gretful.



  • ok thats about 5k a try not 2.5k but still.....
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 14
    The ship doesn't matter. You also only need one event crew at any level for maximum bonus.

    So choose your best ship and staff it with three good crew and then McCoy in Command (Even if it is 1/4 and level 1).

    A common strategy is to use a sledgehammer crew. Three crew who can instantly deal a mass of 400% damage in a short time.

    Another good beginning strategy is to use a crew like Locutus who initializes early and then a speed-up crew and then a hammer.

    I currently employ Locutus, Chances Kirk, and sometimes another hammer and sometimes a speed or crit crew. (Not in that order) I am using Torres for extra power this event. I always use the Ferengi ship.

    Good luck.
  • HighlyIllogicalHighlyIllogical ✭✭✭
    edited September 15
    I only play epic so I’m not sure if elite gives lower vp. The max per skirmish is 6k if you use an event crew (like McCoy in Command for this event).

    People score a lot of points by using chronitons to build up a lot of Intel through lots of regular ship battle missions and then playing LOTS of skirmishes. You can reduce the amount of chronitons used by using a Supply kit.

    Having stronger ships and crew makes the battles quicker but doesn’t affect the score per skirmish.

    Yes 1200 Intel is the highest cost per skirmish.
  • HighlyIllogicalHighlyIllogical ✭✭✭
    edited September 15
    So just to go back and do some maths.

    For simplicity I’ll ignore the bonus reward intel and vp and the early skirmishes that cost less than 1200 intel.

    For someone to get around 7 million points they would need to do around 1167 6k skirmishes at a cost of around 1.4 million intel.

    As someone already has over 7 million this is obviously doable. At my guesstimate of my skirmish speed (3 per 5 min) it would take about 27 hours out of the current 63 hours the event has been running.

    For the record I have about 700k so about 3 hours and 140k intel sounds about right.

    Oh and some time and chronitons for the ship battles to get the intel but I don’t really count the chronitons because you get some back plus honor.
  • Sorry to keep coming back to this but I just realised that it does depend on having the chronitons in the first place to get enough intel.

    I’ve built up a buffer of chronitons over the years so it’s hard for me to guess how much I’m using and getting back. Perhaps I’m spending 10k chronitons using the supply kit and getting 7k back. I did around 1600 ship battles (10 at a time) over two days for between 3 and 15 chronitons to build up supplies to build equipment as well as get intel.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    You are right that getting Intel from ship missions takes a bit if time, but not a bunch if you just warp 10x the most expensive missions. But the right ship and crew with a good internet connection and some quick tapping can make the missions faster. I just ran two sets while timing it. One was 56 seconds and the other 54 seconds. It will vary from person to person. 6K victory points per minute adds up. It is entirely possible to get millions of points by simply not having a life or sleep for a few days. We had a free to play player win a skirmish once.

    Granted that it is possible to cheat. This is why they have periodic checks to make sure no automated system is being used. Also some people just pass a phone to another person to sleep or eat which is also cheating. Frankly, I can't see how it is worth it. The amount of time abs resources needed it is just as worth it to buy the 5* crew. Just play enough to enjoy yourself. Top 750 is usually around 2 million. At least, that is how much I aim for if I try. Thus weekend I'm not trying for more than threshold rewards.
  • NoblemanDKNoblemanDK ✭✭✭✭
    The hardcore skirmish players can do up to 62 skirmishes an hour worth 6000 vps a piece.
    You do the math without reward VPs. Very doable
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